1500字范文 > 考研复试英语口语常见三类高频话题


时间:2021-02-19 10:27:52



一、个人相关话题一般涉及考生的日常生活、业余爱好、学习和工作经历。另外在准备口语的同时,还要加强听力的训练。否则口语再好,如果听不懂考官在说什么也是徒留遗憾。例如:Your family;Your hometown;Your university;Your favorite book;Your plan about future;Your most impressive teacher;Your unforgettable experience;Please tell me something about the job you have held, and what you have learned form it.What has been your greatest accomplishment in solving a problem? Use a specific example to demonstrate.二、传统话题这类话题具有很强的普遍性,在各类英语口语考试中也经常被采用,常涉及传统文化问题。如果考官为外国人,他可能会对你说在地区的文化习俗很感兴趣,所以要提前熟记相关词汇及表达。例如:Scenic spots and historic sites;Generation Gap;Taking Part-Time Jobs;What"s a Friend for?Does money equal happiness?What does happiness mean to you?Is Honesty Always the Best Virtue?What’s your view on the gap between rich and poor?Explain your understanding on the old saying“practice makes perfect”.三、热点话题常涉及目前社会上普遍关心和谈论的话题,所以考生在这段时间多阅读一些相关中文报道或英文报道,可以事先拿一些常规话题训练一下,看是否能完整的陈述出自己的观点及看法。例如:Going abroad;Online learning;Information age;Your view on Microblog;What do you think of smog?What is your point of view about the hot debate of private housing?What are the main problems in our society/of college education, and how to solve them?Somebody thinks that it is necessary for every university student to take, do you agree or disagree?
