1500字范文 > 关于当今多数现代青年女性婚姻爱情观Most young womens views on marriage and love.

关于当今多数现代青年女性婚姻爱情观Most young womens views on marriage and love.

时间:2023-12-16 08:15:09


关于当今多数现代青年女性婚姻爱情观Most young womens views on marriage and love.










George · Ferrari



文 字 | 乔治·法拉利

George · Ferrari














Marriage and Excellence

Regardless of men and women, marrying sooner or later has nothing to do with excellence, and it has nothing to do with mental maturity. The world is so big, after all, not everyone is excellent, not only excellent talents are qualified for marriage and love. Strive to be excellent? Effort is only an abstract and conceptual vocabulary. No one can give a concrete answer to what is effort and how to do it. Effort is relative, not absolute. It is as small as doing laundry, cooking, cooking, oil and salt in life, and as big as national society and human civilization.

Efforts and divorce

People are impetuous and young people are not easy when the sense of the times is aggravated. This leads to the fact that while indulging in desires and enjoying life, everyone has been telling themselves to keep what they call hard work. In fact, most of them are self-anesthesia and warm blood in their adolescence. What they want is to do what they want Few. In this case, most people forget their own happiness, and divorce is the end of all contradictions and problems in the relationship between husband and wife, and contradictions and problems are never unexpected, but the result of cumulative formation.

Divorce and domestic violence

Divorce is just a breaking point. At the same time, whether divorce or not is essentially a result of the unbalanced gap between the three perspectives. Money material only plays a role of incitement and ignition. Even without the catalysis of money material problems, it will be ignited by other problems, because the marriage is already decadent. Whether a man"s domestic violence or not comes partly from his own moral problems and partly from women"s problems.

If a man"s moral problems should choose divorce or marriage that should not be completed at that time, there are not too many misjudgements in marriage. The so-called misjudgements are all indulgence, no bottom line tolerance and will cause, that is to say, he can only blame himself for carelessness and self-infliction. After all, no one can force you to get married, if so. Men"s domestic violence caused or directly caused by their own problems should be self-criticized.

Attitudes and behaviour

However, both men and women should maintain their proper attitude and behavior. Men"s responsibility and guardianship of their families and wives and children are not for others, but for themselves. Otherwise, they will not only add pain to others, but also to themselves. The reason why women want to be gentle is not for others, but for themselves, spicy and unreasonable will only make themselves more painful and encourage men"s evil deeds. The real wisdom of a woman is to be a real woman. The real capital of a woman is "wit" and "wisdom", which makes it suitable for her position rather than complaining, but only for a smart rather than a cunning bad woman. The more a woman becomes a man, the less she can control a man, the less she can be controlled.

Independence and Happiness

Money and happiness are not the only independent slogans women are proud of. In fact, they are somewhat aggressive and self-serving. Behind this, they are long-term depression and neglect. Money and happiness are only part of the lubricant of life. It is wisdom that supports people"s independence. Wisdom itself can not produce wealth, but can be transformed into wealth. Wealth, wisdom itself is the source of wealth. Everything that mankind is now deriving from its transformation.

Independence of women is important, of course, but the most important thing is moral and ideological independence, and then economic and life independence, not to satisfy their capriciousness and vanity and to fight against false independence under the banner of money and happiness, because without moral and ideological independence, once there is no money and no happiness, it will be more confused and painful. Loneliness, loneliness, then lost the inner real pillar is very easy to go to extremes.

Most of the women who are alive as men and bright on the surface are very depressed and unhappy, and they are probably the only ones who know it, no outsiders need to say. If a woman abandons her quiet attitude and looks like a man, then it is not to follow, it is against her duty and deprives herself of her rights. Some people say that women have many shortcomings, but it is these so-called advantages that make things as successful as they are now, as long as these shortcomings do not become bad habits, rather than to eliminate them.



Mr Wan, George, عبدالله(Abdullah),Иванов,左藤良が



多数问题来自于自己的三观,不是来自于国家。Identity is the root of the problem.


快生活节奏居然是因为这样的原因。快节奏毁人,慢节奏废人。The influence of rhythm of life.

99%防晒!戴上立降10℃ ,显瘦5斤,扔掉你又丑又闷又没用的捂脸布吧!360°“V”脸的它才是王道

契约就是你的佩刀,必要时进可攻退可守。A contract can kill you or protect you.








