1500字范文 > 中考英语作文:Styles of Clothing

中考英语作文:Styles of Clothing

时间:2024-06-13 10:14:33


中考英语作文:Styles of Clothing


Some ten years ago,the clothes the Chinese people wore were simple and monotonous.Men used to wear blue and gray tunics and trousers,and women used to wear blue or black blouses and skirts.When you were in some public places,you seemed to be in a forest of trees of the same kind in the same colour and appearance.

But now people have changed their custom in their clothing.Men begin to look for clothes which make them look more handsome;while women begin to dress themselves mor beautifully.When you are in a crowd of people,you seem to be in a garden of colourful flowers.

This change is the result of the policy of reform and opening up to the outside world in China.People dare to wear what they like to.And they become richer than before and can afford the varieties of clothes they want.They have no fear that they would be called bourgeois.

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