1500字范文 > Two men both seriously ill were in the same hospital room. One man was allowed to 46 in

Two men both seriously ill were in the same hospital room. One man was allowed to 46 in

时间:2020-05-04 15:39:09


Two men  both seriously ill  were in the same hospital room. One man was allowed to 46 in


Two men, both seriously ill, were in the same hospital room. One man was allowed to 46 in his bed for an hour each afternoon for treatment. His 47 was next to the rooms only window. The other man 48 spend all his time flat on his back. Every 49 when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he 50 pass the time by describing(描述) to his 51 all the things he could see outside the window. The window overlooked(远眺) a 52 with a lovely lake. Ducks played on the water while children 53 their model boats. Young lovers walked 54 among flowers. As the man by the window described all this beautifully, the other man would close his eyes and 55 the scene.

One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the 56 body of the man by the window, who had died 57 in his sleep. She was sad and 58 the hospital attendants (服务员) to take the body away. 59 it seemed appropriate (合适的), the other man asked if he could 60 next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch(调换), and after 61 he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly and painfully, he sat up to take his 62 look at the world outside. Finally, he would have the 63 of seeing it for himself. He strained (紧张地) to slowly turn to 64 the window beside the bed. It faced a blank wall.

The man asked the nurse what could have forced his dead roommate to 65 those wonderful things outside this window. The nurse answered that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, “Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you.”

【小题1】A.stand upB.lie downC.sit upD.sit down【小题2】A.roomB.tableC.seatD.bed【小题3】A.had toB.would ratherC.prefer toD.rather than【小题4】A.morningB.eveningC.afternoonD.dawn【小题5】A.willB.wouldC.shouldD.might【小题6】A.nurseB.workmateC.roommateD.doctor【小题7】A.parkB.streetC.farmD.field【小题8】A.playedB.madeC.startedD.sailed【小题9】A.face to faceB.shoulder to shoulderC.arm in armD.back to back【小题10】A.describeB.tellC.hearD.imagine【小题11】A.strongB.warmC.sickD.lifeless【小题12】A.peacefullyB.sadlyC.secretlyD.completely【小题13】A.lookedB.foundC.calledD.saw【小题14】A.BeforeB.As soon asC.AlthoughD.As far as【小题15】A.changedB.sitC.be movedD.be taken【小题16】A.making sureB.depending onC.making upD.accounting for【小题17】A.nextB.firstC.lastD.another【小题18】A.surpriseB.feelingC.tryD.joy【小题19】A.look outB.look atC.glare atD.stare at【小题20】A.rememberB.describeC.writeD.talkC




【小题1】C 上下文串联。根据50空前面的could sit up可知他那个坐起来看到外面的风景。

【小题2】D 上下文串联。根据49空后的in the bed by the window可知他的床靠近窗户。

【小题3】A 短语辨析。A不得不B宁愿C更喜欢C而不是;另外一个人不得不整天都躺着床上一动不动。

【小题4】C 上下文串联。根据46空的for an hour each afternoon可知每天下午窗户旁边的人坐起来。

【小题5】B 情态动词用法。Would过去常常做某事;他常常向室友描述窗外的风景来消磨时间。

【小题6】C 上下文串联。根据上文描述可知这个房间里就他们两个人,他们是室友。

【小题7】A 名词辨析。A公园B街道C农场C田地;根据下文的描述可知他讲述的是公园里的风景。

【小题8】D 上下文串联。根据横线后面的boat可知是指划船。故使用sail。

【小题9】C 短语辨析。A面对面B肩并肩C手拉手D背靠背;谈恋爱的人应该是手拉手。

【小题10】D 动词辨析。A描述B告诉C听见D想象;另外一个人就在想象对方描述的场景。

【小题11】D 上下文串联。根据下文可知这个人已经死了,那么应该使用lifeless,表示没有生命。

【小题12】A 副词辨析。A宁静地B悲哀地C秘密地D完全;指那个人在睡梦中宁静地死去了。

【小题13】C 动词辨析。A看B发现C喊叫D看见;护士把别的服务人员叫了过来把尸体拉走。

【小题14】B 连词辨析。A在…前B一…就C尽管D就…;他看到一切都很合适了,就让护士吧他换到窗边。

【小题15】C 上下文串联。他询问护士他是否可以背移动到窗户边上的床上。

【小题16】A 短语辨析。A确认B依靠C化妆D解释;在确认他能够舒服地躺着以后,护士就离开了。

【小题17】B 上下文串联。之前一直是去世的那个人可以看到外面的世界,现在他可以第一次看到窗外的风景了。

【小题18】D 名词辨析。A惊讶B感觉C尝试D快乐;终于他有了自己亲眼看到美景的快乐。

【小题19】A 短语辨析。A朝外看B看C怒目而视D盯着看;这里是指他坐在床上朝外看。

【小题20】B 动词辨析。A记得B描述C写D谈论;这个人就问护士是什么让这个人描述外面的美景?
