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创新性 innovation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-14 20:09:26


创新性 innovation英语短句 例句大全



1.How to elucidateinnovational contributions in scientific and technical paper;科研成果的创新性在科技论文中的表达

2.The activity andinnovation of scientific research management of provincial key lab省级重点实验室科研管理工作的能动性与创新性


1.Creative thinking is the antecedence of design.创新性设计,必须有创新性思维。

2.The implementation innovation education, raises the innovation talented person;实施创新性教育 培养创新性人才

3.catalytic and innovative activities推动性和创新性活动

4.An Empirical Research on the Model of Multilevel Structure of Organizational Innovation in Innovative Firm;创新型企业的组织创新性结构关系模型检验

5.Integration Innovation and Module I nnovation:the Strategic Complemen tarities in Innova-tive Activities;集成创新和模块创新——创新活动的战略性互补

6.Creative Thought of Architectural Creation & Innovation of It s Works;建筑创作的创造性思维及作品的创新

7.On comprehensive creativeness of creative talents in the new century;新世纪创新人才应具有全面的创造性

8.Discussion on Creativity and Creative thinking --including the creative quality of leaders;论创新与创造性思维——兼论领导干部的创新素质

9.Don"t try to invent a new personality;不要试图创造新的个性;

10.On Effect of Creative Thought in Technology Innovation;创造性思维在技术创新中的作用初探

11.On SU Wei-dong s Calligraphic Creation;传统 创新 个性——评苏位东的书法创作

12.Solutions to Mathematics Problems in Terms of Reverse, Creativity and Conciseness;“逆变、创新、求简”:创造性的解题策略

13.Stimulating creative consciousness and training students′ creative thinking;激发创新意识 培养学生创造性思维

14.Management Innovation and Creative Thinking in a Dynamic Environment;动态环境中的管理创新与创造性思维

15.On Creative Personnel and the Innovation Education in Adult College;浅论创造性人才与成人高校创新教育

16.Developing the creative way of teaching fosteringthe students awareness of innovation;开发创造性教学 培养学生创新意识

17.Individuality,Leading Character and Creativity--the Cajor Content of Creative Education;个性·主体性·创造性——创新教育的核心内容

18.The establishment of creative country need cultivate a great many creative talents.建设创新型性国家需要培养大批创新型人才。



1.The thought of training high quality andcreativity qualified architects;高素质创新性建筑学人才培养的思考

2.Foresight, progressiveness,creativity — On constructing a couse series for undergraduates of English in the 21st century;前瞻性、先进性、创新性——关于“新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材”建设

3.Oncreativity of customer relation management;论客户关系管理的创新性


1.The practice and exploration oninnovative experiment teaching model in medical laboratory education检验医学专业创新性实验教学模式的探索和实践

2.National Pharmacy Experimental & Teaching Demonstration Center and Teaching Platform for Innovative Experiment Study国家级药学实验教学示范中心创新性实验教学平台研究

3.In accordance with the existing malpractice and the coming plight and challenge in the planning and development of urbanization,innovative sustainable planning and development is proposed.文章针对目前城市化进程中,城市规划和发展上存在的弊病及所面临的困境和挑战,提出城市应进行创新性的可持续规划和发展。


1.It reviews and analyzes the ambiguities and inconsistencies existed in the definitions,measures,and relationship propositions concerninginnovativeness and/or innovative capacity in literatures.分析了文献中关于创新性及创新能力两个术语在定义、度量以及相互关系方面存在的歧义、混淆和不一致问题,对创新性与创新能力进行了新的诠释,给出了具有操作性的定义。

2.According to the characteristics and demands of the scheme of the subject selecting,the following five essential points about the scheme of the subject selecting should be obeyed: characteristic of direction,innovativeness,dynamism,groupment and activeness.在学术期刊编辑出版实际工作中,一个好的选题,一次科学的策划,是办刊成功的一半,要打造学术精品期刊,必须在选题策划上下足功夫,根据选题策划的特点和要求,按照"针对性、创新性、动态性、群体性、主动性"这五大要诀进行策划选题。

3.The level of consumer sinnovativeness is one of the main factors influencing consumers intention of online-shopping.消费者的创新性水平是影响其网上购物意向的重要因素之一。


1.The scholarship demandscreation,needs guiding,and the editor or journal of high school should have high scholarship ability.高校学报要充分体现学术价值,要求所载文章必须具有创新性,有自己的特色,学术需要创新,学术需要引导,同时也需要高校学报的编辑具有较高的学术能力。

2.Lin Yi Fu s comparative the two strategy and discussed thecreation about scientific research.当前对经济学有两种极端,一是对马克思经济学的全盘否定,是对西方经济学的全部接受,而这些都严重违背了经济学作为一门科学本身所具有的继承性和创新性。

3.The essence of Marxist Chinalization is the unification of practice?nationality andcreation.中国的特殊国情决定了马克思主义必须中国化,马克思主义中国化的本质特征是实践性、民族性和创新性的统一。

6)personality creation个性创新

1.General model andpersonality creation——probe of big hospital’s design;共性模式与个性创新——大中型医院设计实践探索


