1500字范文 > [World Character Evolution Theory] World Charact

[World Character Evolution Theory] World Charact

时间:2020-06-26 22:41:56


[World Character Evolution Theory] World Charact

[World Character Evolution Theory] World Character King Beijing Cultural Forum

The invention of alphabetic characters is a remarkable pioneering work in human history. The invention from scratch was the earliest Egyptian hieroglyphs in ancient Egypt. In 3200 BC, merchants in the two river basins have invented cuneiform characters. To bookkeeping. This kind of text can not completely express people's spoken language, but is more like a mathematical symbol, but it inspired the ancient Egyptian merchants to invent the text. Inspired by the cuneiform script in 2700 BC, the ancient Egyptians invented a set of 22 symbols to represent various consonants in their spoken languages. Sumerian cuneiform script, Chinese oracle script, Mayan script, the first generation of ancient Indian world script . . [World Text 1.0 Modernization Theory]

In 1000 BC, the burden of further developing the ancient Egyptian script was placed on the shoulders of the Phoenicians. The Phoenician script was passed to the Syrians and evolved into the Aramaic script. In 800 BC, the ancient Greeks borrowed it all. The Phoenician alphabet, the ancient Greek alphabet. Latin, Greek, Phoenician, Hebrew and Arabic. The second generation of world text [world text 2.0 modernization theory] ..

In the 3rd century BC, the Romans rewritten the ancient Greek script into a form convenient for writing, that is, the Latin alphabet familiar to all people on the earth today. The territory of the Roman Empire once closed the Mediterranean Sea as an inland sea, and naturally spread the letters to the surrounding barbarians. The biggest advantage of phonetic text is that it only needs to learn 20 symbols to accurately write down daily spoken language in the form of text, so it has been welcomed by backward civilizations. The Gauls, Germanic, Slavs, Iberians, and Anglo-Saxons all learned the Latin alphabet. These words have gradually evolved into various European languages such as French, German, Russian, Spanish, and English. The third generation of world text [World text 3.0 modernization theory] ..

Royal Aran alphabet. This alphabet was taught to the Arabs with the frequent land trade in Central and Western Asia and formed a variant-Arabic. Subsequently, the Turkic, Uighur, Mongolian, and Old Manchu languages, which are more familiar to the Chinese, spread in the Middle East and Asia in the order of transmission from west to east, and its trajectory was the Arabs' eastward trade route. At the same time, a branch of the Aramaic descended into India, a variant known as Brahmin, which is now dead. But its descendants, Tibetan, Tiancheng, etc., are still shining in the light of wisdom in South Asia. The history of the spread of the letter language is a history of progress in human civilization. Wherever the letters go, they take root and sprout everywhere, blossoming numerous flowers of civilization and wisdom. Form hundreds of text symbols in the world. The fourth generation of world text [World text 4.0 modernization theory] ..

Words are actually a medium for communicating between people through visible signs that are agreed upon. It is a system of written symbols that people use to record languages. The history of human writing runs through the history of the entire visual connection from early pictorial to alphabetic text. In other words, pictorial characters are the initial stage of the development of characters. Although it is in a state of constant change and development, the characters of many nations in the world have never surpassed this stage. The most primitive unwritten means of contact are closely related to the use of reference objects, such as Chinese knot notes. It is exactly called the word, which starts from the language when the mark is cast and carved on the reference object as a "word" symbol.

The fifth generation of world characters Wang Jinghua's cultural calligraphy, scientific and innovative calligraphy, cultural calligraphy returns to the world. Human body language expresses easy-to-understand symbols and communicates with aliens.

In today's prosperous era, scientific innovation Wang Jinghua has used the body language of the world's multi-national characters to mark it with pictographs, made the world's characters alive, moved, and has an expression of expression. Breaking the art of calligraphy and wandering around. Scientific innovation. The founder of the calligraphy pioneer Wang Jinghua, who invented and created millions of world-class character calligraphy. Characters are an indispensable tool for people to see, use, work and learn from others.

The world ’s top master Wang Jinghua, the originator of the world ’s body language characters, 1 world-class character, [human body], 20,000 poems [universe poems], 3 world cultural calligraphy, [dragon], 4 scientific calligraphy, innovative calligraphy, [ Phoenix body [Water body] [Wood body], 5 pictograph ideograms [golden treasure body] [alien communication body], 6 world body action characters [pictograph ideogram] [seven emotions and eight desires], 7 world is impossible Copy cultural objects [Feng Shui Xingyun] [Folded Fonts], the world is unique, unique, the world character Wang Jingyu culture swirls the world's fifth innovative text storm. [World Text 5.0 modernization theory].

High-tech intellectual property, the 7th largest scientific innovation inventor in the world ’s writing, communicating with aliens, writing in body language, writing the word in the world, the world ’s top master, the world ’s top artist, the world ’s top master, the world Living culture fossils, cultural items that cannot be copied in the world, national rituals, national famous brands, quatrains, founders of Wanxiang poetry. 【Culture, Science, Innovation, Morphology, Pictograph Ideology】 The founder Wang Jinghua embodies the meanings of various forms of the human body in China, the world ’s writing, and its magical rhythm. Countless people are amazing. 1.9 million English, French, Russian, German, Japanese, Korean, Roman and more than 100 national languages, human body body language image expression, has already obtained patents and copyrights. The art of human body image culture using words, body language to communicate the originator of world civilization, world words write movements, expressions, looks, meaning, expressions, magic rhythm of modern life. World [Book of Taoism, God of Taoism, Master of Taoism, Book of Taoist Characters, Saint-Generation Grand Master, Top Taidou Kaishan Originator, World Character Zongzu]. Mr. Wang Jinghua said in the interpretation of his experience of creating characters, 'Some people in the word, there are people in the body, there is intention in the shape, there is a God in the meaning', using [renyizi Miao Miao Miao Miao Miao Miao Miao to make a surprise, creative creativity. Wo n’t be awake and praise the magical skills, Wang Jinghua ’s daring to be the first, laborers diligently, diligently, and diligently create hard work】, 'The Changsha spiritual master Wang Jinghua is a master,' Dare to be the first, worry "The world", Chinese dreams come true, deep innovation and kung fu, mountain high man-made peaks, holding the banner of the Taoist god, his '6 wonderful', '6 must', '6 odd', '6 diligence', the world-class word opens the originator of the mountain Jinghua Giant's 'Absolute talent, no art, no innovation, no waking, no word, no universal poem'. ‘Many people, good ideas, good thinking, good planning, good work, hard work’. ‘Qi word, Qi painting, Qi poetry, Qi word, Qi meaning, Qi style’. ‘Diligent, hard-working, hard-working, hard-working, hard-working, hard-working, hard-working’.

Four-dimensional space is a concept of time and space. In simple terms, any space with four dimensions can be called a "four-dimensional space". However, the "four-dimensional space" mentioned in daily life mostly refers to the "four-dimensional space-time" concept mentioned by Einstein in his "General Relativity" and "Special Relativity". According to Einstein's concept, our universe is made up of time and space. The relationship between space and time is that in the space structure, there is an additional time axis in addition to the three axes of length, width, and height of ordinary three-dimensional space, and this axis of time is an axis of imaginary value.

Five-dimensional is caused by four-dimensional motion. Assuming that the four-dimensional space can be folded in half, then the so-called non-folded part will be filled due to the four-dimensional motion.

"Six-dimensional space" refers to a hypothesis put forward by the University of Wisconsin-Madison physics that, in addition to three-dimensional space and time, there should be six other spatial dimensions based on physics string theory.

In today's prosperous era, scientific innovation Wang Jinghua has used the body language of the world's multi-national characters to mark it with pictographs, made the world's characters alive, moved, and has an expression of expression. Breaking the art of calligraphy and wandering around. Scientific innovation. The founder of the calligraphy pioneer Wang Jinghua, who invented and created millions of world-class character calligraphy. Characters are an indispensable tool for people to see, use, work and learn from others.

The world ’s top master Wang Jinghua, the originator of the world ’s body language characters, 1 world-class character, [human body], 20,000 poems [universe poems], 3 world cultural calligraphy, [dragon], 4 scientific calligraphy, innovative calligraphy, [ Phoenix body [Water body] [Wood body], 5 pictograph ideograms [golden treasure body] [alien communication body], 6 world body action characters [pictograph ideogram] [seven emotions and eight desires], 7 world is impossible Copy cultural objects [Feng Shui Xingyun] [Folded Fonts], the world is unique, unique, and the world's king Wang Jingyu culture swirls the world's fifth innovative text storm.

The Development and Evolution of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting for Five Thousand Years

China ’s 5,000 years of brilliant civilization and unparalleled rich written records have been recognized by the world. In this vast and profound history, Chinese calligraphy and painting art has reproduced this diachronic evolution with its unique art form and artistic language. process. The sisterly nature of calligraphy and painting interprets the traditional cultural connotation of China with its complementarity and independence in the evolution of history. Because the tools and materials used in the creation of books and paintings are consistent. When talking about the origins of ancient writings and pictures in "Historical Paintings of Different Dynasties", he said: "It is the same time, the books and paintings are the same but not divided, the elephant system is created and it is omitted, and there is no book to convey the meaning, so there is no book. Shape, so there is painting. " Although calligraphy and painting are of the same origin and comparability, the development of the future changes with complementary independence. The formation and development of Chinese calligraphy art and the emergence and evolution of Chinese characters are inextricably linked. So what exactly is "calligraphy"? We can understand it in terms of its nature, aesthetic characteristics, source, and unique expression. Calligraphy is a four-dimensional abstract symbol art based on Chinese characters and written with a brush. It embodies the basic law of "the unity of opposites" and reflects the spirit, temperament, knowledge, and cultivation of people as the subject.

The 5000-year cultural history of China is incomparable to any country in the world. Chinese civilization is also called Chinese civilization. It is one of the oldest civilizations in the world and the only civilization in the world that has not been interrupted. It is generally believed that there are three direct sources of Chinese civilization, namely the Yellow River civilization, the Yangtze River civilization, and the northern grassland civilization. The Chinese civilization is the splendid fruit of the exchange, integration and sublimation of three regional civilizations. The Yellow River and the Yangtze River are the most important factors for the Chinese civilization. The agricultural civilization generated in the Yellow River Basin was affected by the natural geographical factors in the historical period, and it continued to transition and develop into the agricultural civilization in the Yangtze River Basin. Agricultural civilization in the Yangtze River Basin is the inheritance and development of agricultural civilization in the Yellow River Basin. Early agriculture in the Yellow River Basin was mainly planted with millet, while agriculture in the Yangtze River Basin was mainly cultivated with rice.

Regarding the origins of the Chinese and their culture, there has been a long-standing debate between foreigners and native speakers, monism and pluralism.

In the past, due to the limitations of the political background and popular theories at that time, scientific discoveries were not sufficient, so it was difficult to obtain a convincing understanding. For example, the Western origins of Chinese civilization have obvious elements of fiction, compilation and imagination. Moreover, starting with the Frenchman Joseph de Gouni in the 18th century (and even earlier in the 17th century), and ending with Andersen in the early 20th century, all the arguments in the West were from the standpoint of Western cultural centralism. Above (including the theory of the ancient Egyptian civilization center and the theory of the ancient western civilization center, etc.). After the development of archeology, some studies will inevitably be biased and superficial.

At present, the materials of ancient anthropology in China have been quite abundant and systematic. Archaeological discoveries in the old and neolithic ages (especially since 10,000 years) have been "flowering everywhere" on the Chinese land. These systematic and rich discoveries have a clear cultural nature, clear connotations, and easy to prove mutual relationships. They are used to confirm with the ancient myths and legends recorded in Chinese literature, which has fully proved that the origin of Chinese civilization has distinct local characteristics and multiple characteristics. , And the characteristics of the development from multiple to one since the Neolithic Age.

According to the traditional view of history, the Chinese nation originated from the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River first, and then spread to various frontiers, so there was a frontier ethnic group. Sima Qian integrated the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Periods. In the "Historical Records of the Five Emperors", it was stated as follows: Because Gonggong, Huandou, Sanmiao, and Xun were guilty, "Shun returns to the emperor. Beidi; put Huanhuan in Chongshan to change the South Barbarian; move Sanmiao to three dangers to change Xirong; sacrifice in Yushan to change Dongyi. " This view of history has a great influence. Until modern times, some scholars believe that the Chinese nation and Chinese civilization originated in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. In the past, historians have always used the viewpoint of "ceremony to seek the wild," to infer the relationship of cultural development and change between regions, and regard the political and economic center at that time as the center of the origin of Chinese civilization. This is the monism in the theory of indigenous origin. The theory of monism has been overthrown by archeological discoveries for more than half a century. The Chinese civilization did not spread from a single source to the Quartet in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, but showed a multi-regional and uneven development, and penetrated each other, repeatedly converging and radiating. Formed as Chinese civilization.

The word king of the world, Gyeonggi culture swirls the fifth creative text storm of Chinese culture and innovation

For 5600 years, the Oracle and Zhong Dingwen of Xia and Shang dynasties. The ancestor emperor innovated, Cangji made words, and the working people created Oracle. [Chinese Culture 1.0]

Qin Shihuang 3 unified, unified Chinese characters, scientific innovation Li Si, Hercules used Qin Lishu, official edicts, and small edicts to unify the Chinese first emperor. [Chinese Prosperous Culture 2.0]

Wei Jin style, the second great unification. The prosperous times of China, Wei Beiti, Wang Xizhi's calligraphy innovation script, Wang Xianzhi's lower case, simplified the creation of traditional Chinese characters and revitalized the founder of calligraphy calligraphy, and became a Chinese scripture. At that time, the Eastern Han Dynasty was all in traditional Chinese characters. They had a lot of objections. They didn't copy it. They changed from simple to complicated. Tang Li Shimin's innovation and reform were important. Flourishing second storm. . [Chinese Prosperous Culture 3.0]

In the heyday of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the three great reunifications of the earth, the heyday of culture, Zhang Xu, Huai Su invented wild cursive, cursive calligraphy, cursive. Writing activity is coming soon. Song style, imitation Song style is standardized, Tang poetry and Song Ci, standardizing the art of writing, the third storm in the heyday. [Chinese Prosperous Culture 4.0].

Yuan Dynasty, Genghis Khan Empire, the Fourth Great Reunification, Eurasian war, horseback scimitar nomadic culture. [Mainly Mongolian script of Chinese prosperous culture]

Zhu Yuanzhang in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. [Chinese Prosperous Culture, Back to Han Culture, Legal System, Eunuch] Qianlong Prosperous Age, Pavilion Pavilion, Black Body, Majesty, Eight-Strategy Standard, The Fourth Storm of Prosperous Age. The cultural system has become more standard. [Chinese prosperous culture returns to Tang and Song culture 4.0]

Nowadays, the prosperous world is approaching. It pays attention to scientific innovation culture. Scientific innovation Wang Jinghua uses the body language of the world's multi-language characters, pictograms, to make the world characters alive, moving, and expressing expression. Breaking the art of calligraphy and wandering around. Scientific innovation. The founder of the calligraphy pioneer Wang Jinghua, who invented and created millions of world-class character calligraphy. Characters are an indispensable tool for people to see, use, work and learn from others.

The world ’s top master Wang Jinghua, the originator of the world ’s body language characters, 1 world-class character, [human body], 20,000 poems [universe poems], 3 world cultural calligraphy, [dragon], 4 scientific calligraphy, innovative calligraphy, [ Phoenix body [Water body] [Wood body], 5 pictograph ideograms [golden treasure body] [alien communication body], 6 world body action characters [pictograph ideogram] [seven emotions and eight desires], 7 world is impossible Copy cultural objects [Feng Shui Xingyun] [Folded Fonts], the world is unique, unique, and the world's king Wang Jingyu culture swirls the world's fifth innovative text storm. . [Chinese Prosperous Culture 5.0]

Leaders said that calligraphy is a treasure of Chinese culture
