1500字范文 > Who is setting your standards for you ?A true story has it that one elder man 36to jog aro

Who is setting your standards for you ?A true story has it that one elder man 36to jog aro

时间:2022-02-20 00:12:20


Who is setting your standards for you ?A true story has it that one elder man 36to jog aro


Who is setting your standards for you ?

A true story has it that one elder man 36to jog around the local high school football field. As he huffed and puffed(气喘吁吁) along, the team was 37. The players soon started running sprints (断距离疾跑)up and down the field. The man told himself “I will 38keep running until they quit.”

So he ran. And they ran. And he ran some more. And they kept running. And he kept running until he 39finally run no more. He stopped in 40. One of the players, equally out of breath, approached him and said in a crying voice, “Boy, I am so glad that you finally stopped. 41told us we had to keep running 42the old guy who was jogging !” He was watching them. They were watching him. He was letting them set his 43, on the contrary, they allow him to set 44.

My question is this: Are you keeping 45 with somebody else in your daily life? Are you 46people to set your standards for you? What about your standards, or 47, for moral behavior or even your way of building up your own characteristics ? Or guidelines for what kind of life 48you want? Negative or positive? Do you keep pace with those 49you, or do you decided yourself just 50you will live your life? The true is that only you are 51to determine what your standards will be.

Set your standards to low, and you will know only 52. But set high standards and you can live an immeasurably full and 53life. For only when you 54the best that is within yourself, will you experience great living. Just as an old saying goes: “Think big 55, and win big success.”

Who is setting your standards?

【小题1】A planned B. decided C. hoped D. begged

【小题2】A.in practiceB.in orderC.in placeD.in danger【小题3】A.justB.simpleC.hardlyD.nearly【小题4】A.wouldB.shouldC.couldD.must【小题5】A.delightB.despairC.astonishmentD.exhaustion【小题6】A.HeadmasterB.TeacherC.CoachD.Monitor【小题7】A.as long asB.as far asC.as soon asD.as good as【小题8】A.exampleB.timetableC.standardsD.tricks【小题9】A.hisB.himC.themD.theirs【小题10】A.touchB.paceC.contactD.promise【小题11】A.makingB.encouragingC.havingD.allowing【小题12】A.principalsB.theoriesC.principlesD.rules【小题13】A.wayB.methodC.techniqueD.attitude【小题14】A.aroundB.alongC.againstD.across【小题15】A why B. how C. where D. whether

【小题16】A.admittedB.educatedC.qualifiedD.demanded【小题17】A.dishonestB.discontentC.uncomfortableD.unforgettable【小题18】A selfless B. valueless C. worthwhile D. worthless

【小题19】A.work forB.long forC.reach forD.run for【小题20】A.targetB.scoreC.dealD.goalB





【小题1】考查动词及上下文的呼应。A planned计划;B. decided决定;C. hoped希望;D. begged乞求。由“As he huffed and puffed(气喘吁吁) along,”可知他是决定去慢跑。故选B。

【小题2】考查名词词组及上下文的呼应。由“The players soon started running sprints (断距离疾跑)up and down the field.”可知队员们正在训练。A. in practice在训练中;B. in order整齐,按顺序; C. in place适当;D. in danger在危险中。故选A。

【小题3】考查副词及上下文的呼应。A. just仅仅,刚刚,只;B. simple 简单的,单纯的; C. hardly 几乎不;D. nearly几乎,将近。通过下一段可知,此处年长者对自己说,“只有他们停了我才停”。故选A。

【小题4】考查情态动词及上下文的呼应。A.would将要;B.should应该;C. could能够; D. must必须。根据上下文,此处要表达的意思是“他一直到彻底跑不动了才停下来。”故选C。

【小题5】考查名词及上下文的呼应。A. delight高兴;B. despair绝望;C. astonishment惊讶; D. exhaustion精疲力竭。由上一句他跑不动了,可知他精疲力竭了。故选D。

【小题6】考查名词及上下文的呼应。A. Headmaster校长;B. Teacher 老师;C. Coach教练; D. Monitor班长,监控器。让队员跑步的应该是教练。故选C。

【小题7】考查动词及上下文的呼应。A. as long as只要;B. as far as 至于,远到;C. as soon as一... …就……;D. as good as和几乎一样。根据直到年长者停下来队员才停,可知教练说的是,只要那个老家伙还在慢跑,他们就得继续跑下去。故选A。

【小题8】考查名词及上下文的呼应。A. example例子,榜样;B. timetable时间表;C. standards标准;D. tricks技巧,诀窍。由“他看着他们”可知他是在让他们设定他的标准。故选C。

【小题9】考查名词性物主代词及上下文的呼应。A. his他的;B. him他(宾格);C. them他们(宾格);D. theirs他们的。“on the contrary”意为“正相反”。由前面“他任由他们设定了自己的标准,”可知“他们也让他设定他们的标准”。故选D。

【小题10】考查名词及上下文的呼应。 A. touch接触,触觉; B. pace步伐;C. contact接触,联系;D. promise承诺。由上文可知这里引出的问题是“你是在跟着别人的步伐吗?”故选B。

【小题11】考查动词及上下文的呼应。 A. making制造,使;B. encouraging鼓励;C. having有,让;D. allowing允许。由上文“He was letting them set his standards , on the contrary, they allow him to set 44 theirs.”可知此处选D。

【小题12】考查名词及上下文的呼应。A.principals校长,负责人;B.theories理论;C. principles原则,法则;D. rules规则,条例。此处与标准相并列的应该是法则,故选C。

【小题13】考查名词及上下文的呼应。A. way方法,方式;B. method办法;C. technique技术,手法;D. attitude态度。由“Negative or positive?”可知这里说的是生活态度。故选D。

【小题14】考查介词及上下文的呼应。 A. around四处,在周围;B. along沿着;C. against反对,靠;D. across穿过。由上面举年长者和队员对比跑步的例子,可知这里说的是“你是否跟着周围的人的节奏”故选A。

【小题15】考查疑问副词及上下文的呼应。 A why为什么;B. how 怎样;C. where哪儿; D. whether是否。由“or”可看出这里是两个对比,说你是跟着周围人的节奏,还是决定自己怎样生活。故选B。

【小题16】考查过去分词及上下文的呼应。 A. admitted 承认;B. educated教育;C. qualified有资格的;D. demanded要求,需要。事实上只有你自己才有资格决定你的标准是什么。故选C。

【小题17】考查形容词及上下文的呼应。A. dishonest不诚实的; B. discontent不满的; C. uncomfortable不舒服的D. unforgettable难忘的。通过常识我们知道,如果将你的标准定得太低,你只会感到不满。故选B。

【小题18】考查形容词及上下文的呼应。 A selfless无私的;B. valueless无价值的;C. worthwhile值得的;D. worthless无价值的。由“an immeasurably full”可知这里选C。

【小题19】考查动词词组及上下文的呼应。 A. work for效劳,为工作;B. long for渴望;C. reach for达到;D. run for 竞选,赶紧去清。由“will you experience great living.”可知只有当你达到自己内心的最高境界时,你才能过得很好。故选C。

【小题20】考查名词及上下文的呼应。 A. target目标;B. score 分数;C. deal交易,待遇;D. goal目标,球门。“Think big goal, and win big success.”表示“目标远大则成就伟大。”
