1500字范文 > 有意识教育 conscious education英语短句 例句大全

有意识教育 conscious education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-07 22:09:05


有意识教育 conscious education英语短句 例句大全

有意识教育,conscious education

1)conscious education有意识教育

1.Unconscious education in the work of moral education in HEIs features:dependence in means ,joyfulness in feeling ,latency in process,and unstableness in effe ct.其手段的依附性、过程的隐蔽性、情感的愉悦性等特征,能充分发挥有意识教育所无法替代的优势:有效消除逆反心理、激发参与意识、覆盖德育工作全程。

2.Since 80\"s of 20th century, Unconscious education as the new patter begun entering the people\"s vision ,and is receiving increasing attention and importance .在思想政治教育中,无意识教育与有意识教育是相对应的,无意识教育是有意识教育的有益补充。


1.Rational Combination between Consciousness and Unconsciousness in Ideological and Political Education;思想政治教育中有意识教育和无意识教育的有机结合

2.A effective means of child s patriotism education--combining conscious education with unconscious education;幼儿爱国主义教育的有效形式:有意识教育和无意识教育相结合

3.Although It Is Education,It Has No Trace Of Education At All --Reflections on Carrying on Moral Education Throngh the Teaching of Chinese是教育,却没有教育的痕迹——对语文教学中德育意识的思考

4.Strengthening the Ideology Education and Occupying the place of ldeology;强化意识形态教育 占领意识形态阵地

5.Life and Education--Envisioning Some Reforms in Educational System;生命与教育——呼唤教育的生命意识

6.On Particular Significance of General Education in Higher Vocational Education;论通识教育在高职教育中的特殊意义

7.The Unconscious Education in Ideological and Political Education in University;论高校思想政治教育中的无意识教育

8.To Establish Awareness and Strengthen Education of Sports Ecology;树立体育生态意识加强体育生态教育

9.Cultivation on Lifelong P.E Consciousness in College;高校体育教育中终身体育意识的培养

10.Physical Education and the Cultivation of Students Sports Consciousness in Colleges and Universties;高校体育教育与学生体育意识的培养

11.Training the Students Consciousness of World in History Teaching;开放世界 互通有无——中学历史教学中应重视世界意识教育

12.Discussion About Educational Service Consciousness of College P.E After Entering WTO;试论入世后高校体育的教育服务意识

13.On College P.E Teaching and Fostering Students P.E Awareness;高校体育教学培养学生体育意识刍议

14.To train students to have awareness of"Athletic sports all live"in P.E teaching;体育教学应培养学生“终身体育”的意识

15.On Reform of P. E. Teaching Model and Cultivation of Lifelong P.E. Awareness;改进体育教学模式,培养终身体育意识

16.On the Education of School P.E. and Safety Awareness;浅谈中小学校体育教育与安全意识教育

17.Two Important Approaches in Language and Culture Teaching--Language Awareness and Culture Awareness;外语教育的两个重要模式——语言意识与文化意识

18.Reforming Geological Education and Strengthening the Consciousness of Resources and Enviroment;改革地质教育教学 增强资源环境意识


consciousness education意识教育

1.The deficiencies inconsciousness education in colleges and universities are summarized in this paper.通过对高校意识教育中普遍存在的问题的思考,就如何搞好高校意识教育作了探索。

2.In the age of Internet, theconsciousness education is not only the soul of digital culture of university but also the core component of the national higher-education system.在互联网时代,意识教育既是高校数字文化的灵魂,同时也是国家高等教育体系的核心组件。

3)education awareness教育意识

1.In order to make an estimation of the qualification level of current college students and to explore efficient ways of teacher training,an investigation was conducted in eight teachers′ colleges,via questionnaire,on the students′education awareness,knowledge integration,and teaching competence.为了解目前师范生教育素质的实际水平,建立更为实际有效的人才培养模式,就师范生的教育意识、知识结构和能力结构等对8所高等师范院校的师范生进行了问卷调查。

2.Surveys have shown that the status of "female-peasant workers", especially in literacy,education awareness, is very worried This is have great relationsh.调查表明,外来女工的现状,特别是在文化水平、教育意识方面十分令人担忧。

4)educational consciousness教育意识

1.And the educational account refers to the process by which a teacher improves his educational life,the self-educational consciousness,educational proficiency,quality of educational career,and further growth of the teacher.教师成长乃是教师在立足于个人教育生活合理性的基础上,对个人教育生活的不断发现和个体教育意识的全面觉知。

2.The subjective fact of influencing the educational value orientation iseducational consciousness.教育相对独立地位的确立是教育价值取向发生的前提 ;丰富的社会实践及其文明成果是人类需要客观化的产物 ,为教育价值取向提供内容、动力 ;教育意识表达了主体对客观教育实践的“意向性”和能动介入 ,是影响教育价值取向的主观因素 ;分析影响教育价值取向的因素 ,目的在于揭示教育本质与教育社会功能的互动关系 ,促使教育改革既尊重教育的相对独立性 ,遵循“育人”本质 ,又体现社会需求对教育的全面制约性 ,同时还要不断提高教育意识的合规律性。

5)sts education consciousnessSTS教育意识

6)Unconscious education无意识教育

1.An analysis of the principles and methods in unconscious education;试论无意识教育的原则和方法

2.To strengthen unconscious education to youth students;要加强对青年学生的无意识教育

3.Discussing the Application of Unconscious Education in the Hospital s Cultural Construction.;论无意识教育在医院文化建设中的运用


