1500字范文 > In the past when people had problems they went to their families or friends to get advice.

In the past when people had problems they went to their families or friends to get advice.

时间:2022-03-09 20:51:34


In the past when people had problems they went to their families or friends to get advice.


In the past,when people had problems,they went to their families or friends to get advice.Today it is possible to get advice from radio shows.TV programs or telephone hot lines,too.A hot line is a telephone line that offers a direct way of getting in touch with advicers.Most hot lines are completely anonymous(匿名的)—callers do not have to say their names or telephone numbers.Most hot lines are usually free,too.Callers do not have to pay for their advice or the phone calls—even if the calls are long distance.At some hot lines,the advicers are volunteers.Other hot lines pay their advicers for their work.Usually the advicers are full-job people with years of education and experience,but sometimes the advicers have only taken a short class before starting to work on the hot line.All the advicers listen to the people and help them solve their problems.

【小题1】A hot line is a telephone line .A.that is hotB.through which people get adviceC.whose number no one knowsD.through which callers take a short class【小题2】When people call the hot line advicers,they.A.often give their names and telephone numbersB.generally have to pay for the long distance callsC.usually pay nothing for most of the calls and adviceD.always try to get in touch with the volunteer advicers【小题3】The advicers working at hot lines.A.are not all paidB.have all been trained for a short timeC.are all volunteersD.all have years of education and experience【小题4】The writer of the article seems to think that.A.with hot lines people won’t get advice from their families and friendsB.hot lines help the callers a lotC.people had better pay for the advice and phone callsD.the hot line advicers will solve all of the callers’ problemsB




【小题1】B 细节题。根据第一段前4行In the past,when people had problems,they went to their families or friends to get advice.Today it is possible to get advice from radio shows.TV programs or telephone hot lines,too.A hot line is a telephone line that offers a direct way of getting in touch with advicers.说明现在的人们可以从热线电话中得到建议,故B正确。

【小题2】C 细节题。根据6,7行Callers do not have to pay for their advice or the phone calls—even if the calls are long distance.说明打电话的人是不需要付钱的,故C正确。

【小题3】A 推理题。根据Usually the advicers are full-job people with years of education and experience,but sometimes the advicers have only taken a short class before starting to work on the hot line.说明并不是所有的热线电话中提建议的人都是有工资的,故A正确。

【小题4】B 细节题。根据文章最后一句All the advicers listen to the people and help them solve their problems.说明热线电话给人们带来了很多的好处,帮助人们解决了很多的问题。故B正确。
