1500字范文 > 【周三岗位伽】餐馆情景对话


时间:2019-10-19 12:43:41



C is for customer, W for waitress

C: Good evening, I’ve already reserved a table for two near the window on the second floor.

W: Sir, can I have your reservation number please?

C: It’s NZ003.

W: OK, please follow me.

C: Can I have a menu?

W: Sure, here it is.

C: I’d like some appetizers; do you have any recommendations?

W: How about some foie gras? Or you can try some hot food, I would recommend Alinea Kipper, it’s named after our Head Chef.

C: OK, one Alinea Kipper, one foie gras as appetizer. And I also want to try some baked escargot.

W: OK, I’ve already wrote it down. And what about main course and side dish, what would you like to order?

C: In my hometown, we have a tradition of eating mutton in winter, it will help us resist the cold and keep warm. So, I’d like a main course made of mutton, Do you have any such dish?

W: Yes, we have mutton chops, stewed mutton and baked mutton.

C: What kind of bouillondo you use for the stewed mutton?

W: It’s up to you, we often use curry sauce with cheese, or mashed potato with cheese and egg white. And you can also select some vegetables to go with the bouillon.

C: Well, I’d like to order a stewed mutton,and for the bouillon, I need curry sauce with cheese, and some carrots, the carrots need to be well cooked and soft. And besides, I’d like to have a beefsteak and pasta as main course for my friend. He’ll be here in five minutes. The beef should be T-bone steak, medium-well, and the pasta should be Manicotti.

W: OK, and any side dish?

C: I would like to have Fettuccine boiled in water as side dish, along with some catsup, Also fruit salad including lettuce,cucumber, fresh kiwi,and two apricots.

W: How about your dessert and wine?

C: For dessert, I’d like to have a Litchi pudding. Wine is not needed today, thanks.

W: OK, your dinner will be served soon.


Appetizer /"?p?"ta?z?/ : 开胃物,开胃食品

Main course: 主菜;主要课程

Side dish: 配菜,小菜

Medium-well: 七至八分熟

Foie gras /"fwɑ:"ɡrɑ:/: 鹅肝酱

Escargot /?skɑr"go/: 食用蜗牛

Mutton chops: 羊排

Bouillon /"bujɑn/:(法)牛肉等的清汤

Mashed potato: 土豆泥

Pasta /"pɑst?/:意大利面食

Manicotti /,m?n?"k?t?/:碎肉和番茄汁的意大利通心面

Fettuccine /,f?t?"t?ini/: 意大利宽面条

Lettuce /"l?t?s/:生菜

Cucumber /"kj?,k?mb?/: 黄瓜

Kiwi /"kiwi/:猕猴桃

Apricot / "e?pr?k?t/: 杏子

Litchi /"l?t?i/:荔枝


1. 查找公众微号:positionenglish

2. 查找公众账号:岗位英语


