1500字范文 > 农民权益 Peasants rights and interests英语短句 例句大全

农民权益 Peasants rights and interests英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-08 01:56:14


农民权益 Peasants rights and interests英语短句 例句大全

农民权益,Peasants rights and interests

1)Peasants rights and interests农民权益

1.The essay analyses the inevitability of the shift of the right to use rural land and the ways and reasons of the violation for the peasants rights and interests in the shift currently in china,and then steadily puts forward effective measures to standardize the shift of the right to use rural land and protect peasants right and interests.目前土地使用权流转中农民权益受到种种侵害,必须采取有效措施推进和规范农村土地使用权流转进程,坚持农民自愿流转的原则,坚持有偿流转的原则,坚持依法流转的原则,推进农村社会保障改革。

2.To protect peasants rights and interests means to prevent the peasants rights and interests from being infringed and assure their rights and interests to be finally protected by the system.农民权益保障是指防止权益受到侵害,确保权益最终实现的制度化保护。

3.Practically, protect the peasants rights and interests, so as.而实现工农协调、城乡协调和区域协调发展,要求充分保障农民权益,让农民分享现代化建设带来的成果;要求改革和创新农村土地制度,提升农村和农业发展实力——这是落实科学发展观的具体体现和要求。


1.Discussing on the Protection of Farmer s Rights and Interests--From the perspective of public interest;论农民权益的保护——以公益诉讼为视角

2.Protecting Peasants Rights and Interests and Building a Harmonious Society in Rural Area: Reflections on the Survey of the Peasants Rights and Interests in Hengyang Prefecture;保护农民权益 构建和谐农村——衡阳农民权益问题调查的思考

3.Perfect Property Right of Collective Land to Guarantee Farmers Right and Interests;完善集体土地产权 保障农民权益

4.A Study of Safeguarding the Peasants Rights and Interests in Farmland Expropriation;农地征收中的农民权益保护问题研究

5.Establishing the Organization to Protect the Rights of Peasants--Peasant Union;建立保护农民权益的社会团体——农会

6.The science of law that the agriculture field expropriation and peasant rights and interests protect is thought deeply;农地征用及农民权益保护的法学思考

7.Reform Rural Land System, Protecting the Farmer s Profit;改革农村土地制度 保护农民权益

8.Institution Arrangements for Transfer of Rurall Land and Protection of Farmer"s Rights农地流转与农民权益保护的制度安排

9.Research on Farmer s Right Protection in Agricultural Water Rights Transfer;农业水权转让中的农民权益保护机制研究

10.The Protection of the Peasants Rights and Interests during the Shift of the Right to Use Rural Land;农村土地使用权流转中的农民权益保护

11.National Treatment:the Supply of Rural Public Goods and Farmers Rights Protection国民待遇:农村公共产品供给与农民权益保护

12.A Case Study on Rights and Interests Protection of Farmers Lost Farmland and Sustainable Development of Agriculture and the Village in Weifang City, Shandong Province, China;失地农民权益保护与农业和农村可持续发展

13.Improve the Policies for Peasant Workers and Legally Protect their Rights and Interests;完善农民工政策 依法维护农民工权益

14.On the Farmers" Organizations and the Protection of Their Land Rights农民组织化与农民土地权益保障问题

15.Guarantee Farmers Land Rights in the View of the Distemperedness of Property Right System;产权缺位视角下的农民土地权益保护

16.Reflection on Land Right of Peasantry in Property Law;对物权法中农民土地权益问题的思考

17.On the Lack of Constitutional Rights and Safeguarding the Peasant-Workers Rights and Interests;宪法缺失权利与农民工权益保障研究

18.Land-Lost Peasants" Rights and Interests Maintenance in the Rural Land Circulation农村土地流转中失地农民的权益维护


farmers rights and interests农民权益

1.Currently,the many problems that existing in the countryside of China,in a way can be concluded asfarmers rights and interests protection issue.目前中国农村中存在的许多问题,在某种程度上都可以归结为农民权益保护问题。

2.People are now showing more and more concern about how to protectfarmers rights and interests at the present stage.现阶段如何保护农民权益问题正日益受到广泛的关注。

3.The core of issues concerning agriculture,countryside and farmers is the issue of farmers,essentially associated withfarmers rights and interests.农民权益的缺失,是困扰我国经济发展的痼疾,保护农民权益已是当务之急。

3)rights and interests of farmers农民权益

1.To solve this problem, the following article argues about to make a systematic and strategic plan and measure which should accord with a long-termrights and interests of farmers, and that should be guided by the essential purposes in socialism, market economy and "the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people" and.解决三农问题,必须按照社会主义的本质要求,站在市场经济的最高处,站在“最广大人民”利益的最高处,用发展的全局的眼光和思维,制定设计出符合农民长远利益和国家可持续发展的系统性战略性策略措施和改革方案,逐步实现农民权益的回归,实现对农民的反哺。

2.To a large extent, it is due to unsound protection mechanisms of therights and interests of farmers.农村资源环境问题在很大程度上是由于农民权益保护的利益机制不健全产生的。

4)farmer rights and interests农民权益

1.Ningxia protects thefarmer rights and interests to construct harmonious social the investigation and the research;宁夏保护农民权益构建和谐社会的调查与研究

5)rights and interests of peasants农民权益

1.The Legal Research of Rights and Interests of Peasants in the Process of Land Expropriation;在土地征收过程中保护农民权益法律问题研究

6)rights and interests of peasant workers农民工权益

1.Influence and Constraint of Chinese NGO on Protecting Rights and Interests of Peasant Workers;从拓宽传统农民工权益维护研究的视角,将NGO作为政府维护农民工合法权益的重要补充,分析了NGO对农民工维权的影响与制约,并从政府角度对管理和规范农民工NGO提出相关对策和建议。


《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》Law of the People" s Republic of China on Safeguarding the Consumer Rights and Interests乙加ghua RenminGO叩h叩uo为的feizhe ouanyi日加hUfo《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》(么洲,of:hePe叩le’。御,ublic ofC人inaon义向加咸咭the肠甩~尺卿场and知烧砚。)中国保护消费者合法权益的法律。1卯3年ro月31日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第4次会议通过,自1望抖年l月l日起施行。主要规定消费者的权利、经营者的义务、国家对消费者合法权益的保护、消费者组织及其职能、争议的解决,以及违法行为的法律责任。消资者的权利共有9项:①享有安全权。消费者在购买、使用商品和接受服务时,享有人身和财产安全不受损害的权利;有权要求经营者提供的商品和服务,符合保障人身、财产安全的要求。②知情权。消费者享有知悉其购买、使用的商品或者接受的服务的真实情况的权利;有权获得有关消费和消费者权益保护方面的知识。③自由选择权。消费者享有自由选择商品或者服务的权利;有权自主选择提供商品或服务的经营者,选择商品的品种或服务的方式,自主决定是否购买商品或接受服务。④公平交易权。消费者享有公平交易的权利;有权获得质量保障、价格合理、计t正确等公平交易的条件,有权拒绝经营者的强制交易。⑤获得赔偿权。消费者因购买、使用商品受到侵害的,享有获得赔偿的权利。⑥成立组织权。消费者享有依法成立维护自身合法权益的社会团体的权利。⑦保持尊严权。消费者在购买、使用商品和接受服务时,享有其人格尊严、民族习惯得到尊重的权利。⑧投诉权。消费者与经营者发生消费者权益争议时,有权向消费者组织、有关的国家行政部门以及人民法院进行申诉和依法提起诉讼。⑨监督权。消费者享有对商品或服务以及保护消费者的工作进行监任的权利;有权检举、控告侵害消费者权益的行为和国家机关及其工作人员在保护消费者权益工作中的违法失职行为;有权对保护消费者的工作提出批评、建议。经营者的义务经营者在向消费者提供商品或服务时,应当履行以下义务:①履行法定或约定的义务。经营者向消费者提供商品或报告,应当依照《中华人民共和国产品质量法》和其他有关法律、法规的规定履行义务;经营者与消费者有约定的应当履行约定的义务,但双方约定不应违背法律、法规规定。②接受监督的义务。经营者应当听取消费者对其提供的商品或者服务的意见,接受消费者的监督。③保证安全的义务。经营者应当保证其提供的商品或服务不存在严重缺陷;即使正确使用商品或接受服务仍然可能对人身、财产安全造成危害的,应当向有关行政部门报告和告知消费者,并采取措施防止危害的发生。
