1500字范文 > 精算师 actuary英语短句 例句大全

精算师 actuary英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-29 22:11:23


精算师 actuary英语短句 例句大全




1.Financial Times-Actuaries Share Index金融时报精算师股票指数

2.of or relating to the work of an actuary.属于或关于保险精算师工作的。

3.No player will agree to translate risk into money unless they have an actuarial analysis into which this policy fits.如果没有保险精算师的分析,就不可能将风险转化为金钱。

4.An actuary provides a forecast in the quantity of sufficient reserves that an insurance company should possess.精算师为保险公司拥有足够的储备金提供了量的预测。

5.She"s a purposeful, 29-year-old actuary who rarely smiles but loves nothing better than a party.她是一个29岁的,有进取心的保险精算师,很少有笑容,却十分喜欢派对。

6.Additionally, an actuary helps every walk of life and individuals to forecast a wide range of risks, offering the consultative basis on how to apportion risks rationally.精算师还帮助各行各业以及个人预测范围广泛的风险,并就如何合理分摊风险提供咨询依据。

7.In order to manage it, an actuary must be acquainted with the operation process, the management history, the macro-economy, and the political and legal environment of an enterprise.为做到这点,精算师必须懂得企业的营运过程、经营历史、宏观经济、政治和法律的环境。

8.Ask your tax advisor for a more accurate costing.叫你的缴税咨询师把费用算得再精确些。

9."The function of the design engineer is not to compute accurately but to judge soundly."“设计工程师的职责不是去进行精确的计算,而是进行正确的判断。”

10.A method derived from the GeoMountain Seismic Interpreter System:To improve the accuracy of calculating seismic interval velocity一种提高地震层速度计算精度的方法——用于GeoMountain解释工程师系统

11.A personal spiritual teacher.上师私人的精神导师

12.a shrewd lawyer [politician]精明的律师 [政客]

13.actuarial consulting services精算顾问服务(费)

14.He commanded profound knowledge of astronomy, mathematics, Confucian classics, calendar calculation, geography, local gazetteer, phonology and exegesis.对天文、数学、经学、历算、地理、方志、音韵、训诂均有精深研究,为乾嘉时代皖派考据大师。

15.a sharp lawyer, accountant, etc精明的律师、 会计等

16.He doesn" t have the stamina to be a teacher.他没有当教师的精力.

17.a dedicated worker, priest, teacher, etc有献身精神的工作者、 牧师、 教师等.

18.The Influence of Teacher s Psychological Health On Their Creative Spirit;教师心理健康对教师创新精神的影响


insurance actuary保险精算师

1.The transnational circulation of finance and insurance resources and the increasingly complicated global insurance relation intensify the demand for specialized talents ofinsurance actuary,as a result,insurance actuary appears.金融保险资源的跨国流动及其形成的世界保险关系日益复杂加剧了对保险精算师人才的需求,保险精算便应运而生。

3)actuarial report精算师报告

4)actuarial valuation精算师估值

5)appointed actuary委任精算师

6)Consulting Actuary顾问精算师


人寿保险精算师(Life Insurance Actuary)指受过数学、统计学、会计学和人寿保险学等专业训练并能从事寿险精算工作的专家。有些国家仅指取得精算协会资格鉴定的人。精算师的职责主要是测算合理的保险费率和投保额,计算保险公司的资产负债额、合理提存寿险责任准备金、审核投资计划并确保公司有一定的资金以保证足够偿付的能力等。精算师可以是保险公司的专职人员,也可以是独立的人士受聘于保险公司顾问精算工作。一般国家或地区保险业的法规规定,寿险公司须聘请精算师审理有关保险核算事项,尤其是决算报告必须经过精算师审定。
