1500字范文 > 圆 circle英语短句 例句大全

圆 circle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-25 16:12:16


圆 circle英语短句 例句大全



1.A new algorithm for detectingcircles based on gradient angles;一种新的基于梯度方向角的圆检测算法

2.A kind of synthesizing method for accurate trace guiding mechanism of straight lines andcircles;一种精确直线、圆轨迹导引机构的综合方法


1." Bolts,round head with oval neck"GB/T8262-1987圆头椭圆颈螺栓

2.a disk used on a disk harrow.用在圆盘耙上的圆片.

3.Tolerance of Wire Diameters & Ovality圆径及偏圆度之公差

4.disc or cylindrical calculator圆盘或圆柱式计算机

5.Moving in or forming a circle.进入圆内或形成圆的

6.ckyclindrical gears and gear pairs圆程齿轮和圆柱齿轮副

7.He described a circle with a pair of compasses他用圆规画了一个圆。

8.caliber compasses弯脚圆规,微调小圆规

9.range-range positioning圆-圆定位,距离-距离定位

10.Round and round, and up they jump.圆球,圆球,蹦来蹦去。

11.double-action disc harrow(双列圆盘靶) 双功圆盘靶

12."Polar impedance diagram, Smith chart(polar admittance diagram)"阻抗圆图(导纳圆图)

13.A cylindrical container or object.圆柱形容器,圆柱形物体

14.ground-working disk blade切土圆盘刀,耕耘圆盘

15.circular tooth and cylindrical worm reducer圆弧齿圆柱蜗杆减速机

16.diameter of root circular-arc center circle齿根圆弧中心圆直径

17.diameter of tip circular-arc center circle齿尖圆弧中心圆直径

18.The boundary line of a circle.圆周一个圆的边界线



1.The culture ofroundness is an important part of Chinese culture,and takingroundness as beauty is the universal principle followed by all our folks.圆文化是中国文化的重要内容,以圆为美是我国各民族文化艺术普遍遵循的原则。

2.China and the Western Countries have under-gone the same road in the recognition of the shape of the earth:from squareness toroundness.中西方在对我们居住的这个天体中的大地形状的认识几乎走过了相同的道路,即,先方后圆。

3.The images of"roundness"and"green"in The Garden have even brought the concept of eternity,the more profound meanin.对美丽的自然的生动描写表明了诗人的理想世界 ,同时又揭示了一个深刻的宗教主题 ,而诗中“圆”和“绿色”的意象更进一步表达了此诗的更深层的含义——“永恒”的主题。


4)round hole or similar round hole圆(类圆)孔

5)circular curve location圆-圆定位

1.In this paper,a calculation method is proposed for GDOP of teritorial Radio Navigation system based oncircular curve location and some characteristics are discussed,including the effect of location and number of ground stations on GDOP value.在此介绍了一种基于圆-圆定位体制下的区域无线电导航定位系统几何精度因子的计算方法,并讨论了几何精度因子的一些特性,包括导航台位置和数量对GDOP值的影响。

6)radius waviness圆弧圆度

1.In lapping process, the end face run-out of grinding spindle is the lea- ding factor affecting theradius waviness and the radius of cutting edge, which are main parameters influencing the integrity of machining surface.05μm以下,刀尖圆弧圆度提高到0。


