1500字范文 > 英国11+的写作需要日常积累好词好句!


时间:2019-11-08 11:51:18



11+的写作,需要的词汇是比较strong的单词, 在句型上更是要求有比较成熟的丰富的表达能力,所以这就看孩子有沒有丰富的阅读体验;爱阅读的孩子,已经不知不觉中把书里的写作手法占为己用。然而对于不爱阅读或写作困难的孩子,就需要外援助力,尤其临考在即,给孩子塞书本阅读已无用,这时候如果有本写作技巧书临时补救就非常有效,写作技巧书里的每篇都是短篇,形容和技巧非常精彩,不会让孩子厌烦,可以让孩子临时吸收其精华应付考试。



Snow fell like tiny pieces of lace and a sprinkled the ground like a white dust;

The frost glittered like a diamond necklace on the spider’s web;


The Desert spread out before me, a sea of sand, shimmering with heat;

The desert was the furnace, a land of burning sands;








1.The small, sheltered cove was reachable through climbing down a steep, winding path.

The beach was a long arc of golden sand, sheltered by dunes and sloped gently down to the sea.

2.Where water had leaked in from the rocks, the walls and floor glistened with damp.

Lit only by a narrow beam of light from the torch, the cave was a ghostly black hole.

3.It was an eerie, lifeless island guarded by steep, rocky cliffs.

The island was circled by a shallow lagoon in a beautiful reef teeming with multi-colored corals and tropical fish.

4.The rocky island slopes were ablaze with purple heather.

The island was a time capsule. Wherever they went they found relics of an ancient world.

5.As the volcano erupted, there was a deafening boom and the ground trembled and shook.

A fountain of fire, like a throbbing wound, flooded the sky.

6.The air was thick with choking fumes.

The earth trembled and shook, then sent everything crashing to the ground.

7. From high up on the summit of the mountain, they had a spectacular view of green meadows and steams like silver ribbons.

The steep path glistened with damp-polished by nature into dangerous, slippery slopes.

8.Towering, snow-capped mountains rose to meet the sky.

A magical world of shimmering snow towered above the wooden chalets of the mountain village.

9.Crystal clear and as smooth as silk, the turquoise ocean was a picture postcard of paradise.

Lapping gently onto the shore, the waves sent circles of water dancing around the rocks.

10.The room was light and homely.

The kitchen was a warm, welcoming room of gleaming, scrubbed and polished wood.

11.There was a wild, overgrown feel to the palace, which made it easy to imagine the spirits ofthe dead haunting it. I imagined eyes watching me, ears listening.

12. Blear and as smooth as glass, the stream twisted and turned through the forest.

The river was swollen and flooding its banks.

13. Torrents of smouldering ash and rocks rained from the sky.

Huge black clouds blocked out the sun, and darkness fell.

14.The waterfall was a silky, watery stairs that whispered as it fell.

The mountain streams made winding lines of sparkling silver as they danced down the slopes.

15. The river was brown and frothing, polluted by rubbish and chemicals.

It was impossible to see anything in the murky depths of the oily river.

16. The water was turned into wild, flying foam as it rampaged down the rocks.

From below came the deadly sound of roaring rapids.



1.Squirrels scampered up the trees to the melody of the song-binds marking their territory.

Daffodils danced and the lips waved as they pushed their way towards the sun.

2.The water in the lake was calm and crystal-clear, sparkling with a million diamonds of light in the midday sun.

He could hear the soft bubbling of a stream in the distance.

3.The sun poured in through the windows and bathed the room in a brilliant light.

The gentle breeze licked his face like a feather and brought with it the smell of freshly mown grass.

4.The path suddenly veered to the left where the land fell away in a steep slope and then plunged into the sea.

He searched for a way forward and finally came across what seemed to be a hidden, forgotten path.

5.The narrow path followed the river and wound through the wood.

The dusty, rugged path wound steeply up the side of the mountain.

6.The ground was covered in frost and glinted dangerously.

I scrambled up the vertical bank, which was slimy with damp leaves and mud.

7.The snow made a crisp carpet beneath my feet.

The months without rain had caused enormous cracks to appear in the scorched earth.

8.In the distance, he could hear the bubble and trickle of a stream as it danced down the slopes.

The room was quiet except for the crackling of the fire.

9.The sun’s rays burned down fiercely on his eyes and blinded him with its daggling glare.

The mid-afternoon sun burned like a furnace and everything in its path covered and withered under its hammer blow.

10.The snow made a crisp carpet beneath my frozen feet.

As they passed underneath, the snow, too heavy for the branches, fell in delicate showers on their heads.

11.Their breath was in clouds around them and the ferocity of the cold made their teeth chatter nonstop.

The village looked wild and strange under the snow, which blanketed the fields and buildings and laid in piles on the dark road.

12.They only had a feeling glimpse of the moon to guide them as it scudded across the sky, appearing briefly from behind the dark clouds.

The air seemed to be quivering with anticipation as a curtain of darkness was drawn across the sky.

13.The rain was relentless; drops the singe of bullets hammered at the windows.

The puddles jumped to life as pellets of water drummed the surface.

14.The downpour had flooded the gutters. Even after the rain had stopped, water dripped like the tick of a very slow clock.

15.The wind moaned and howled like a ghostly spirit and dragged with it a veil of stinging mist from the river.

The fog blanketed everything like a padded quilt.

16.A welcome breeze sprang up and brought temporary relief from the burning heat of the midday sun.

The warm, gentle breeze stirred my hair and caressed my face.



1. Her stomach churned, as the revolting smell of rotten fish drifted towards her.

Clutching her hand to her mouth, she bent over and retched violently.

2. Wafting in the air was the sweet smell of roasting vegetables and chicken.

The frangrance of freshly mown grass and tree blossoms drifted towards me.

3. The hand that held his was as smooth as velvet.

The clear, cool water from the fountain was a welcome relief from the burning heat.

4. The stars glittered like a diamond necklace in the black, velvet sky.

The day had been hot and the night sky laid like a warm blanket over the land.

5. The sun fell like a sinking stone asnd a black cloak was drawn across the sky.

The shadows of the brees seemed to lean towards each other, whispering in the silence.

6. She was envoloped by the vivid, sparkling treasures of spring.

The scent of the bluebells was flung like wafts of perfume into air.

7. Winter had relaxed its grip and the world was waking to new growth, colour and sound.

The ground was erupting with emerald shoots, woken from their wintry slumber.

8. He was stifting hot and the air was still.

The humid air coiled itself around me and settled on my sweating body.

9. The drive was paved, but grass grew in every crevice and moss clung to the surface like mould on bread.

The gate was set in the wall and cunningly hidden in the shadows.

10. Huge terracotta pots, trimming with brightly coloured flowers, sat either side of the front door.

Looking through the twisted railings, in the gloom were dark, crumbling stones, thorny bushes and knee-high grass. Beyond loomed the ghostly shadow of the house.

11. The wooden gate was hidden by a huge maple tree.

The gates to the long, sweeping drive were flanked with statues of enormous stone lions.

12. The manor house was surrounded by high, red-brick walls.

The long grovel drive ran through the middle of lush, neat lawns.

13. The place felt evil. It was the type of place that made people quicken their step as they passed.

The hotel was a modern glass and metal building, twenty storeys high.

14. I lived in a street of terraced Victorian houses, each with a bay window at the side of the front door.

The wooden hunting lodge was set right in the heart of forest.

15. The garden was full of junk: lattered, old furniture, rusty metal frames and rubbish bags ripped and spewing their contents on the ground.

The grass was withered and brown, and the flowers wilting, starved of water and choked with weeds.

16. It was a spidery tangle of trees, bushes, weeds and long, knee-high grass.

The front garden was wild and overgrown with plastic bags instead of blossoms flapping on the bushes.
