1500字范文 > 明清志怪小说 Chinese supernatural tales in the Ming-Qing dynasties英语短句 例句大全

明清志怪小说 Chinese supernatural tales in the Ming-Qing dynasties英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-21 06:50:05


明清志怪小说 Chinese supernatural tales in the Ming-Qing dynasties英语短句 例句大全

明清志怪小说,Chinese supernatural tales in the Ming-Qing dynasties

1)Chinese supernatural tales in the Ming-Qing dynasties明清志怪小说

1.Both theChinese supernatural tales in the Ming-Qing dynasties and British Gothic novels in the 18th Century are about ghost.明清志怪小说和18世纪英国哥特小说都是有关鬼怪的创作。


1.The Narrative Art Comparative Study on the Chinese Supernatural Tales in the Ming-Qing Dynasties and the 18th Century British Gothic Novels明清志怪小说和18世纪英国哥特小说叙事艺术比较研究

2.The Developed Moment and Characteristics on the Ming Dynast Classical Chinese;明代志怪传奇小说的发展阶段及其特征

3.The Erotic Fictions of Ming and Qing Dynasties:The Symbol of Chinese Erotic Literature s Mature;明清性爱小说:中国性爱文学成熟的标志

4.On the Modes and Contributing Factors of the Beginning of Strange and Mystical Stories in Traditional Chinese Novels in Zhanghui Style during the Ming and Qing Dynasties;论明清章回小说神奇怪异故事开端的模式及成因

5.Research the Culuture of Snake in the Tales of Mystery and the Supernaturalduring the Period of Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties;魏晋南北朝志怪小说中的蛇文化探究

6.Characteristics and Methods of Feminine Images in Zhiguai Fictions during the Medieval Times;中古志怪小说女性形象塑造艺术浅析

7.On the Image of Cavern Fairyland and Its Psychoanalysis in the Zhi-guai Novels of Wei, Jin, the South and North Dynasties;魏晋南北朝志怪小说的“洞穴仙境”意象

8.Analysis of the Dragon Culture in the Mistery and the Supernatuyal Tales during the Period of Wei,Jin,Nothern and Southern Dynasties;魏晋南北朝志怪小说中的龙文化探析

9.The Writing Psychology of Absurd Novels in Wei-Jin and Worthern and Southern Dynasties;魏晋南北朝志怪小说作家的创作心态

10.On the Plot of Praying for More Life in Liuchao Novels六朝志怪小说中“祈寿”情节之文化考察

11.An Introduction to Ten Works of Supernatural and Legendary Novels During the Mid-and Late Period of the Republic of China民国中后期志怪传奇小说集10种叙录

12.The Separation Principle for Marriage and Love in Tales of Mystery and the Supernatural in the Six Dynasties论六朝志怪小说婚恋故事的分离原则

13.The English Gothic Novels and the Chinese Supernatural Tales in the Six Dynasties: A Comparative Study;英国哥特小说与中国六朝志怪小说比较研究

14.A Brief Comparison Study on English Gothic Novels and Chinese Supernatural Tales in the Six Dynasties;英国哥特小说与中国六朝志怪小说的异同

15.A Comparative Study of Allan Poe s Gothic Novels and Pu Song-ling s Supernatural Tales;爱伦·坡哥特式小说与蒲松龄志怪小说之比较

16.The Esthetics of Ghost Novel in the Six Dynasties and Chinese Contemporary Fanciful Novel;六朝志怪小说审美与中国当代奇幻小说

17.Mr Li Xiaohe said that he and his family were able to see the monster clearly,李小和先生说他和家人看清楚了怪物,

18.The Edtion of "Yi Jian Zhi"(夷坚志) and Hong Mai`s Viewpoint on the Novel of Recording Weird Matter--Talks about Several Prefaces of Yi Jian Zhi(夷坚志);《夷坚志》的编撰及洪迈对志怪小说的看法——从《夷坚志》的多篇序言谈起


Zhiguai fictions志怪小说

1.Characteristics and Methods of Feminine Images in Zhiguai Fictions during the Medieval Times;中古志怪小说女性形象塑造艺术浅析

2.Feminine images ofZhiguai fictions during the Medieval Times and feminine images of Tang legends are analyzed changes of th images are obvious.分析了中古志怪小说到唐传奇中的女性形象演进特点:现实性渐强,青楼色彩的渐趋浓厚,虚构手法运用的渐趋自觉,探讨了其演变原因。

3)Tales of mystery and the supernatural志怪小说

1.Research the Culuture of Snake in the Tales of Mystery and the Supernaturalduring the Period of Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties;魏晋南北朝志怪小说中的蛇文化探究

2.One of the factors for marriage and love in the tales of mystery and the supernatural in the six dynasties is the "separation principle",that is,the marriage and love between human and non-human beings will result in separation.六朝志怪小说婚恋故事的一个情节要素就是"分离原则",即人与异类之间的婚恋关系大多以分离告终。

4)Song Zhiguai"s Novels宋志怪小说

5)Zhiguai novels of the mid-ancient Chin中古志怪小说

1.Love stories influenced by Taoism and Buddhism—culture inZhiguai novels of the mid-ancient China;中古志怪小说中的情爱故事与道佛民俗初探

6)ghost novel in Weijin period魏晋志怪小说


