1500字范文 > 少年不识愁滋味 爱上层楼。 爱上层楼 为赋新词强说愁。 —辛弃疾《丑奴儿·书博山

少年不识愁滋味 爱上层楼。 爱上层楼 为赋新词强说愁。 —辛弃疾《丑奴儿·书博山

时间:2023-03-19 09:38:17


少年不识愁滋味 爱上层楼。 爱上层楼 为赋新词强说愁。 —辛弃疾《丑奴儿·书博山

百人百译中国文化名言录1022总184条(voting result)




以下翻译排列系按提交的时间顺序/The translations are in the orderof submission time.

★ from 6 native(near) speakers of English

(4 Jamaicans, 1 American, 1 from Afghanistan)

● from 5 Chinese-English bilinguals.

01. At young age I knew no sorrow,

High floors I loved to climb;

High floors I loved to climb,

For penning new verses to findsorrow. (叶如钢译) ★★●


Towerstheylove to ascend/



03. Having no taste of sorrow in my green years,

I would climb a tower without anyof my peers;

I would force out a feeling of sadness and let it expand,

To show the reader this poem wasout of an old hand. (冯雷译) ★★★★

04.The young man does not knowwhat’s the sorrow.

He loves to ascend the high fromthe low.

Ascend the high from the low,

for composing new lyrics no sorrow but he keeps saying so.

05. Nothing can make the young sigh,

But love climbing high.

They love climbing high,

For in forced woes new poemslie.(Guess) ●●

06. When young, I had no idea what sorrow meant.

Of high tower I enjoyed making an ascent.

Of high tower I enjoyed making an ascent.

For new lyrics I pretended to lament.(倪庆行译) ●●●

07. Innocent was I,

favored climbing high;

after climbing high,

my new songs were managed to be sad.(瞿琼学)★

08.In youth I knew not the taste of sorrow

But loving to pace the floor to and fro

But loving to pace the floor to and fro

To compose poems of affected woe(王昌玲译)●

09.Knowing not sorrow,

a lad likes to go upstairs to face the vast void.

Go upstairs and up there he extracts sorrow to create verse in thin air,

being fond of producing something from nothing.(杨秀波译) ●

10. As a lad, know I not the taste of sorrow,

just liking to climb stairs,

just liking to climb stairs.

I put on sad airs

To compose lines of doleful flairs.(王绍昌译)●

11.In youth I taste no sorrows,

with mind on ascending high.

Ascending high,

I compose lyrics for pretended sorrows !(王国己译)★★★

12. Understanding nothing

about the severity of living

in boyhood,


clinging to the heights of towers.

To the heights of towers,

Where imaginary sorrow

could be weaved,

into new-fashioned songs.(莫山译)★

13. The youth knows no sorrows,

but likes to climb the tower high

Climbing the tower high,

for new verses with a fancy sigh(丁立群译)●●●

14. No taste of rue known to a youth, out he looks aloft;

Looking out aloft, for a new verse he fakes woes oft.


15. In my childhood, I knew not what a woe was like,

But up to high towers l loved togo.

But up to high towers l loved togo.

To write new verses I"d to feign the woe.

16. When I was young, I knew no sorrow,

To see for miles, I wouldn"t go low,

Just for show, I composed lines of faked sorrow.(乐国斌译)★●●●

17. Lads know not of melancholy orgrief, but pretend to know that by composing poetry: “How painful I"m feeling, climbing up the old chamber, one stage after another. I love thee, How I love thee !”

少年不识愁滋味 爱上层楼。 爱上层楼 为赋新词强说愁。 —辛弃疾《丑奴儿·书博山道中壁》
