1500字范文 > 篮球运动员 basketball players英语短句 例句大全

篮球运动员 basketball players英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-18 03:02:02


篮球运动员 basketball players英语短句 例句大全

篮球运动员,basketball players

1)basketball players篮球运动员

1.Experimental research on enlarging visual field ofbasketball players;扩大篮球运动员视野的实验研究

2.On the Formation and the Cultivation of Basketball Players s Individual Defense Consciousnese;论篮球运动员个人防守意识的形成与培养

3.Influential elements and control of pre-match anxiety of excellentbasketball players in institues;高校优秀篮球运动员赛前焦虑的影响因素及其控制


1.a basketball player who is dribbling the ball to advance it.控球前进的篮球运动员。

2.I want to be a basketball player.我想当一名篮球运动员。

3.On the Development of College Players Basketball Consciousness;论大学生篮球运动员篮球意识的培养

4.How to Develop Basketball Players "Basketball Consciousness;浅谈如何培养篮球运动员的“篮球意识”

5.Summarizing the Mechanism of Basketball Player"exercise Fatigue Producing篮球运动员运动性疲劳产生机制综述

6.The principle of ankle joint and its prevention of basketball athlete in university;篮球运动员拼抢篮板球的技术及训练方法

7.How to Raise and Train Basketball Athlete s Basketball Consciousness;试论篮球运动员篮球意识的培养与训练

8.Basketball Player how to Cultivate and Train Basketball Consciousness;篮球运动员如何加强篮球意识的培养与训练

9.Try on Theory Influence Basketball Athlete Spell Backboard Recovery Factor of Ability;试论影响篮球运动员拼抢篮板球能力的因素

10.A Study on Training College Basketball Players to Obtain Attacking Rebounds;高校篮球运动员拼抢进攻篮板球技术训练初探

11.Talk of The Improving Basketball Player s Psychological Quality at Penalty Shot;谈提高篮球运动员罚球时的心理素质

12.On Basketball Players Emotional Variation Factors in Competitionand Their Psychological Training Methods;影响篮球运动员比赛心理的因素及篮球运动员的心理训练方法

13.Improving the Shooting Percentage of Junior Basketball Players;提高少年篮球运动员的投篮命中率训练

14.The Experimental study on Position Shot of Male Basketball Players at College;普通高校男子篮球运动员定位投篮的实验研究

15.How to Overcome the Psychological Handicaps of Basketball Players When They Shoot;如何克服篮球运动员投篮时的心理障碍

16.Lucy is stuck on the basketballer.露西深深地爱上了那位篮球运动员。

17.One of China"s most promising basketball players,作为中国最有前途的篮球运动员之一,

18.He is also the tallest basketball player in China, isn"t he?他也是中国篮球运动员中最高的,对吗?


basketball player篮球运动员

1.Injury mechanism and rehabilitation of "kneecap osteomalacia"forbasketball players in stop training period;停训篮球运动员“髌骨软骨病”的损伤机制和康复对策探析

2.A study of the defensive ability. of womenbasketball player;女子篮球运动员对抗能力的研究

3.Analysis and countermeasures on anxiety ofbasketball players;关于篮球运动员焦虑情绪的分析及对策

3)basketball athlete篮球运动员

1.The principle of ankle joint lesion and its prevention amongbasketball athlete in university;高校篮球运动员踝关节损伤的原因及预防措施

2.Analysis onbasketball athletes knee damages in Jinzhou higher schools;锦州高校篮球运动员膝部损伤的分析

3.Study on Jilin Province Young People Basketball Athlete Selection Pattern;吉林省青少年篮球运动员选材模式的研究

4)Basketball athletes篮球运动员

1.An Analysis of the Speed Endurance Quality of Chinese Elite Young Men Basketball Athletes;我国优秀青年男子篮球运动员速度耐力素质研究

2.Bouncing is one of the important features of young basketball athletes ability.弹跳力是衡量篮球运动员运动能力的重要指标之一。

3.In this study,the methods such as literature,investigating experts,psychology measurements and statisˉtics were applied,61Chinese basketball athletes in three different positions were comparatively investigated for12perceptual indexes,and the perceptual features of elite shooters were discussed at the same time.运用文献资料、心理实验测量和数理统计等研究方法,对61名不同位置篮球运动员的12项感知觉指标进行了比较研究;同时探讨了优秀投手的感知觉特征。

5)female basketball athlete女子篮球运动员

6)Chinese basketball players中国篮球运动员


