1500字范文 > Section CDirections: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F

Section CDirections: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F

时间:2022-08-28 06:17:53


Section CDirections: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F


Section C

Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not nee

A.Choose a limited subject

B.Draw in black and white

C.Use only simple actions

D.Use words sparingly

AB.Revise and simplify

AC.Create easy-to-recognize characters


Consider straightforward, uncomplicated actions for you characters. While the actions may be symbolic, such as pumping up for a business deal, it should be clear what the character in the drawing is doing


Aim your satire at targets that can be “summarized” in a few easily recognized images, You might choose a single person, such as a rock star, or a group or institution—such as business people, a nation, Congress, or basketball players, Labels or dialogue can help identify characters, but remember that the less “work” your audience has to do, the more effective your cartoon will be .


While brief, simple dialogue may be necessary to get your point across, make sure it’s easy to understand and doesn’t take up much room. If you rely too heavily on dialogue, you are really creating an illustrated story or play instead of a cartoon. Labels and captions, too, should be minimal and easy to understand.


Consider subjects that are familiar to your audience and that can be encapsulated in a few words and images. Try characters actions, or ideas that become laughable with only a little exaggeration or an unlikely comparison.


Eliminate all that is extraneous and reword your cartoon until its impact is as immediate as possible. In fashion circle, there is a saying: less is more which can be applied to creating a cartoon.76---80 CFADE


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