1500字范文 > 大学英语作文:什么是模范学生 What Makes a Model Student

大学英语作文:什么是模范学生 What Makes a Model Student

时间:2021-04-30 09:00:13


大学英语作文:什么是模范学生 What Makes a Model Student

【导语】学习英语贵在坚持,找到适合自己的方法,多运用多温故。以下“大学英语作文:什么是模范学生 What Makes a Model Student”由整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注!

【篇一】什么是模范学生 What Makes a Model Student

The schools and teachers always emphasis the we should be a model student. But what is the definition of model student? This is a question that worth thinking about. 学校和老师都会强调学生们应该当个模范学生。但是什么是模范学生呢?这个问题值得思考。We all believe that a model student is someone that dose everything so well that others would follow it, which means he should take lead in everything we do. First of all, he will plan everything perfectly then do the things according to the plans. He always can find a balance between study and paly. He never leave today’s homework to tomorrow. Second, he will listen very carefully to what the teachers say and help others with their homeworks. He has a high standard of morality and always think about others feeling. He is so excellent that he can always get high marks on his examinations. Last but not least, he should take part in every activity. Such as football, singing and so on. He is not only good at study, but also good at team work cooperations. 我们相信一个模范学生就是可以把每件事情都做得很好,成为其他人榜样的人。首先,他会完美的计划每一件事,并按照计划去做事情。他总能在学习和娱乐中找到平衡。他不会把今日的作业留到明天去做。其次,他会认真听取老师的话并帮助其他同学做功课。他自身的道德标准很高,总是为他人着想。在考试中他总是取得高分。最后,他会参加每项活动。例如足球、唱歌等等。他不仅学习厉害,团队合作也很厉害。Being a model student is not that easy. It takes determination and efforts. If we want to be model students, we should work really hard on it. 要当模范学生不是那么的容易的。这需要决心和努力。如果我们想当模范学生,那么我们就要为之努力。

【篇二】看一看90后Post-90s at a glance

Many years ago, people talk about post-80s everywhere, now, as the time flies, it has come to the time of post-90s. Young people who are born after 1990s are the world’s main future, they have come to their best year, fighting for their future. Chinese young adults and the US youth share different features.很多年前,人们到处谈论80后,现在,时光飞逝,来到了90后的时代。那么出生在1990年的年轻人是世界的主力军,他们来到了的年华,为他们的将来奋斗。中国的年轻人和美国的年轻人有着不同的特征。

Chinese youth are going individual today. We fully understand that the year of has shown a rapidly evolving sense of individuality. Chinese parents have kept watching their children all the time, they worry about their safety, their future and even their marriage. So the parents always interfere with the kids’ personal life, making their children lacking of independency. Now the young generation starts to become independent and find their individuality.中国的年轻人今天变得更加的个性化。我们都明白展现出了快速发展的个性感。中国的父母一直以来都照顾着他们的孩子,他们担心孩子的安全,他们的将来,甚至于他们的婚姻。因此父母总是干涉孩子的私生活,让他们的孩子缺少独立。现在年轻一代开始变得更加的独立,寻找他们的个性。

In the west, the young generation shows different traits compared to Chinese generation. American children are very independent since they are small, the parents leave much space for them. So theUS youth have a global view, they pay attention to the world affair and get to know more about the world.在西方,年轻的一代和中国这代展现出不同的特征。美国的孩子在小的时候就变得很自立,父母给他们很多的空间。因此美国年轻一代具有国际化的视野,他们关注世界时事,对世界有更多的了解。

There is no doubt that post-90s are the world’s future hosts, though Chinese youth share different traits with US youth, both of them will be successful.毫无疑问,90后将来是世界的主人,虽然中国年轻人和美国年轻人有不同的特征,但是他们都会取得成功。

【篇三】说“谢谢”To Say "Thank You"

Saying “thank you” is not easy for Chinese people, because they are less to express their feelings. When we learn a foreign language, “thank you” is probably the first thing to learn, it is important to make a good impression upon other people, especially across cultural communication.说“谢谢”对于中国人来说不容易,因为他们很少表达自己的情感。当我们学一门外语时,说“谢谢”很可能是第一件要学得事情,这对于给别人好印象很重要,特别是跨文化交流。So, what exactly are we supposed to say when feel grateful to others, sometimes thank you maybe not good enough or it may distance the communication. For instance, when we are helped by others, if they are strangers, “thank you” would be appropriate, but if they are someone who we are so familiar with, then saying thank you in Chinasounds a little weird, they will think you don’t treat them as friends. So what is the better way to express your gratitude? We can buy them a drink or invite them to have dinner at home, it also promote your intimacy.因此,当我们对感激别人的时候,应该说点什么呢,有时候谢谢可能会诚意不够或者会疏远彼此。比如,当我们受到别人的帮助的时候,如果对方是陌生人,“谢谢”就合适了,但是如果他们是我们认识的人,说谢谢在中国来讲有点奇怪,对方会觉得你没有把他们当做朋友。所以的表达感谢的方式是什么?我们可以请他们喝一杯或者请他们来家里面吃一顿,这样也能增进感情。“Thank you” can be useful, as it is able to build a bridge for people to communicate, Chinese people are not get used to expressing gratitude directly, while the western people prefer the directly way, that’s cultural difference. I suggest people saying out“thank you” naturally, making it a habit.“谢谢”很有用,因为它能建造一座桥梁,让人们交流。中国人不习惯直接表达感激之情,然而西方人就喜欢直接的方式,这也是文化的不同。我建议人们自然地说出“谢谢”,让这成为一种习惯。
