1500字范文 > 完型填空(共20小题;每小题15分 满分30分)Sports and 1do a lot of good to

完型填空(共20小题;每小题15分 满分30分)Sports and 1do a lot of good to

时间:2019-02-11 16:49:41


完型填空(共20小题;每小题15分 满分30分)Sports and 1do a lot of good to



Sports and 1do a lot of good to our health. They can make us strong, 2us from getting too fat, and keep 3and fit. 4they can be of great value to people 5work with their brains most of the day, for sports and games give people 6 practice in exercising the body. 7, they make our life richer and 8colorful. If we 9have a strong body, we will find it hard to do 10we want. 11persons of all ages enjoy watching and 12various kinds of sports——track and fields, swimming, skating, 13 , volleyball and basketball, etc. Sports and games are also very useful in 14training. They demand not only 15skills and strength but also courage, endurance (忍耐力), discipline (纪律性) and usually teamwork. For boys and girls, what is learned in the playground often has a deep 16on their character. 17each of them learns to work for his team and not for himself on the football field, he will later find 18natural to work for the good of his country 19only for his own benefit. A healthy 20 makes a strong country. Let’s all take part in sports and games.

【小题1】A.musicB.art C.gamesD.entertainment【小题2】A.prevent B.protectC.admitD.contain【小题3】A.upset B.healthyC.foolishD.calm【小题4】A.FirstlyB.Personally C.SpeciallyD.Especially【小题5】A.whereB.which C.that D.who【小题6】A.valueB.valuableC.worthD.valueless【小题7】A.What’s moreB.In generalC.After allD.In time【小题8】A.lessB.moreC.mostD.least【小题9】A.didn’t B.doC.don’tD.did【小题10】A.whoB.whateverC.whichD.whichever【小题11】A.AndB.ButC.OrD.So【小题12】A.carrying onB.taking part in C.joiningD.adding up【小题13】A.footballB.playC.videoD.film【小题14】A.lookB.characterC.appearanceD.expression【小题15】A.spiritualB.materialC.mentalD.physical【小题16】A.affectB.effectC.troubleD.doubt【小题17】A.whenB.as ifC.becauseD.if【小题18】A.themB.thisC.itD.that【小题19】A.Apart fromB.InsteadC.Because ofD.Instead of【小题20】A.studentB.doctorC.citizenD.teacherC




【小题1】A. music音乐 B.art艺术 C.games游戏 D.entertainment娱乐根据后文可知,运动和比赛对我们的健康有很多好处。故选C

【小题2】A. prevent预防 B.protect保护 C.admit承认 D.contain包含根据句意:能预防我们变的太胖。prevent sb from doingf防止某人做某事故选A

【小题3】A.upset心烦的 B.healthy健康的 C.foolish愚蠢的 D.calm平静根据句意:使我们保持健康。keep health保持健康 故选B

【小题4】A.Firstly首先 B.Personally 亲自的 C.Specially 专门地 D.Especially特别,尤其根据句意:尤其是对人们有着很大的好处。故选D


【小题6】A.value名词,价值 B.valuable形容词,用价值的 C.worth值…的D.valueless无价值的根据句意:运动和比赛通过运用人们的身体给大脑提供了有价值的锻炼。

【小题7】A.What’s more 此外 B.In general总之 C.After all 毕竟 D.In time及时 根据句意:另外,它们使我们的生活更丰富。故选A



【小题10】A.who谁 B.whatever 无论什么 C.which哪一个 D.whichever无论哪个根据句意:我们就会发现无论做任何我们想做的事情都很难。故选B

【小题11】A.And和 B.But但是 C.Or否则 D.So因此根据句意:所以任何年龄段的人们都喜欢观看运动会。故选C

【小题12】A.carrying on承接 B.taking part in参与 C.joining 连接 D.adding up合计根据句意:参与各种运动。故选B

【小题13】A.football足球 B.play玩 C.video录像机 D.film电影本文主要讲的书体育运动,故选A

【小题14】A.look外表 B.character 性格 C.appearance 外貌 D.expression表达根据后文可知,运动和比赛对我们的性格培养也很有帮助。故选B

【小题15】A.spiritual精神的 B.material 物质的 C.mental精神的 D.physical身体的根据句意:它们不仅对身体技能和力量有要求。故选D

【小题16】A.affect 情感 B.effect 影响 C.trouble问题 D.doubt怀疑根据句意:对男孩和女孩来说,在运动场上学到的东西对他们的性格有着很深的影响。故选B


【小题18】根据句意:他们后来就会发现为国家的利益工作是很自然的事。find it natural to do发现做某事是很自然的事情故选C

【小题19】A.Apart from 远离 B.Instead 代替 C.Because of 由于 D.Instead of代替根据句意:而不是仅仅只为自己的利益 故选D

【小题20】A.student学生 B.doctor医生 C.citizen 公民 D.teacher老师 根据句意:一个健康的公民产生出强壮的国家。故选C

完型填空(共20小题;每小题15分 满分30分)Sports and 1do a lot of good to our health. They can make us stro
