1500字范文 > 教学构想 teaching conception英语短句 例句大全

教学构想 teaching conception英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-15 14:27:45


教学构想 teaching conception英语短句 例句大全

教学构想,teaching conception

1)teaching conception教学构想

1.Theteaching conception on the direction of traffic and civil engineering in the speciality of civil engineering;土木工程专业交通土建工程方向的教学构想


1.Structure -direction" Theory and Thought on Education of Track Events;结构定向教学理论与径赛项目的整体教学构想

2.Speculation of Mode ConstructionOf Art Education;对艺术教育教学体系建构模式的构想

3.On the Grade Teaching Mode of Wushu Education in Primary Schools小学武术教育:武术分级教学模式构想

4.The Comparison Between the Heuristic Teaching Thought and the Instructive Theory of Constructivism;启发式教学思想与建构主义教学思想的比较

5.Teaching System of "Middle School Mathematics Teaching Material and Pedagogy" and Constructive Project of the Course;《中学数学教材教法》的教学系统与课程建设构想

6.The proposition of "student - centered"pattern in teaching math quided by structuralism at primary schools;建构理论下自主学习小学数学教学模式构想

7.A Framework about Imlementation of "Three-dimension Hierarchical College English Teaching Mode" in Teaching Reform Practice at Baiyun Institute;将“三分”教学法引入学院大学英语教学的构想

8.Ponderation and Conceivation about Teaching of Teacher s Spoken Chinese;关于“教师口语”教学的思考和构想

9.Innovations on instructional modes in higher distance education;现代远程高等教育教学模式改革构想

10.Teaching Mode of the "Two Courses" in Quality-oriented Education;素质教育中“两课”教学模式的构想

11.A Consideration of the Reform on the Mode of Lower School Teachers" Continuing Education中小学教师继续教育模式改革的构想

12.On the tentative idea concerning structurism in the teaching of function and the idea of combination of numbers with shapes;函数教学中的建构主义构想与数形结合思想

13.Cultural Concept of Teaching Strategies in University Chinese Language;《大学语文》教学实施人文化策略构想

14.The Teaching Mode Conception of "Developmental Psychology" in Network Environment;网络环境下《发展心理学》教学模式构想

15.Thoughts and Ideas about the College Physics Experimental Teaching;关于大学物理实验教学的思考与构想

16.About the Teaching Reform of Public Physical Education in Mianyang Normal University;绵阳师范学院公共体育教学改革构想

17.The Speculation on Establishing Chemistry Course Cluster in High Normal Universities;关于建立高师化学教学课程群的构想

18.Thoughts on Constructing CurriculumSystem for Undergraduates Majoring in Hotel Management;大学本科饭店管理课程教学体系构想


Conceiving Teaching Method构想式教学

3)ideal educational structure theory理想教学结构

4)conception of teaching reform教学体系构想

5)the instructive theory of constructivism建构主义教学思想

1.The heuristic teaching thought is closely related tothe instructive theory of constructivism.启发式教学思想与建构主义教学思想从表象到本质紧密联系,呈现出你中有我,我中有你的相似性,又因为中西方历史、文化、制度的差异使得二者各具特色。

6)A Design of Deep Exploration Pedagogy深度探究教学构想


