1500字范文 > 短文填词(每小题1分共10分)Every morning Steve goes to work by train. As he hasa long way to he alwa

短文填词(每小题1分共10分)Every morning Steve goes to work by train. As he hasa long way to he alwa

时间:2021-03-02 14:42:45


短文填词(每小题1分共10分)Every morning  Steve goes to work by train. As he hasa long way to  he alwa



Every morning, Steve goes to work by train. As he has

a long way to, he always buys a newspaper which helps 1.

make the time p more quickly. One Thursday morning he2.

turned to the sports game. He wanted to read the (报道)on 3.

an important football _. The report was so interesting that he 4.

forgot to get off. He realised this when he l out of the 5.

window and saw the sea. He got off at the next (站)and 6.

had to wait a long for a train to go back. Of course, he 7.

arrived very at the office. 8.

His boss was very angry when he t him why he was late. 9.

(工作) is more important than football ! he shouted. 10. go





【小题2】根据句意:由于路途遥远,他总是买一份新闻报纸来看,让时间过得快一些。故填pass。pass the time打发时间,消磨时光


【小题4】前文提到the sports game,这里应该是足球比赛,故填match\ game。

【小题5】根据句意:报道太有趣了,以至于他忘记了下车,当他向窗外望去看见了大海,才意识到。故填looked。用过去时态。look out of 从…朝外看


【小题7】根据句意:不得不花很长的一段时间等待返程的火车。故填time. wait a long time等待很长时间。


【小题9】根据句意:当他告诉老板迟到的原因,老板非常的生气。故填told .用过去时。tell sb. Sth告诉某人某事。

