1500字范文 > 最近你班同学就许多家长在学校附近租(rent)房陪读的现象进行了讨论 请根据讨论结果

最近你班同学就许多家长在学校附近租(rent)房陪读的现象进行了讨论 请根据讨论结果

时间:2019-10-31 14:50:08


最近你班同学就许多家长在学校附近租(rent)房陪读的现象进行了讨论 请根据讨论结果











参考词汇:陪伴 company租 rent

Recently, our class have had a discussion about whether it is necessary for parents to rent a house to company their children near the school.

——————————————————————————————————Recently, our class have had a discussion about whether it is necessary for parents to rent a house to company their children near the school.

35% of my classmates support the idea. They say they’d rather live in such a house because the conditions and the environment there are much better, which they think is very necessary for their studies. However, 65% of the students don’t think it a good idea. In their opinion, it is a waste of money and parents’ energy. Besides, the parents’ company may make the children feel more nervous.

Since every coin has its two sides, I think everyone should consider their own personal situation before they decide whether they need to rent a house and their parents’ company.


(答案→)Recently, our class have had a discussion about whether it is necessary for parents to rent a house to company their children near the school.

35% of my classmates support the idea. They say they’d rather live in such a house because the conditions and the environment there are much better, which they think is very necessary for their studies. However, 65% of the students don’t think it a good idea. In their opinion, it is a waste of money and parents’ energy. Besides, the parents’ company may make the children feel more nervous.

Since every coin has its two sides, I think everyone should consider their own personal situation before they decide whether they need to rent a house and their parents’ company.

解析:本文属于正反观点类的议论文,高三的考生对于此类题目是非常熟悉的。话题是陪读的优点和缺点,本文要点都已经给了出来,考生只需要翻译成英语。在写作的过程中要添加合适的连接词,如for one thing, for another; As far as I am concerned等。让各要点组成一个有机联系的整体。同时也要使用高级的词汇和句型给文章增加文采。

最近你班同学就许多家长在学校附近租(rent)房陪读的现象进行了讨论 请根据讨论结果写一篇100词左右的短文 并谈谈你的看法。赞成(35%)反对(65%)你的观点环境好 条件好 利
