1500字范文 > 二口语真题-全国少儿英语等级考试


时间:2021-03-02 09:40:11






Every morning at eight o’clock

You can hear the postman knock.

Up jumps Mary to open the door,

One letter, two letters, three letters, four.


1 When will the film begin?

2 I like hot food very much.

3 She often cries when she sees the picture.

4 Are you the first in the test?

5 Grandpa, the story is too short!

D 听听做做


道具:一只盒子 内有一只盘子, 一双筷子,一把汤勺, 一个叉子。 桌上有一个圆圈

1 Take a plate, a spoon and a fork out of the box

2 Put them in the circle on the desk

3 Now put the fork on the right-hand side of the plate

4 and the spoon on its left

5 Take the chopsticks out of the box and put them on the plate

6 Now put everything back into the box


道具: 一张有抽屉的写字桌, 一叠纸, 一本二星教材, 一支铅笔,

1 Take the textbook out of the drawer

2 Open the book and turn to page 25

3 Now count the pictures on the page and tell the teacher how many there are

4 pick up a piece of paper and a pencil from the desk

5 Now write down the name of food you like

6 Put the paper on the right-hand side of the desk



1 Where is your school?

2 When did you go to bed last night?

3 Do we butterflies in winter?

4 What do you usually do in the evening?

5 How many months are there in spring?

6 Do Chinese eat food with a fork?

7 Name two things you can see in a study.


1 Which grade are you in ?

2 When did you get up yesterday?

3 Which is bigger, the hill or the mountain?

4 How many fingers do we have?

5 What do you do after class?

6 Which animal has a very long neck?

7 Name two things you can see in the dining room.


1 What are the children doing?

2 How many

3 Name two things

4 What color is the boy’s T-shirt?

5 Which bag is open? (The blue one)


钥匙 船 飞机 面包 扑克牌
