1500字范文 > 低能量氦氖激光 imbecile He-Ne laser英语短句 例句大全

低能量氦氖激光 imbecile He-Ne laser英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-18 05:30:58


低能量氦氖激光 imbecile He-Ne laser英语短句 例句大全

低能量氦氖激光,imbecile He-Ne laser

1)imbecile He-Ne laser低能量氦氖激光

1.Objective: To observe the therapeutic effi cacy and the safety ofimbecile He-Ne laser irradiating blood vessel (ILIB) in the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN).目的 :观察低能量氦氖激光血管内照射 (ILIB)治疗糖尿病性周围神经病 (DPN )的有效性及安全性。


1.Therapeutic Effect of Imbecile He-Ne Laser Irradiating Blood Vessel in the Treatment of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy低能量氦氖激光血管内照射治疗糖尿病性周围神经病

2.Effect of Tangnaoluotong Combined with Intravenous Low Intensity Laser Irradiation on Blood Rheology and Endothelin of Diabetes Mellitus and Cerebral Infarction Patients糖脑络通联合低能量氦氖激光血管内照射对糖尿病脑梗死患者血流变及内皮素的影响

3.CONCLUSION:Intravascular low dose He Ne laser irradiation has protective effects to cerebral ischemia of rats.结论:低剂量氦氖激光血管内照射对大鼠脑缺血有保护作用。

4.Distribution of Energy Field of Scattered Light in Human Skin Tissues Irradiated by He-Ne laser氦-氖激光照射人皮肤组织的散射光能量场分布的研究

5.He-Ne laser accupuncture therapy氦氖激光针灸理疗仪

6.Clinical effects of low-power He-Ne laser as accessory treatment of depressive patients低功率氦氖激光辅助治疗住院抑郁症的疗效

7.Frequency stabilized He-Ne laser (0.33μm) of neon saturated absorption氦一氖0.633微米氖饱和吸收稳频激光器

8.Helium-neon Laser and Helium-neon Laser with Acupuncture Treatment of Peripheral Facial Paralysis Effect Comparative Analysis氦氖激光治疗与氦氖激光配合针灸治疗周围性面瘫疗效观察

9.Effect of He-Ne Laser Irradiation on Proliferation and Differentiation of Rat Embryo Midbrain Nerve Cell.低强度氦氖激光照射对大鼠胚胎中脑神经细胞生物效应的影响

10.Measurement methods of parameter for helium neon laserGB/T7257-1987氦氖激光器参数测试方法

11.He-Ne laser specificationGB/T14078-1993氦氖激光器技术条件

12.pulsed He-Ne laser planeplate interferometer脉冲氦氖激光平板干涉仪

13.Effect on the Activity of Amylase in the Serum by He-Ne Laser氦氖激光对人血清淀粉酶活性的影响

14.The series and type spectrum for helium neon lasersGB/T4931-1985氦氖激光器系列型谱

15.Weak laser pulse detecting and its data processing氦氖激光纵模脉冲检测及其数据处理

16.Influence of He, Ne and Ar Pressure on the Spectra and Filling of 2p ̄53p Level of Ne氦、氖、氩气体压力对氖光谱和能级填充的影响

17.Clinical Observation of Early TMJDS Treated with He_Ne Laser氦-氖激光治疗功能性颞下颌关节紊乱综合征的临床观察

18.The Study of the Effect of Low-Intensity He-Ne Laser on the Red Blood Cells of α-Light Thalassemia Using Laser Tweezers Raman Spectroscopy低强度氦氖(He-Ne)激光对α轻型地中海贫血患者红细胞影响的光镊拉曼光谱研究


low intensity helium-neon laser低能量氦-氖激光照射

3)intravascular He-Ne laser irradiation on blood低能量氦氖激光血管内照射

1.Change of transcranial Doppler and brainstem auditory evoked potential of patients with vertebrobasilar blood insufficiency were treated byintravascular He-Ne laser irradiation on blood;低能量氦氖激光血管内照射治疗椎-基底动脉供血不足患者的TCD及BAEP变化

4)low helium neon laser低强度氦-氖激光

1.To explore the nursing points of reflux esophagitis treated withlow helium neon laser and Xuanfu Daize Decoction,hoping to perfect and improve the corresponding curative effect.探索低强度氦-氖激光联合旋复代赭汤治疗反流性食管炎的护理要点,以期完善和提高了低能量He-Ne激光对反流性食管炎的治疗效果。

5)low-power He-Ne laser低强度氦氖激光

6)He-Ne laser氦氖激光

1.Effect of Chinese herbal medicine,Ligustrazin,in combination with He-Ne Laser on NO level and its efficacy in treating patients with chloasma;中药配合氦氖激光治疗黄褐斑的疗效评价及对一氧化氮影响

2.Effect of Chinese medicine ligustrazin in coordination with theHe-Ne laser on hemorheology in patients with chloasma;中医药配合氦氖激光对黄褐斑患者血液流变学的影响

3.Low energyHe-Ne laser combined with the synthetic amblyopia treatment instrument in treating amblyopia;氦氖激光联合弱视综合治疗仪治疗儿童弱视


