1500字范文 > 翻译理论与实践 Translation Theory and Practice英语短句 例句大全

翻译理论与实践 Translation Theory and Practice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-13 00:37:09


翻译理论与实践 Translation Theory and Practice英语短句 例句大全

翻译理论与实践,Translation Theory and Practice

1)Translation Theory and Practice翻译理论与实践

1.A Master of Chinese, English and Translation Studies--On Professor Pan Wenguo sTranslation Theory and Practice;中西合璧 后来居上——潘文国教授翻译理论与实践研究

2.As one core curriculum of undergraduate English education,the course ofTranslation Theory and Practice plays a unique role to connect all other related courses together for undergraduate English majors,so its teaching quality has a direct impact on the over-all performance of teaching.作为英语专业本科生的专业核心课程之一,"翻译理论与实践"课程具有独特的学科贯通作用,其教学质量的高低直接影响专业整体教学的成败。


1.Review: Becoming A Translator: An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Translation;《培养译者:翻译理论与实践导论》评介

2.Campos "Cannibalism": Translation Theory and Practice in Brazil;巴西的翻译:“吃人”翻译理论与实践及其文化内涵

3.On the Relationship between Translation Theory and Practice from a Teaching Perspective;从教学视角看翻译理论与实践的关系

4.The Reform of Translation-Teaching Mode;翻译理论与实践课程教学改革的探索与实践

5.Knowledge Requirements for Interpreters and Their Implication to Teaching of Translation Theories and Practice;从译员的知识结构看翻译理论与实践课教学

6.On "Artistic Flavor"in Literary Translation──As Regards Liu Shicong s Views and Practice;文学翻译的“韵味”说——论刘士聪的文学翻译理论与实践

7.On "Laws" for Translation Manipulation - A Dialectical Probe into the Relationship Between Translation Theory and Practice;论“规律”——兼论翻译理论与实践的辩证关系

8.Theory and Practice of Xu Yuanzhong s Translation of Chinese Ancient Poetry in View of Skopos Theory;从目的论看许渊冲的中国古诗翻译理论与实践

9.On the Aesthetic Requirements of Poetry Translation from Pound"s Translation Theory and Practice从庞德的翻译理论与实践探析诗歌翻译的审美要求

10.An Investigation of Translation Theory and Practice Course for English Majors;英语专业翻译理论与实践课程的调查与分析

11.Impacts of Intercultural Communication on Translation Theory and Its Practice;跨文化交际学对翻译理论与实践的影响

12.Reconsideration on Translation Theory--also on the relationship between translation theory and translation practice;翻译理论的再认识——兼论翻译理论与翻译实践的关系

13.Discussion on the Dialectical Relation Between Theory and Practices of Translation;翻译理论与翻译实践的辩证关系问题探讨

14.On the Unity of Translators Views & Practice;翻译观与翻译实践应是统一的——兼谈翻译研究不宜偏谈理论

15.Reflections on Translation Practice and Theoretical Studies;“问题”与“主义”——翻译实践与理论研究反思

16.A Survey of the Theoretical Propositions and Practice of Translated Fiction in the Late Qing Dynasty;晚清翻译小说的理论主张与实践考察

bination of Theory and Practice in Translation Teaching;关于翻译教学中的理论与实践相结合

18.A Review of Translation:Theory, Practice and Teaching Methods;《翻译:理论、实践与教学法》评介


series courses of translation practice and translation theory翻译实践和翻译理论系列课程

3)translation practice and translation thoughts翻译实践与翻译思想

4)translation practice翻译实践

1.Reconsideration on Translation Theory——also on the relationship between translation theory andtranslation practice;翻译理论的再认识——兼论翻译理论与翻译实践的关系

2.Then,the author points out that translation unit is not the unique criteria of the translation text even though it plays a very important role intranslation practice.因此,译者在翻译实践中不能一味地追求小句的对应,而应采取具体情况具体分析的原则。

5)Liang"s translation theory and practice梁实秋的翻译理论和实践

6)theory and practice理论与实践

1.Reconsidering of the urban rebuildingtheory and practice of China;中国城市改造理论与实践的再思考

2.The research about thetheory and practice in series course construction;关于系列课程建设的理论与实践研究

3.Thetheory and practice for construction control in large CFST arch bridges;大跨钢管砼拱桥施工控制的理论与实践


