1500字范文 > Mr Brown lives in Sydney. His house is about five kilometers 41 his office and the bus can

Mr Brown lives in Sydney. His house is about five kilometers 41 his office and the bus can

时间:2019-10-27 13:24:43


Mr Brown lives in Sydney. His house is about five kilometers 41 his office and the bus can


Mr Brown lives in Sydney. His house is about five kilometers 41 his office and the bus can 42 him there. He likes football very much and wants to 43 the football matches. His wife likes to buy nice clothes and 44 her husband give all his wages to her and he has to do 45 she says. Then she always 46 some fares (车费) back to him. Of course Mr Brown doesn’t have any money to buy the 47. One evening he went to watch a football match. He bought a ticket 48 all his money and he 49to go home 50 foot. When he 51 home, he was tired, but felt 52. Since then he began to go to work on foot. But he is 53 to tell his wife about it.

This morning when he was having breakfast, he 54 a piece of news over the radio: the bus fares were going to 55 in price. He hurried to turn it 56, but it was too 57. His wife asked, “What did the radio say?”

He had to 58 her all he heard. Then he became sad and said, “ What a Pity!”

“You must be happy, I think,” said his wife. “You will save some 59.”

“Sorry, I can’t 60 with you.” said Mr Brown. “I won’t be able to watch two matches a month!”

【小题1】A.far B.awayC.far awayD.away from【小题2】A.sendB.bringC.takeD.put【小题3】A.seeB.lookC.look atD.watch【小题4】A.asksB.letC.makesD.wants【小题5】A.whatB.thatC.whichD.like【小题6】A.putsB.gives C.getsD.carries【小题7】A.ticketsB.busesC.footballD.clothes【小题8】A.withB.forC.to D.by【小题9】A.hadB.wantedC.likedD.enjoyed【小题10】A.byB.onC.withD.for【小题11】A.arrived atB.got toC.reached toD.got【小题12】A.worriedB.sadC.happyD.interesting【小题13】A.sorryB.afraidC.readyD.pleased【小题14】A.heardB.listened C.sawD.wrote【小题15】A.riseB.raiseC.dropD.low【小题16】A.overB.on C.upD.off【小题17】A.hardB.heavyC.fareD.late【小题18】A.sayB.tellC.speakD.talk【小题19】A.timeB.work C.ideaD.money【小题20】A.goB.comeC.agreeD.TalkD




【小题1】考查副词辨析。 five kilometers away 意为五公里以外。

【小题2】考查动词辨析。Send派遣,发送 bring 带来 take带某人去 put放


【小题3】考查动词辨析。 看比赛应该用watch

【小题4】考查动词用法。Ask sb to do, let sb do ,make sb do带有强制性的,want sb to do. 此处指的是他的妻子强制他把工资交给她

【小题5】考查从句。 此处为do后面的宾语从句,从句中缺少say的宾语,宾语从句中个缺少宾语用what

【小题6】考查动词辨析。句意为她总是给他一些车费。Give 给put放 get得到 carry扛 带


【小题8】考查介词用法。With money指的是用钱,此处指的是他用他所有的钱买了张足球比赛的票。

【小题9】上下文,因为他用了全部的钱买了足球比赛的票,所以他没有钱买回家的票,所以他不得不走回家。Have to do 不得不

【小题10】上下文,同上。On foot步行

【小题11】考查动词。因为home是副词,所以不能选用ABC,got home意为回家






Turn off 关掉 turn on 打开 turn up出现


【小题18】语境理解。他的妻子问她,所以他不得不告诉他。Tell sb 告诉某人。


【小题20】句意理解,此处指的是他说我不同意你的观点。Agree with sb 同意 go with和某人一起去 come with 跟某人一起来 talk with与某人谈话
