1500字范文 > I thought my luck had run out at the end of the summer holiday. It was not the 31 of the n

I thought my luck had run out at the end of the summer holiday. It was not the 31 of the n

时间:2019-03-13 18:14:57


I thought my luck had run out at the end of the summer holiday. It was not the 31 of the n


I thought my luck had run out at the end of the summer holiday. It was not the 31 of the new term that did it, but the 32 military training. My 33nightmare(噩梦) had finally come true.

The weather was 34 hot when we were training. Sweat dropped from every part of my body. I 35 as if my mouth was going to catch fire. 36 was the only thing I could think about. It was the first time in my life that I have ever really felt 37.

However, we had to stand completely 38all day. The drill-master(教官) were very strict with us. They only 39us to sit directly on the ground for a few minutes. My heels ached and I had a blister(水泡) on my 40.

Believe me, this was not the most 41 part. What I couldn’t 42most of all was the smell of the toilets. It left such a deep impression on me that I can almost smell it right now.I guess most of the other students 43the same experience that I had. I often thought of giving up and going back home. 44 , I didn’t.

One day, our PE teacher came to watch our 45for a while. Then he 46 to join the national flag squad(队). “You movement is the best of all,” he praised me. It was so 47! I almost couldn’t believe my ears. It was a great honor to be chosen for the squad.

From that day on, I worked much harder than before because I knew I was going to 48 the national flag. Every Monday, thousands of eyes would be 49on me. Now military training has finished and I have become a flag protector in my school. Every time I raise the flag, I know all my hard work has 50 .

【小题1】A.imagination B.course C.start D.end【小题2】A.wonderful B.simple C.important D.tough【小题3】A.most B.worst C.best D.least【小题4】A.unbearably B.necessarilyC.completely D.regularly【小题5】A.believedB.supposedC.felt D.considered【小题6】A.RestB.WaterC.Music D.Fruit【小题7】A.sleepy B.helpless C.thirsty D.useless【小题8】A.quietB.silent C.calm D.still【小题9】A.allowedB.ordered C.kept D.made【小题10】A.legs B.hands C.feet D.arms【小题11】A.wonderfulB.exciting C.popular D.painful【小题12】A.prevent B.need C.handle D.stand【小题13】A.behaved B.shared C.belongedD.presented【小题14】A.NaturallyB.GenerallyC.Fortunately D.Especially【小题15】A.performanceB.practiceC.studentsD.exercise【小题16】A.took me outB.picked me outC.gave me outD.let me out【小题17】A.awfulB.rareC.amazingD.interesting【小题18】A.liftB.protectC.catch D.hold【小题19】A.focusingB.turning C.changingD.moving【小题20】A.turned offB.got offC.taken offD.paid offC




【小题1】C 名词辨析。A想象B课程C开始D结束;我认为我的好运结束了,这不是因为新的学期开始。

【小题2】D 形容词辨析,A很棒B简单C重要D困难;我认为我的好运结束了,是因为艰难的军训开始。

【小题3】B 词义辨析。Worst最糟糕;我最糟糕的恶梦终于成真了。根据句意说明worst正确。

【小题4】A 副词辨析。A难以忍受B必要C完全D经常;当军训开始的时候,天气热得让人难以忍受。

【小题5】C 动词辨析。A认为B猜想C感觉D考虑;我感觉到我的嘴唇好像要着火一样。

【小题6】B 上下文串联。前一句说我的嘴唇像着火一样,说明我很渴,那么水是用来解渴的。

【小题7】C 上下文串联。根据前两句说明我的嘴唇像是着火,说明我很渴,故thirsty正确。

【小题8】D 考查常识。根据常识可知军训的时候,队员们被要求站着不要动,still一动不动;

【小题9】A 动词辨析。A允许B命令C保持D生产;他们只允许我们笔直地坐在地上。

【小题10】C 上下文串联。根据水泡,军训的时候,水泡通常是出现在脚上,故C正确。

【小题11】D 形容词辨析。A很棒B兴奋C流行D痛苦;这不是军训中最痛苦部分。

【小题12】D 动词辨析。A预防B需要C处理D忍受;stand通常与否定词连用,表示不能忍受;

【小题13】B 动词辨析。A行为B分享,共同拥有C属于D呈现;很多其它的学生和我有一样的看法。

【小题14】C 副词辨析。A自然B一般说来C幸运地D尤其;我经常想放弃,但幸运地是,我没有放弃。

【小题15】A 名词辨析。A表现B实践C学生D练习;我们的体育老师来观看我们的军训表现。

【小题16】B 短语辨析。Pick out挑选出;指体育老师把我从同学中挑选了出来做国旗班的护旗手。

【小题17】C 形容词辨析。A可怕B罕见C惊讶的D有趣;我被选为护旗手真是太令人惊讶了。

【小题18】B 动词辨析。A举起B保护C抓住D坚持;根据倒数第二行protector说明B正确。

【小题19】A 固定短语。Focus on聚焦于…;很多双眼睛都聚焦于在我的身上。

【小题20】D 短语辨析。Pay off指努力得到回报;这里是指我在军训中的努力得到了回报。
