1500字范文 > It was an afternoon in the winter some friends and I were talking at a restaurant. We tal

It was an afternoon in the winter some friends and I were talking at a restaurant. We tal

时间:2024-01-27 14:34:39


It was an afternoon in the winter  some friends and I were talking at a restaurant. We tal


It was an afternoon in the winter, some friends and I were talking at a restaurant. We talked and soon swimming became the 36. Suddenly I hit upon an idea.“Wouldn’t it be _37_ if we went swimming? Others went swimming in winter, and _38_ couldn’t we? Besides, we could be _39_ if we did.” I told them about this and they all said it was a good idea indeed.

Early in the morning, three days _40_, we four were standing at the bus stop, with bags in our hands, _41_ for a bus to take us to the _42_. The sky was clear, the sun was shining, but all the same, it was very cold._43_ our heavy overcoats were not enough to keep us _44_. We all felt that we should go back, but no one wanted to _45_.

We soon reached the sands. There was nobody there, but we were not to be discouraged. _46_ we were proud that we were the _47_ ones that dared to challenge(向……挑战) the weather. Besides, the sun could keep us warm. So we _48_ ourselves quickly.

But things were not going to be so nice as we thought. The sea wind was blowing, we felt _49_ cold and we shook from head to feet. At last, we decided to _50_ the sea water. We put our feet in first, only to take them back _51_.The water was unbelievably cold.The I 52that we should all jump in at the same time. We all went back ten steps. I gave the order and we all rushed forward.We jumped.I shall never 53the feeling I had when I was in the water. I got up and rushed against to the seaside. So _54_ my friends.We put on our clothes as quickly as possible and went home.

We four did not go to school the next three days, for we all _55_ a bad cold. We missed the lessons, but we got this unforgettable experience.

【小题1】A.topicB.objectC.centerD.opinion【小题2】A.luckyB.interestingC.surprisingD.happy【小题3】A.howB.whatC.whyD.that【小题4】A.illB.worseC.betterD.stronger【小题5】A.pastB.laterC.beforeD.since【小题6】A.meetingB.askingC.lookingD.waiting【小题7】A.sandsB.poolC.riverD.lake【小题8】A.ThoughB.OnlyC.SinceD.Even【小题9】A.warmB.coldC.coolD.hot【小题10】A.talk aboutB.speak outC.think overD.shout at【小题11】A.InsteadB.ThereforeC.Particularly D.Lately【小题12】A.luckyB.onlyC.happyD.younger【小题13】A.enjoyedB.helpedC.changedD.dressed【小题14】A.a littleB.suchC.a fewD.very【小题15】A.dive intoB.put downC.take offD.walk into【小题16】A.quicklyB.carefullyC.finallyD.bravely【小题17】A.announcedB.promisedC.suggestedD.told【小题18】A.forgetB.rememberC.tellD.believe【小题19】A.doB.didC.hadD.was【小题20】A.feltB.becameC.caughtD.turnedA



