1500字范文 > Once upon a time there lived many doves (鸽子) in the jungle. One day they went out in sear

Once upon a time there lived many doves (鸽子) in the jungle. One day they went out in sear

时间:2024-03-07 03:00:46


Once upon a time  there lived many doves (鸽子) in the jungle. One day they went out in sear


Once upon a time, there lived many doves (鸽子) in the jungle. One day they went out in search of food. They flew long distances 1did not get anything to eat. All of them were now completely 2.

A young dove asked the King Dove, “Your Majesty(陛下), please 3us to take some rest.” The king replied, “Have 4, my dear young fellow. We shall 5get something to eat very soon.”

The young dove started flapping(拍打) his wings with 6and soon left everyone else behind. After some time, he 7and spoke to others, “Hey, I see lots of 8 down there.”

Hearing this, all the doves started 9the scattered (散落的) grains under a banyan tree. 10the King Dove said, “It is too good to be true. There is something wrong. Don’t rush towards the grains. It may be a 11. Some hunter must have laid a trap(陷阱).”

But the doves were extremely hungry. The 12of the grains was too tempting (诱惑人的). Without giving a(n) 13to the king’s advice, they swooped (突然下降) down and started eating the grains. After having a big 14, they tried to fly away only to 15that they were caught in a net.

The King Dove said, “I told you before that it is a trick of some hunter.”

All of them felt ashamed and 16. One of them said to the King Dove, “Oh, Your Majesty, please save us.”

So the King Dove said, “All of you must try to fly with the 17at the same time and in the same 18, all of you.”

Just then they saw a(n) 19show up. The King Dove said, “Now all of you, fly together.”

So all the doves flapped their wings together and flew with the net. The hunter stood shocked. He couldn’t 20what he had just seen.

【小题1】A.butB.andC.soD.however【小题2】A.excitedB.surprisedC.tiredD.embarrassed【小题3】A.letB.leave C.permitD.accept【小题4】A.restB.courageC.luck D.belief【小题5】A.slowly B.perhapsC.possiblyD.surely【小题6】A.surpriseB.pleasureC.forceD.anger【小题7】A.turned downB.turned backC.held backD.held down【小题8】A.personsB.huntersC.plantsD.grains【小题9】A.rushing towardsB.looking forC.picking upD.dropping down【小题10】A.GladlyB.AmazedlyC.HardlyD.Suddenly【小题11】A.magicB.trickC.dreamD.mistake【小题12】A.colorB.smell C.viewD.sight【小题13】A.soundB.thoughtC.ideaD.care【小题14】A.meeting B.discussionC.mealD.break【小题15】A.appreciateB.understandC.realizeD.concern【小题16】A.pleasedB.scaredC.fullD.sick【小题17】A.foodB.kingC.netD.wing【小题18】A.way B.place C.circleD.direction【小题19】A.hunterB.guideC.adultD.child【小题20】A.believeB.remember C.tellD.catchA





【小题2】根据They flew long distances可知它们现在都很累了,故选C。


【小题4】根据The young dove started flapping(拍打) his wings with force and soon left everyone else behind.可知这里想说有胆量,我亲爱的年轻的同伴,rest休息 courage勇气 luck运气belief信念,故选B。


【小题6】根据and soon left everyone else behind.可知这只鸽子开始充满力量的拍打翅膀,故选C。

【小题7】根据and soon left everyone else behind.以及and spoke to others, “Hey, I see lots of grains down there.”可知这只鸽子飞回来,turned back往回飞,故选B。

【小题8】根据Hearing this, all the doves started rushing towards the scattered (散落的) grains under a banyan tree,故选D。

【小题9】根据Don’t rush towards the grains.可知这里想表达听到这些话,所有的鸽子都开始急速的朝那些散落的谷子飞,rushing towards急速行进,故选A。

【小题10】根据“It is too good to be true. There is something wrong. Don’t rush towards the grains. It may be a trick. Some hunter must have laid a trap(陷阱).”可知鸽子王突然说,故选D。

【小题11】根据Some hunter must have laid a trap(陷阱).”可知这里想说它可能是个骗局,trick骗局,故选B。


【小题13】根据they swooped (突然下降) down and started eating the grains.可知它们没有思考国王的建议,thought思考,故选B。


【小题15】根据that they were caught in a net可知它们意识到它们被困在网中,appreciate欣赏 understand理解 realize意识到 concern关心,故选C。


【小题17】根据So all the doves flapped their wings together and flew with the net.故选C。

【小题18】这里想表达朝同一个方向飞,故选D,direction 方向。

【小题19】根据The hunter stood shocked,故选A。

【小题20】根据what he had just seen.可知这里想说猎人不相信他刚才看到的一切,故选A。
