1500字范文 > 模范 model英语短句 例句大全

模范 model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-21 13:46:32


模范 model英语短句 例句大全



1.In new period,the communists should be studymodels;thought morality buildingmodels and innovationmodels.新时期共产党员,要做学习的模范,思想道德建设的模范,改革创新、艰苦奋斗的模范,联系群众、维护团结的模范,遵纪守法、廉洁奉公的模范。


1."Seventeen Symbols left!"还有十七位模范!

2.This congress is a model of unity, of self-criticism and of inner-Party democracy.这次大会是团结的模范,是自我批评的模范,又是党内民主的模范。

3.You"re an ideal family.你们真是个模范家庭。

4.She has been held up as a model worker.她被推举为模范工作者。

5."And there"s ONE Symbol left, you bet!""一位模范原来在这里!"

6.Should this not be regarded as a model for the whole country?这还不算全国的模范吗?

7.He"s a model worker.他是一位劳动模范。

8."But the Symbols are here, you bet!""各位模范全都到齐!"

9.This student is a model of diligence.这学生是勤勉的模范。

10.They are a model couple.他们是一对模范夫妻。

11.His mother is a model of industry.他母亲是勤劳的模范。

12.a model pupil, husband, teacher, etc模范学生、 丈夫、 教师等

13.Model Company in Earthquake Relief Work in Tangshan唐山抗震救灾模范连

14.Bethune Model Ward白求恩模范病室旧址

15.Don"t hold me up as a model husband.别把我推举为模范丈夫。

16.The Categories of Continuous Quantale and Double Quantale Module;连续Quantale与双Quantale模范畴

17.The Categories of Involutive Quantale and Quantale Module;对合Quantale与Quantale模范畴

18.An Equivalence between the Categoriesof G/H,R-graded Module and R~((H))-ModoleG/H-分次R-模范畴与R~(H)-模范畴的等价性



1.Geological characteristics ofMofancun Himalayan porphyry copper deposit in Yanyuan, Sichuan Province;四川盐源模范村喜马拉雅期斑岩铜矿床地质特征

3)model scope模型范围

1.Discussion onmodel scope for simulation research of strata displacement;岩层移动模拟研究中模型范围问题探讨

4)simulation range模拟范围

1.Study on influence ofsimulation range on dynamical character of hydraulic machine supporting structure;模拟范围对水电站机组支承结构动力特性的影响研究

5)category model范畴模型

1.To optimize multicondition selection and projection operations in a relational database, acategory model for relational databases was established based on the category theory and its characters were discussed.为了解决关系表的多重选择和投影运算的优化问题,运用范畴理论构建了关系数据库的范畴模型,并对其性质进行了讨论。

6)model function模范作用

1.By taking the construction of Chinese Communist Party Student Member as a key point,the pioneermodel function and better study habite were formed in the study ambience construction,all the students have been infected and brought up in the harmonious campus,and student member construction of Chinese Communist Party have been advanced.以学生党员队伍建设为抓手,在学风建设中充分发挥学生党员的先锋模范作用,在党员队伍中形成良好学习风气的同时,带动引导周围的同学形成良好的学习习惯,在学生中营造良好的学习氛围,建设和谐校园,促进学生党建工作。


模范1.制造器物的模型。 2.引申为规则,法度。 3.榜样,表率。 4.今多指先进人物。 5.效法。 6.描摹,描绘。 7.犹约束,制约。
