1500字范文 > 生生互动 student-student interaction英语短句 例句大全

生生互动 student-student interaction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-02 22:51:21


生生互动 student-student interaction英语短句 例句大全

生生互动,student-student interaction

1)student-student interaction生生互动

1.The focus should be transferred from bilateral activity to multilateral interaction(teacher-student interaction,student-student interaction,teacher-teacher interaction,man-machine interaction).多向互动包括师生互动,生生互动,师师互动,人机互动。

2.This essay tentatively explores the psychologies backing upstudent-student interaction, the ways to achieve interactions between students and roles of interactive teachers.本文主要探讨了交互活动中的“生生互动”,重点论述了支持“生生互动”模式的心理学理论,实现这一教学模式的方法以及教师角色的转换。

3.This demands to implement classroom teaching based on students, andstudent-student interaction (SSI) is the embodiment of this kind of classroom teaching.而“生生互动”则是这种课堂教学的主要体现。


1.On Student-student Interaction in TEFL Classroom大学英语课堂“生生互动”模式的实现

2.On Interactions Between Students in College English Class;大学英语课堂“生生互动”模式初探

3.An Investigation into the Current Situation of the Student-student Interaction in the Senior High School English Classroom高中英语课堂生生互动现状调查研究

4.Student-student Interaction Model in Medical English Class医学专业英语课堂生生互动模式研究

5.Different populations living together and interacting. Populations can interact as competitors, predator and prey, or symbiotically.不同生物族群生活之间的互动,以相互竞争、食或共生的方式生活著。

6.Exploration the Social Construction of Problem Students in Teacher-Student Interaction;师生互动中问题学生的社会建构探析

7.The Preliminary Study of Composition Correcting on Cooperation and Interaction among Students;生生“合作—互动”作文评改教学初探

8.Teacher-Students Interactive Learning Environment in Junior Middle School Biological Education;师生互动的初中生课堂教学环境研究

9.On the Reinforcement on the Bipartite Relating Between Teacher and Students to Motivate the Mode of the Management To the Students;加强师生双向互动 创新学生管理模式

10.On the Interactional Relationship between the Construction of Ecological Civilization and Linguistic Ecology生态文明建设与语言生态构建互动论

11.Teacher-Student Interaction: Analysis and Improvement in the Perspective of Symbol Interaction Theory师生互动:基于符号互动论的分析与改进

12.GREEN is the same source of science and civilization, they are interaction and exchanging.科学与人文同源同生,互通互动,相宜互补,两者交融则生“绿”。

13.The Study of the Interaction between Teachers and Children in Game in Kindergarten;幼儿园游戏活动中师生互动现状研究

14.Emphasis on Students “Three Actions” in the Mutual Action Education;互动式教学中强调学生“三动”的尝试

15.The Influence of Teacher-Student Interaction on Generation of Problem Students in Classroom Teaching;课堂教学中的师生互动对问题学生产生的影响

16.The formalization of teacher-student interaction--The observation and the study of teacher-student interaction in Chinese class;试析师生互动的形式化——对语文课堂师生互动的观察与反思

17.Building the Teachter-student Relationship of Mutual Support;在教与学互动中构建相互支持的师生关系

18.While life is in progress, life and death are engaged in a constant struggle and are being transformed into each other all the time.在生命活动的过程中,生与死也在不断地互相斗争、互相转化。


students interaction生生互动

1.Cultivating and improving students emotional intelligence bystudents interaction may cultivate students good individuality,because among the factors to influence student s study effect,emotion is important.教师在外语教学过程中应不断注入情感智商教育,利用生生互动的学习过程来培养提升学生的情感智商,可以培养学生良好的个性品质,因为学生的学习效果如何,其情感取向发挥着重要作用。

2.Students interaction can be interpreted as the interaction and influence in various forms, nature and levels among students in a certain background and specific situation of classroom culture.生生互动可以理解为在一定课堂文化背景与具体情境下,学生与学生之间发生的各种形式、各种性质、各种程度的相互作用和影响。

3)interaction between teachers and students师生互动

1.A Brief Analysis on Structure of Interaction between Teachers and Students in Network Ages;网络时代师生互动的结构简析

2.The purpose of classroominteraction between teachers and students is not to pursue formal interaction but to create a relaxing and happy classroom atmosphere through dialogues and communication so as to cultivate students’ affections, to temper their wills, and develop their characters healthily besides acquiring knowledge.课堂师生互动的目的不是为了追求形式上的互动,而是通过对话和交流,创造一种宽松愉快的课堂氛围,使学生在获得知识的同时,情感得到陶冶、意志得到锻炼、人格得以健康发展。

3.This article deals with some problems aboutinteraction between teachers and students, and it indicates the necessity, recommendation, pattern and effect of theinteraction between teachers and students.本文就课堂教学的改革提出了个人看法,对师生互动问题作了一些研究,指出了师生互动的必要性和可行性、模式及效果。

4)Mutual generation互动相生

1.Mutual generation is the development rule for urban newborn space.互动相生是城市“新生空间”的发展规律。

5)interaction between teacher and students师生互动

1.Thinking About Interaction Between Teacher and Students at the Course of Physical Education in the University;对大学体育教学过程师生互动问题的思考

2.With the help of multi-media teaching,it greatly promotes theinteraction between teacher and students.利用多媒体教学对于增强师生互动具有较大促进作用,注重教师的启发引导作用是提高教学互动性的 重要途径,把多媒体教学的灵活性与教师的主动性相结合,能达到建筑制图教学的良好效果。

3.The paper first analyzes the connotation,the significance and the characteristics of theinteraction between teacher and students from the aspect of pedagogy and psychology.从教育学和心理学的角度解析了师生互动的内涵、意义和特点,在此基础上对体育课中如何开展师生互动进行了探讨,并对体育课教学中师生互动的模式、互动策略和在应用过程中应注意的问题进行了分析,旨在构建能够反映和指导实践的“师生互动观”,为体育教学和相关教育实践提供一定的理论启示和实践经验。

6)interacting and coexisting互动共生

1.For science and technology thesis,the author is the subject during the creation,while the editor is the subject during the editing,only byinteracting and coexisting .但一篇文稿能否面向社会,还需要编辑根据出版规范要求对文稿进行再创作,对于学术论文而言,在创作过程中作者是主体,在编辑过程中编辑是文稿的主体,只有这两种主体的互动共生才能保证高质量的文稿面对社会,为社会服务。


