1500字范文 > Dear Dr Fang How are you? I am writing to ask for some 36about how to help my 15-year-old

Dear Dr Fang How are you? I am writing to ask for some 36about how to help my 15-year-old

时间:2023-08-08 14:44:19


Dear Dr Fang How are you? I am writing to ask for some 36about how to help my 15-year-old


Dear Dr Fang,

How are you? I am writing to ask for some 36about how to help my 15-year-old son. At the moment, he refuses to do almost anything his mother and I ask him to do. He is our only child and we treat him very 37. Though his grandparents buy him many things, yet he is still 38to them and often shouts at them. He also 39to spend time with us or do as we tell him.

Recently, he has been refusing to do his homework, and instead insists on 40his time listening to foreign music. I cannot understand that 41, and I don’t like it. Meanwhile, he spends too much time in Internet cafes, where he either plays games 42chats on the Internet. He is wasting valuable time during this 43period in his life!

What shall I do? I am worried about it. 44I keep allowing him to do what he wants, he may fail at school, or worse. How can I help my son 45hurting our feelings?

Best regards

Liu Zhen

【小题1】A questions B advice C problems D lessons

【小题2】A badlyB ill C well D coldly

【小题3】A kind B good C polite D rude

【小题4】A prefers B wants C likes D refuses

【小题5】A saving B missing C wasting D winning

【小题6】A music B filmC game D play

【小题7】A and B or C but D so

【小题8】A darkB oldC sad D important

【小题9】A If B Until C Though D Before

【小题10】A for B in C without D aboutB




【小题1】B 名词辨析。A问题B建议C问题D教训;我写信来询问关于任何帮助15岁的儿子的建议。

【小题2】.C 词义辨析。A糟糕B生病C好D寒冷地;他是我们唯一的孩子,我们对他非常好。

【小题3】D 形容词辨析。A善良的B好的C有礼貌的D粗鲁的;尽管爷爷奶奶给他买了很多大学,但是他对他们仍然很粗鲁。上下文之间是转折关系。

【小题4】D 动词辨析。A更喜欢B想要C喜欢D拒绝;他拒绝花时间和我们在一起,或者按照我们告诉他的做。

【小题5】C 固定搭配.spend some time in doing sth花费时间做某事。他坚持要花时间听音乐。

【小题6】A 上下文串联。根据前句中foreign music可知我无法理解他听的音乐。

【小题7】B 固定搭配。Either…or…要么…要么…;在那里要么玩游戏要么在网上聊天。

【小题8】D 形容词辨析。A黑色的B老的C悲哀的D重要的;在人生的重要阶段,他却在浪费如此重要的时间。

【小题9】A 连词辨析。如果我继续让他这样做,也许他在学校里的学习就可能会很糟糕,考不及格。

【小题10】C 句意发现。我怎么能再不伤害我们感情的情况下帮助我的儿子呢?
