1500字范文 > Smoking in indoor public places including public working place public transportation vehi

Smoking in indoor public places including public working place public transportation vehi

时间:2019-03-01 17:14:40


Smoking in indoor public places including public working place  public transportation vehi


Smoking in indoor public places including public working place, public transportation vehicles and some other special outdoor working spaces has been banned in China since January . Should smoking be banned in public places? Of course, it should be. First, banning smoking in public places will not only help in saving smokers from various kinds of heath conditions and diseases, but will also be beneficial for passive smokers.

Second, banning smoking in public places will put pressure on smokers to quit. Since a smoker is forbidden from smoking in public places, he will learn how to live without smoking a cigarette for long hours. Moreover, when a smoker doesn’t see anybody around him smoking or smelling of cigarette, it might reduce his urge to smoke too. Thus, people have to quit smoking as a result of smoking ban.

Smoking in public places influences non­smokers to take up smoking, especially adolescents. Since teens are in an impressionable age, when they see people around them smoking, they get encouraged to try it and then it becomes a habit, increasing the incidence of teen smoking. Moreover, asthma(哮喘) and ear infections are commonly seen in children who live around smokers, so if it’s banned in public places, these places will become safe for children and teens, healthwise.

Looking from the economic point of view, since smoking is a major contributing factor to many diseases, it leads to absence from work. Moreover, employees who smoke tend to take breaks now and then to smoke, thus cutting back on their working hours. So, if employers want to increase work productivity and want to make sure that their employees remain healthy, they should ban and stop smoking in and around offices.

At last, smoking cigarettes adds to the pollution of the air, so if it is banned, it will help in saving the environment from further deterioration(恶化).

【小题1】According to the passage, in what situation do smokers reduce their urge to smoke? (No more than 11 words)

【小题2】Seen from the environmental point of view, why shouldn’t people smoke in public places? (No more than 7 words)

【小题3】How does smoking in and around offices affect work productivity? (No more than 13 words)

【小题4】What is the main idea of the passage?(No more than 8 words)

When seeing nobody around them smoking or smelling of cigarette.


(答案→)When seeing nobody around them smoking or smelling of cigarette.


【小题1】信息查找题。根据第二段第三句when a smoker doesn’t see anybody around him smoking or smelling of cigarette, it might reduce his urge to smoke too.可以判断作答。答案为When seeing nobody around them smoking or smelling of cigarette。

【小题2】信息查找题。根据文章最后一段smoking cigarettes adds to the pollution of the air, so if it is banned, it will help in saving the environment from further deterioration可以判断答案可填Because smoking adds to air pollution.

【小题3】信息转换题。根据倒数第二段中it leads to absence from work. Moreover, employees who smoke tend to take breaks now and then to smoke, thus cutting back on their working hours可以判断作答。答案为.Smoking can cause employees’s absence from work and reduce employees’ working hours.

【小题4】信息归纳题。文章开头提出政府发布的公共场所的禁烟令,然后提出问题Should smoking be banned in public places? Of course, it should be.,再围绕禁烟的好处展开叙述,由此判断文章中心是在公共场所禁烟的好处,所以答案为Advantages /Benefits of banning smoking in public places .
