1500字范文 > A few days ago I was having a meeting in my company. After walking out I36 for my car ke

A few days ago I was having a meeting in my company. After walking out I36 for my car ke

时间:2020-05-20 06:51:47


A few days ago  I was having a meeting in my company. After walking out  I36 for my car ke


A few days ago, I was having a meeting in my company. After walking out, I36 for my car keys in my pocket, only to discover they were not there.37 , I gave myself a quick personal pat 38 my clothes, but they were not in39 of my pockets. So, I went back to the meeting room and looked for them in every place _ 40_I had been. Suddenly it occurred to me that I must have left them in the car. Worried and frightened, I quickly41 for the parking lot.(停车场)

My wife, Diane, has42 me many times for leaving the keys in the ignition(点火处). My theory is the ignition is the43 place so that I won’t lose them. Her theory is that the car will be 44 . As I rushed out of my company, I came to a terrifying45 . Her theory was right. The parking lot was46 .

Without hesitation, I called the47 . I gave them my location(位置)and 48 that I had left my keys in the car, and that it had been stolen. Then I made the most49 call of all.

“Honey,” I said in a low voice. I always call her “honey” in times like these. “I50 my keys in the car, and it has been stolen.”

There was a period of51 . I thought the call had been dropped, but then I heard Diane’s 52 .

“Ken,” she shouted, “I dropped you off!”

Now it was my time to be silent.53 , I said, “In that case, would you please come and 54

your dear husband?”

Diane answered, “I will... just as soon as I can have this policeman 55 I didn’t steal your car.”

【小题1】A.reachedB.ranC.searchedD.asked【小题2】A.HopefullyB.FortunatelyC.WorriedlyD.Suddenly【小题3】A.upB.down C.away D.off【小题4】A.noneB.eachC.eitherD.any【小题5】A.what B.whichC.whereD.why【小题6】A.passedB.headedC.shookD.waved【小题7】A.beatenB.fooledC.scoldedD.punished【小题8】A.properB.regularC.commonD.only【小题9】A.destroyedB.fined C.stoppedD.stolen【小题10】A.shockB.answerC.conclusionD.expression【小题11】A.availableB.emptyC.fullD.busy【小题12】A.policeB.gatekeeperC.driverD.guard【小题13】A.askedB.provedC.regrettedD.said【小题14】A.importantB.difficultC.wonderful D.different【小题15】A.threwB.lostC.forgotD.left【小题16】A.silence B.disappointment C.sleep D.breath【小题17】A.songB.soundC.voice D.noise【小题18】A.ExcitedB.EmbarrassedC.AngeredD.Interested【小题19】A.get backB.take backC.give away D.pick up【小题20】A.teachB.persuadeC.believeD.proveA




【小题1】A 固定词组。Reach for伸手去拿。Search for寻找;ask for要求;我伸手去拿我的车钥匙。

【小题2】C 副词辨析。A有希望地;B幸运地;C担心;D突然地;找不到钥匙了,我很担心地。

【小题3】B 副词辨析。A向上;B向下;C离开;D远离;我拍衣服,希望钥匙能从口袋里掉下来。

【小题4】D 代词辨析。Any指三者或者三者以上的任何一个,not any=no。没有那个口袋里有钥匙。

【小题5】C 语法部分。定语从句where I had been修饰先行词every place。指我到过的任何地方。

【小题6】B 固定词组。head for朝…过去;我迅速朝停车场过去。

【小题7】C 动词辨析。A打败;B愚弄;C则骂;D惩罚。因为把钥匙留在点火处,我被妻子责备了很多次。

【小题8】A 形容词辨析。A恰当的;B有规律的;C普通的;D仅有的;我认为点火出是放钥匙适当的地方。

【小题9】D 动词辨析。A破坏;B罚款;C停止;D偷;妻子认为把钥匙放在点火的地方,车子会被偷掉。

【小题10】C 名词辨析。A震惊;B回答;C结论;D表情;车子不在停车场,我得出结论,车子被偷了。

【小题11】B 形容词辨析。A存在的;B空的;C充满的;D忙碌的;指停车场是空的,车站不在。

【小题12】A 上下文串联。车子没有了,正常的反应应该是报警。

【小题13】D 得出辨析。A问,请求;B证明;C后悔;D说;指我告诉警察说我把钥匙留在了点火处。

【小题14】B 形容词辨析。A重要的;B困难的;C很棒的;D不同的;这是我打的最困难的电话,指我把钥匙留在车里,现在车子被偷了,我很难表达自己的。因为我这样做本身就是很危险的。

【小题15】D 动词辨析。A扔;B失去;C忘记;D留下;指我把钥匙留在了车里。

【小题16】A 上下文串联。根据下文it was my time to be silent说明这次是妻子没有说话,我也没有说话。

【小题17】C 考查常识。根据下文妻子说话了,故我应该听见妻子说话的声音。

【小题18】B 形容词辨析。A兴奋的;B尴尬的;C生气的;D感兴趣的;是妻子送我上班,车子是妻子开走的,而我却报警了,所以我感到很尴尬。

【小题19】D 动词辨析。A回来;B收回,回忆;C赠送,泄漏,出卖;D用车接某人;我让妻子来接我。

【小题20】C 动词辨析。A教;B说服;C相信;D证明。句意:只要我让警察相信我不是小偷。
