1500字范文 > 第二节:完形填空(共20小题 每小题1.5分 满分30分。) The government wanted

第二节:完形填空(共20小题 每小题1.5分 满分30分。) The government wanted

时间:2024-08-02 13:40:26


第二节:完形填空(共20小题 每小题1.5分 满分30分。) The government wanted



The government wanted to put _ 36_ a big office building in the capital and had to choose an engineering company to do 37 work. Several big companies wanted the job , because it would bring _38 a lot of money 39 they could get it , but, of course, they could not all have it, so the government had to decide40_ of them should be the lucky 41 .So they appointed (任命,派) a government official to 42 the various companies’ offers , decide which was the most suitable , and then advise the Minister of Works which of them to choose.

After some months, the choice was _43_ and work was about to begin _44

one of the companies which had not been successful complained(抱怨) to the Minister . They said the official who had been responsible for 45 him on the choice of a company to do the work had accepted bribes (贿赂)。

The Minister at once ordered an inquiry (调查) into the whole matter, and after a month had 46 that the official had 47 taken birbes. He therefore sent for him and asked for 48_ .

The official admitted that he had taken big bribes . “But ,” he said , “I did not just take one from the _49 to which I recommended(推荐) that you 50 the work. I took a bribe from each company and promised to give them the work. ”

“Well, then,” said the Minister, “51 did you finally make your choice? Did you choose the one that gave you the biggest bribe?”

“Certainly 52 , sir.” answered the official, deeply 53 that the Minister should scold him 54 such dishonesty. “I was very careful to take 55 the same bribe from each of the companies that were trying to get the job, and then choose the one that I thought would do the work best and most cheaply, of course.”

36. A. down B. out C. upD.forward

37. A. a B. the C. any D. x

38. A. that B. it C. them D.what

39. A.because B. if C.as D.before

40. A.one B. some C. any D.which

41. A. job B. work C. one panies

42. A.see B. go over C. look D.examine

43. A. made B. done C. taken D. chosen

44. A.when B. whileC. as D. before

45. A.asking B. advising C.persuading D.suggesting

46. A. proof B. question C.result D. problem

47. A.probably B.indeed C.in fact D.possibly

48. A. a study B. a discussion C.an explanation D.an examination

49. A. company B.office C.official D.building

50. A. should give B.would give C.should have given D.gave

51. A. Why B.How C.What D.When

52. A. no B.so C.yes D.not

53. A. thought B.regarded C.noticed D.felt

54. A. for B.with C.at D.of

55. A. greatly B.exactly C.nearly D.not36—40 CBCBD 41—45 CDAAB 46—50 ABCAA


(答案→)36—40 CBCBD 41—45 CDAAB 46—50 ABCAA


第二节:完形填空(共20小题 每小题1.5分 满分30分。) The government wanted to put _ 36_ a big office building in
