1500字范文 > One day a mother rat and her babies were out in an open field. They were playing and havin

One day a mother rat and her babies were out in an open field. They were playing and havin

时间:2024-05-15 02:48:52


One day a mother rat and her babies were out in an open field. They were playing and havin


One day a mother rat and her babies were out in an open field. They were playing and having a good time when 26a hungry cat came on the scene! It hid 27a big tree and then 28forward through the tall grass 29it could almost hear them talk. 30 the mother rat and her babies knew 31had happened, the cat 32 from its hiding place and started to run 33them.

The mother rat and her babies all 34at once. They hurried towards 35home, which was under a pile of large stones. 36the baby rats were 37frightened that they could not run very 38. Closer and closer the cat came. In no time the cat would be upon 39 . What was to be done?

The mother rat stopped running, 40round and faced the cat, 41,Bow Wow! Bow Wow! just like 42 angry dog. The cat was so surprised and 43that it ran away.

The mother rat turned to the babies, Now you see 44 important it is to learn 45 second language!

【小题1】A.naturallyB.suddenlyC.nearlyD.certainly【小题2】A.onB.betweenC.byD.behind【小题3】A.crawled(爬)B.jumpedC.lookedD.put【小题4】A.beforeB.whenC.untilD.while【小题5】A.BeforeB.AfterC.UnlessD.Otherwise【小题6】A.whereB.whatC.whichD.when【小题7】A.jumpedB.startedC.jumpingD.starting【小题8】A.overB.throughC.afterD.against【小题9】A.runing awayB.ran awayC.run awayD.to run away【小题10】A.toB.forC.itsD.their【小题11】A.BecauseB.ButC.ThusD.Although【小题12】A.asB.veryC.soD.much【小题13】A.freelyB.hardlyC.soonD.quickly【小题14】A.aheadB.downC.thatD.them【小题15】A.turnedB.walkedC.jumpedD.ran【小题16】A.sayingB.saidC.shoutingD.shouted【小题17】A.aB.anC.theirD.that【小题18】A.pleasedB.excitedC.frightenedD.worried【小题19】A.soB.whyC.whatD.how【小题20】A.\B.theC.aD.anB




【小题1】考查副词:A. naturally 自然地B. suddenly突然地C. nearly 几乎D. certainly当然,它们正玩得很高兴,突然来了一只饥饿的猫。选B

【小题2】考查介词:A. on在…上面B. between在…之间C. by 在…旁边D. behind在…后面,猫躲在树后面,用D

【小题3】考查动词:A. crawled(爬) B. jumped跳C. looked 看D. put放置,然后在草丛里向前面爬行。选A

【小题4】考查连词:A. before在…前面B. when当…时候C. until直到D. while当…时候,猫在草丛里向前面爬行直到听见它们交谈。选C

【小题5考查连词:A. Before 在…前面,也可以翻译成:还没来得及…, B. After 在…后面C. Unless除非D. Otherwise否则,老鼠妈妈和孩子还不知道发生了什么,选A

【小题6】考查疑问词:A. where 哪里B. what什么C. which哪个D. when何时。解析同上题。选B

【小题7】考查动词:A. jump跳B. start开始,因为和started并列用过去时,选A

【小题8】考查介词:run after追赶,猫从躲避的地方起来,开始追赶它们。选 C


【小题10】 考查代词:指代they的形容词性物主代词用their,因为home是副词,所以不需要介词,选D

【小题11】考查连词: A. Because因为B. But但是C. Thus因此D. Although虽然,前面说小老鼠朝家里跑去,后面是它们太害怕的,用but表示转折,选B


【小题13】考查副词:A. freely 自由B. hardly 几乎不 C. soon(时间)很快D. quickly(速度)快,小老鼠太害怕了,以至于它们跑不快,选D

【小题14】考查代词:很快猫就超过它们了,用them指代the rats,选D

【小题15】考查动词:A. turned转B. walked走C. jumped 跳D. ran跑,老鼠妈妈不跑了,转过身,面对着猫。选A

【小题16】考查动词:A. say说话C. shout叫喊,这里需要伴随状语,用shouting,选C


【小题18】考查形容词:A. pleased高兴的B. excited兴奋的C. frightened害怕的D. worried担心的,猫很惊讶很害怕以至于跑掉了。选C

【小题19】考查A. so那么B. why为什么C. what什么D. how怎样,现在你看学习一门外语多么重要。选D

【小题20】考查冠词:泛指“一门外语”,用a ,选C
