1500字范文 > Once there was a very brilliant creative and learned man. He gained much 36while travelin

Once there was a very brilliant creative and learned man. He gained much 36while travelin

时间:2018-09-21 18:42:37


Once there was a very brilliant  creative and learned man. He gained much 36while travelin


Once there was a very brilliant, creative and learned man. He gained much 36while traveling throughout the world. Unfortunately he lost his legs and left arm in a traffic accident, leaving only a finger and thumb on his right hand. He became so 37 that he was afraid he would spend his life 38 and would no longer be able to use his life in a(n) 39way.

One day, he remembered how he had always loved getting 40. He realized that he still had partial 41 of his right hand and could write with 42. Then, he had an idea. “Why not write to other people who need encouragement?”

He 43 where he could find those who could be encouraged if they read his letters. He thought of people in 44. Many of them had hope of regaining their 45 . Others would keep feeling depressed and remain put away for the rest of their lives. He decided that he must try to 46 them. So he wrote to a prison ministry about sending letters to the prisoners. The prison minister replied that writing to the prisoners would be 47. However, it would be against prison rules for the prisoners to write back.

48with the intention, the man began sending 49 messages of God’s love, hope, strength, and encouragement. He wrote twice a week, testing his strength and ability to the 50. He poured his heart and soul into his words, 51 his experience, sense of humor, optimism, and faith.

It was difficult to write those letters, especially without hope of any 52. Frequently, he felt discouraged, wondering if anyone 53read his letters. However, this was his 54chance,so he determined to continue.

At last, he received a letter from the prison officer, which said, “Please write on the best paper you can afford. Your letters are passed from cell (牢房) to cell until they almost fall to 55!”

We all have unique experiences, abilities and talents. We can discover ways to reach others in need of encouragement and strength.

【小题1】A.wealthB.faith C.experience D.confidence【小题2】A.depressedB.embarrassed C.ashamed D.thrilled【小题3】A.writing B.suffering C.weeping D.wandering【小题4】A.abnormalB.regular C.comfortable D.meaningful【小题5】A.presentsB.e-mails C.letters D.prizes【小题6】A.sense B.strength C.shape D.function【小题7】A.affectionB.caution C.difficulty D.confidence【小题8】A.estimatedB.doubted C.assumed D.wondered【小题9】A.hospitalsB.churchesC.prisons D.charities【小题10】A.familiesB.letters C.freedom D.conscience【小题11】A.releaseB.reach C.defend D.know【小题12】A.acceptableB.reasonable C.forbidden D.considered【小题13】A.FacedB.FilledC.SatisfiedD.Impressed【小题14】A.holy B.daily C.one-way D.round-way【小题15】A.point B.worst C.degree D.limit【小题16】A.sharingB.learning C.gaining D.enriching【小题17】A.successB.reply C.help D.progress【小题18】A.curiouslyB.patiently C.carefully D.actually【小题19】A.only B.better C.extra D.lost【小题20】A.ruin B.pieces C.the ground D.the bottomC




【小题1】C 名词辨析。A财富;B信念;C经历;D信息。他周游世界,经历丰富,故C正确。

【小题2】A 形容词辨析。他残疾了,自然应该是很压抑,故A正确。

【小题3】B 词义辨析。他担心自己一生都遭受痛苦,不能过有意义的人生。故B正确。

【小题4】D 形容词辨析。解析同上。

【小题5】C 上下文串联。根据下文可知他是通过写信来鼓励别人。

【小题6】D 词义辨析。A感觉;B力气;C形状;D功能;这里是指自己的手还是有功能的。

【小题7】C 词义辨析。A感情,热爱;B谨慎;C困难;D信心。这里是指他残疾了后写信很困难。

【小题8】D 动词辨析。他在知道自己该怎样做才能帮助别人。

【小题9】C 上下文串联。感觉下文他给囚犯写信可知C正确。

【小题10】C 上下文串联。囚犯自然是希望得到自由的。

【小题11】B 动词辨析。A释放;B到达,联系到;C保卫,辩护;D知道。这里是指联系囚犯。

【小题12】A 形容词辨析。这里指写信给囚犯是可以收到的,但是囚犯无法回信。

【小题13】B 形容词辨析。Be filled with充满…

【小题14】C 上下文串联。根据上文可知囚犯无法回信,那么他只能是单方面的写信。

【小题15】D 词义辨析。A要点,意义;B最糟糕的事;C学位,度;D极限。他测试自己能力极限。

【小题16】A 动词辨析。A分享;B学会;C获得;D丰富。这里是指他与囚犯分享自己的知识经历。

【小题17】B 上下文串联。根据上文可知囚犯无法回信,那么他自然就收不到回信。

【小题18】D 副词辨析。他怀疑实际上囚犯能否收到自己的信件。

【小题19】A 形容词辨析。句意可知;这是他唯一的可以帮助别人的机会。

【小题20】B 固定词组。Fall to pieces变成碎片。故B正确。
