1500字范文 > III.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分 满分20分)Learn to Express Thanks“Exposed

III.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分 满分20分)Learn to Express Thanks“Exposed

时间:2022-11-03 01:04:11


III.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分 满分20分)Learn to Express Thanks“Exposed



Learn to Express Thanks



ManyTeensreaderswriteletterswithsuchwordsontheenvelopes.Oncetheyare 36 ,editorsarealways 37bytheirsinceregratitude(感激的心情)toordinarypeople.

38gratitudeisanimportantformofgood 39.Inwesterncountries,peopleoftenwriteanotetothankthosewho 40them.NowadaysmoreandmorepeopleinChinahavefoundit’shightimetocultivate(培养)athankful 41 forthegoodothersdo.

Everyonelikestogetpraisedandappreciated.Gratitudeis 42ofvirtues,whichlets

otherssmileandmakesthe 43 morebeautiful.Youjustneedseveral 44towritedownathank-younote,butitcouldbringmuchjoytothe 45 .

Weliveinasociety 46weenjoythedifferentservicesofothers.Butnoneofthemshouldbetakenforgranted.Gratitudeisalsoakindofattitudeinlife.Indevelopinggratitudefor

every 47–forthe simple joys, and even for the 48 time—we come to 49enjoy and appreciate life. Then we are able to see the 50 around us.

Trytowriteathank-youlettertoyourparentsforworkinghardto 51 youahappylife. Begratefultoyour52 becauseoftheirhelpwithyourstudiesandcharacterbuilding.

Saythankstoyourfriendswho53bothyourhappinessandsorrow and spend a few minutes 54 you go to sleep giving thanks for all that you have.


36. A.said B.closed C.opened D.invited

37. A.surprised B.interested C.moved D.thanked

38. A. Having B. Expressing C. Taking D. Enjoying

39. A. manners B. uses C. ways D. things

40. A.helps B.haseverhelped C.ishelping D.haveeverhelped

41. A.feeling B.heart C.word D.mind

42. A.thegood B.thesmallest C.thegreatest D.goodone

43. A. world B. school C. community D. crowd

44. A.times B.words C.pieces D.minutes

45. A. performer B. receiver C. speaker D. doer

46. A. which B. when C. how D. where

47. A.time B.day C.moment D.form

48. A.managing B. challenging C. changing D. developing

49. A. simply B. truly C. hardly D. ably

50. A. truth B. reality C. experience D. magic

51. A.offer B.make C.feed D.put

52.A.classmates B.parents C.teachers D.friends

53.A.gave B.shared C.appreciated D.formed

54. A. after B. as C. before D. while

55.A.color B.taste C.means D.Reflection36—40:CCBAD 41—45:BCADB 46—50:DCCBD 51—55:ACBCA


(答案→)36—40:CCBAD 41—45:BCADB 46—50:DCCBD 51—55:ACBCA


III.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分 满分20分)Learn to Express Thanks“Exposedtostrongsunshineandheavywinds po
