1500字范文 > The first ting we do is to put an APB and this goes to all the police stations in the coun

The first ting we do is to put an APB and this goes to all the police stations in the coun

时间:2020-06-04 18:34:45


The first ting we do is to put an APB and this goes to all the police stations in the coun


The first ting we do is to put an APB and this goes to all the police stations in the country.

Next we telephone the hospitals. Often the personwearelookingforhas been in an accident.

Thenwemighttryparents,friendsorrelativestheymightbewith.Wetrytofollowtheirmovementsandtofindthelastpersontheysawinlocalornationalpapers—especiallypaperstheymightread.Thereareotherthingswecando: put postersinplaces where they might be, go on television.

HereinAmericathereisamagazineinwhichtherearephotographsofmissingchildren.Thisisoftenthelasthope.Ofcourse,withnearlytwomillionmissingchildreneveryyear,wecan’tdoallthesethingsforeveryone.Wehaven’tgotthetime,orthemoney, or thepeople who work for it.

【小题1】 Who do they look for?A.Criminals.B.The drivers who have caused accidents.C.News reports.D.Missing children.【小题2】 How many ways to find the missing children are mentioned in the passage?A.Five.B.Six.C.Two.D.Seven.【小题3】When a person is reported to be missing, theyA.might not know the exact reasonB.might find out the reason firstC.set out to look for him at onceD.first turn to the police for help【小题4】They put photos in newspapers or put posters because they thinkA.people will tell them what will happen to the missing personsB.the missing persons might come back after reading themC.everyone will know the missing personsD.all the people will read them【小题5】 According to the passage, when they are looking for a missing child, theyA.can always find himB.couldn’t always try every way mentioned aboveC.just try one way or anotherD.won’t give up until they find himD



