1500字范文 > ASLA 居住设计荣誉奖: 史密斯住宅景观设计 加利福尼亚 / Roche Roch...

ASLA 居住设计荣誉奖: 史密斯住宅景观设计 加利福尼亚 / Roche Roch...

时间:2019-10-20 01:26:17


 ASLA 居住设计荣誉奖: 史密斯住宅景观设计  加利福尼亚 / Roche Roch...



“The spatial definition of the arbors and the space is great. You can see how well it’s going to grow in”

– Awards Jury


Smith Residence byRoche + Roche Landscape Architecture.

Appreciation towardsASLAfor providing the following description:




This compound of rural contemporary buildings with clean geometry and a palette of natural materials steps up and down the steep, wooded 17-acre site. Less than two miles north of Sonoma’s historic square, it features views over the Sonoma Valley and beyond to San Francisco across the Bay.The entire compound is off-grid, generating enough energy with hidden PV panels to power all on-site electrical needs, and charge the owner’s electric vehicles.Arbors of woven willow panels set in steel frames provide shade and define the outdoor living and dining rooms, flanking the swimming pool terrace.A family of custom concrete elements was fabricated to the landscape architects design, including the outdoor kitchen counters, two water features, the pool terrace and fire pit.At the top of the site, a gravel terrace with gas fire pit utilizing a dramatic existing volcanic rock as its backdrop, overlooks a bocce court with spectacular vineyard views, laid into a gap in the native rock outcroppings.




索诺玛是海湾地区一部分业主的首选目的地,他们会在城镇附近寻找并购买房产。 该项目场地位于历史广场以北不到2英里处的一个陡峭的山坡上,占地17英亩。


由市政道驶入该住宅的入口碎石道两侧,设置了有几道弧线矮墙,配合地被植物Stachys and Buteloua,构成了体现着印加风格的入口景观。稍高些的入口墙壁与精致的蒙大拿石头组合在一起,其间设有一自动钢门,和栏杆相呼应,作为住宅的安全入口。入口处还设有一个循环驱动系统,用来联系消防部门;而入口处的既有树木被尽可能地保留了下来。






The great room fully open to the pool terrace. The rural contemporary compound was carefully sited and stepped to take best advantage of limited level space.


Low gently curving walls utilize on-site boulders fit together in the Incan style. Taller entry walls and an automatic steel gate provide security and announce the entry into the property.


The guesthouse, game room, and small play lawn are tucked into the trees below the car barn.


The entry tower of the residence viewed from the guesthouse. Native oaks were preserved, even where they met gravel paths.


In the gravel auto court a custom concrete fountain element mirrors the height differentials of the owners’ three adult children. The fountain is set in a bed of Epimedium x. p. ‘Frohnleiten’ and Juncus p. ‘Carmen’s Grey’, with Woodwardia fimbriata and Viburnum davidii.


Pennisetum spathiolatum and Anemone j. ‘Honorine Jobert’ catch the late afternoon sun outside the exercise room.


The pool captures the reflection of existing oaks and boulders in the foreground, with views of Marin and San Francisco beyond.


The custom concrete water feature outside the master bedroom.


Arbors of woven willow panels set in steel frames provide much needed filtered shade, and help define the outdoor dining room and outdoor living room with custom concrete fire pit.


The outdoor dining and outdoor kitchen with shade arbor and heaters.


Custom concrete outdoor kitchen counters echo the stone waterfall kitchen.

▲通往顶层的石制台阶通道里嵌有一个种植壁龛。 里面种植了Adiantum r. ‘Pacific Maid’, Leptinella s. ‘Platts Black’, Viola labradorica and Campanula murallis.

Stone and gravel steps leading up to the top level feature a planted grotto at the midway landing, with Adiantum r. ‘Pacific Maid’, Leptinella s. ‘Platts Black’, Viola labradorica and Campanula murallis.

▲掷球场被安排在了月亮花园内的原生岩石空地,周边配植了一些陆生地被,像Festuca i.‘Siskiyou Blue’, Cotyledon o. ‘Flavida’, Eriogonum giganteum, and Dudleya hydrids.

The bocce court laid into a gap in the native rock outcroppings in the Moon Garden, featuring Festuca i.‘Siskiyou Blue’, Cotyledon o. ‘Flavida’, Eriogonum giganteum, and Dudleya hydrids.


A gravel terrace with gas fire pit utilizing a dramatic existing volcanic rock as its backdrop overlooks the bocce court and stunning vineyard views.


Sonoma became the destination of choice for a small group of Bay Area friends, who each found and purchased properties near town. The client chose this steep, wooded 17-acre site with volcanic rock fields less than 2 miles north of the historic square.

The feel was to be rural contemporary, with clean geometry and a palette of natural materials, including large expanses of glass, rectilinear stone veneer, horizontal cedar siding, and concrete. Preserving and taking best advantage of the existing oak woodland and volcanic rock outcroppings was of paramount importance. A new compound of buildings would replace an earlier home that took no advantage of the views of Sonoma Valley and across the Bay to San Francisco. The landscape architect worked with the architect and builder to take best advantage of the limited level space, stepping the buildings, auto court, terraces and outdoor rooms up and down the site. The entire compound is off-grid, generating enough energy with hidden PV panels to power all on site electrical needs, and charge the owner’s electric vehicles.

Where the gravel private lane leaves the county road, low gently curving walls planted with Stachys and Buteloua frame the entry. These walls utilize on-site boulders fit together in the Inca style of tight mortar-less jointing. Taller entry walls veneered in the more mannered Montana stone of the residence, with an automatic steel gate designed to echo the railings at the residence, provide security and announce the entry into the property. A loop drive system was designed to create resident and fire department access, while preserving as many existing trees as possible.

At the lowest developed level, a guesthouse, game room, and small play lawn are tucked into the trees. All are overlooked by the concrete terrace and seat walls at the Car Barn half a floor up. The Car Barn and ground floor of the residence are accessed from the gravel auto court, where a custom concrete fountain element mirrors the height differentials of the owners’ three adult children.

The client desired most of their daily living on one level, so the second floor bedrooms, kitchen and great room open out onto the concrete pool terrace, all with views over the Sonoma Valley and beyond to San Francisco across the Bay. Custom concrete outdoor kitchen counters echo the stone waterfall kitchen island, accented with the same horizontal cedar as the buildings. Arbors of woven willow panels set in steel frames provide much needed filtered shade, and help define the outdoor dining room and outdoor living room with custom concrete fire pit.

Stone and gravel steps leading up to the top level feature a planted grotto at the midway landing. At the top of the site, formerly a weedy, rock strewn knoll the clients thought they’d never venture out to, a destination with spectacular views was waiting to be uncovered. A gravel terrace with gas fire pit utilizing a dramatic existing volcanic rock as its backdrop overlooks a bocce court laid into a gap in the native rock outcroppings. The moon garden of light greens, greys and whites plays off the lichen color on the rocks, and gathers the evening light in the Valley of the Moon.

The pool captures the reflection of existing oaks, and two recirculating water elements provide respite from the hot summer sun, while the naturalistic sweeps of plantings rely heavily on native materials to connect the compound to its surroundings.

More:Roche + Roche Landscape Architecture
