1500字范文 > 第二节:完形填空(共20小题 每小题1.5分 满分30分)School children are now c

第二节:完形填空(共20小题 每小题1.5分 满分30分)School children are now c

时间:2024-08-20 02:38:07


第二节:完形填空(共20小题 每小题1.5分 满分30分)School children are now c



School children are now constantly asked by their parents and teachers to study harder and harder. And the competition 36 the students themselves is growing in most schools in China. In my opinion, the fierce(激烈的) 37 in school 38more harm than good.

Visiting a German city, I was 39 to be present at a parent-teacher meeting at a school. 40were told at the meeting that their childrens school grades were held to be a personal information 41 by the law, and that the school would not disclose(透露)the students marks, 42 would the school report them to the parents. It is their view that a 43 school should encourage children to learn 44 without pressure. A students intelligence(智力)and ability will be 45 later by competition in society.

In China, ranking students according to their examination has been 46 as a means of encouraging students to study harder.

A friend told me about a parent-teacher meeting she 47 with her daughter who was in the second grade.

At the meeting, a teacher read aloud 48 students in the class and their marks for different 49. Good students came at the top of the list and poor 50 at the bottom. And in front of everybody at the meeting, the teacher gave warning 51 those poor students and their parents.

From this comparison, I 52 that teachers and school leaders in China ought to learn 53 more about childrens psychology(心理学)and show their students more 54 . Such competition among students is unhealthy and should not be 55 .

36.A.over B.between C.among D.beyond

37.A.pain B.competition C.study D.argument

38.A.makes B. givesC.letsD.does

39.A.forced B.required C.ordered D.invited

40.A.Parents B.Children C.Teachers D.Students

41.A.forbidden B.permitted C.allowed D.protected

42.A.so B.such C.nor D.or

43.A.successfulB.well-known C.excellent D.ordinary

44.A.happily B.lazily C.inactively D.friendly

45.A.judged B.decided C.developedD.trained

46.A.stopped B.used C.controlled D.improved

47.A.went B.joined C.attended D.present

48.A.a lot B.a list of Cthe number of D.the mark of

49.A.subjects B.classes C.schools D.parents

50.A.these B.those C.one D.ones

51.A.from B.toC.with D.off

52.A.conclude B.guessC.want D.wonder

53.A.a little B.a fewC.a bit of D.a quantity of

54.A.marks B.homework C.books D.respect

55.A.discussed B.removed C.lastedD.encouragedCBDDA DCAAA BCBAD BAADD




第二节:完形填空(共20小题 每小题1.5分 满分30分)School children are now constantly asked by their parents and
