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实践论美学 practical aesthetics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-06 18:59:44


实践论美学 practical aesthetics英语短句 例句大全

实践论美学,practical aesthetics

1)practical aesthetics实践论美学

1.Issues and introspection on Li Zehou s Practical Aesthetics;李泽厚实践论美学的问题与反思

2.The really significant aesthetic phenomenon during the 1990s was the controversy and reflection on Chinesepractical aesthetics.20世纪90年代的中国美学研究,真正具有学术史意义的美学现象是关于中国实践论美学的论争与反思。


1.Incongruity and Congruity of Practice and Post-Practice Aethetics实践论、后实践论美学的悖立与会同

2.The Development of Practical Aesthetics and Post-practical Aesthetics in Its Debates;实践美学与后实践美学在论争中发展

3.On Practical Aesthetics and Post-practical Aesthetics;实践美学与后实践美学论说之维——《实践美学与后实践美学在论争中发展》读后

4.Practice Aesthetics and its Reflection on Modernity;作为反思现代性的实践美学——驳“实践美学终结论”

5.Approach to Practical Existential Aesthetics;走向实践存在论美学——实践美学突破之途初探

6.The esthetic activity and the pursuit of ultra rationalism;论审美活动与超理性追求——兼评后实践美学对实践美学的超越

7.From Life Theory Aesthetics to Practical Aesthetics--Evolution of China s Outlook of Tragedy;从人生论美学到实践美学——中国悲剧观演变论

8.Learning by Doing Theory and Practice of Service Learning in the U.S.;从做中学:美国服务学习的理论与实践

9.Post-practical philosophy is a handmaid of subjective practical philosophy rather than an independent and profound aesthetic theory.后期实践美学是主体性实践哲学之附庸 ,而非独立深入的美学理论。

10.Against the Subject-Object Division:From the Phenomenological Aesthetics to the Practical Existential Aesthetics;反对主客二分:从现象学美学到实践存在论美学

11.The Declaration of New Practical Aesthetics--Aremark on The Theory of New Practical Aesthetics by Prof. ZHANG Yu-neng;新实践美学的宣言——评张玉能教授的《新实践美学论》

12.The Aesthetic Discourse of Modernity: Critical Theory and Practical Aesthetics;现代性的美学话语:批判理论与实践美学

13.Confrontation or Dialogue: Analysis of the Argument about Ontology between Practical Aesthetics and Life Aesthetics;对抗?对话?——实践美学与生命美学本体论之争辨析

14.Theoretical and Practical Research for Teaching of Arts Repreciation of Junior High School;初中美术欣赏教学的理论与实践研究

15.Ontology of Emotion: A Dimension of Individual Existence in Aesthetics of Praxis;情本体——实践美学的个体生存论维度

16.Objection to “Practice Aesthetics Ends”;反驳实践美学终结论——与章辉先生商榷

17.The Significance of Performance and Practical Work in Drama Education;论英美戏剧教学中表演与实践的意义

18.The Guqin Esthetics" Heritage That Has Close Relation with Practice琴论中紧密联系演奏实践的美学遗产


Practical Existential Aesthetics实践存在论美学

1.OnPractical Existential Aesthetics from the Perspective of Natural Beauty;实践存在论美学:自然美视角

2.Zhu Li-yuan puts forward the idea of practical existential aesthetics.朱立元先生作为实践论美学的代表人物,提出了“实践存在论美学”的理论体系。

3.In brief,one of valuable attempts is to form practical existential aesthetics for giving im.我们认为,跳出主客二分的认识论思维方式,坚持美是生成的而不是现成的观点,以审美活动为美学研究的出发点,把审美活动作为一种基本的人生实践,把广义的美作为一种人生境界,从而走向实践存在论美学,可能是我们克服当前中国美学发展瓶颈的一个有益的尝试。

3)practice ontology aesthetics实践存在论美学

4)the statement that the practice aesthetics ends实践美学终结论

5)practical ontological aesthetics实践本体论美学

1.In the early days, thepractical ontological aesthetics expressed the pursuit of harmonious coexistence of man and nature, and deeply realized the ecological crisis.实践本体论美学早就表达了人与自然发展和谐统一的追求,强烈意识到人类所面临的自然生态危机,但是它认为解决生态问题只需要通过审美建立"新感性",来"补充和纠正"实践的"规律性服从于目的性"的偏颇,而这对于仅从流行的实践观念寻求美与审美的本质和根源的实践本体论美学来说,是根本不可能的,因为生态危机的根源正是这种片面高扬主体性的实践。

6)practical aesthetics实践美学

1.On Practical Aesthetics and Post-practical Aesthetics;实践美学与后实践美学论说之维——《实践美学与后实践美学在论争中发展》读后

2.“Labor Created Beauty” or “Labor Produced Beauty”——An Analysis and tracking of a core proposition of the school ofpractical aesthetics drawn from classical theory;“劳动创造了美”还是“劳动生产了美”——对一个源自经典的实践美学核心命题的辨析与追踪


