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蓝本 model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-20 01:48:38


蓝本 model英语短句 例句大全



1.The curriculum of "model"presents various knowledge with the unquestionable determinacy."蓝本"课程以无庸置疑的确定性呈现各种知识,人们设想通过这些确定的内容与相应的方法可以使学生按照固定的规格与方向发展。


1.The original version was lost last year.蓝本是去年丢失的。

2.The Adaptability Performance Analysis of DF_1 and BF_1 Beef Crossbred德本F_1蓝本F_1牛适应性分析研究

3.adopted as a temporary basis for further work.为以后的工作而暂时采用的蓝本。

4."You were entirely justified in saying that the poem had a model.“你说这首诗有蓝本也不冤枉。

5.New revelations on the original edition of Wan-Guo-Gong-Fa and the purposes of its translator,W.A.P.Martin;丁韪良《万国公法》翻译蓝本及意图新探

6.Another Textual Research on the Chief Source of “Liangpai”:On the Relations between Wu Dazhen s Guang Yanyibian and Ling Mengchu s “Liangpai”;《广艳异编》与“两拍”——“两拍”蓝本考之二

7.A Textual Research on the Chief Source of "Liangpai"--On the Relations between Pan Zhi-heng s Genshi and Ling Meng-chu s "Liangpai;《亘史》与“两拍”——“两拍”蓝本考之一

8.Class Action in Germany:curiosity or paragon?集团诉讼在德国:“异类”抑或“蓝本”?

9.Basic Technical Information:"蓝牙"基本技术概要:

10.Old World genus of annual to perennial herbs: woad.一个一年至多年生旧大陆草本属;菘蓝靛蓝。

11.which came to be known as @A Blue-backed [email protected] as a result of its blue cover.由于它蓝色的封皮,这本书被称为“蓝皮拼字书”。

12.The Value of Shuofu"s Edition of Luoyang Qielan Ji《说郛》本《洛阳伽蓝记》的版本价值

13.These two books differ in colour-one is red, one is blue.这两本书颜色不同,一本是红的,一本是蓝的。

14.Our store is the biggest dealer in cloisonne ware here.本店是此地最大的景泰蓝销售店。

15.No, it isn"t. The blue book is about geography.不,不是。那本蓝色的书是关于地理的。

16.And the turquoise necklace was to have been hers.而那蓝宝石的项链本该属于她。

17.The book was bound in blue leather.那本书是用蓝色的皮革装订的。

18.Is that blue book about engineering?那本蓝色的书是关于工程学的吗?


chief source蓝本

1.Anotherchief source of Ling Mangchu s “Liangpai” is Guang Yanyibian written by Wu Dazhen.吴大震的《广艳异编》是凌初“两拍”的另一重要蓝本。

2.Thechief source of Ling Meng-chu s "Liangpai" is Genshi written by Pan Zhi-heng.潘之恒的《亘史》是凌初白话小说集“两拍”的主要蓝本之一。

3)trypan blue曲利本蓝

1.Resonance Rayleigh scattering oftrypan blue protein system and its analytical application;曲利本蓝-蛋白质体系的共振瑞利散射及其分析应用

2.Resonance Rayleigh Scattering Spectra of Interaction of Netilmicin Sulfate and Etimicin Sulfate with Trypan Blue and Their Analytical Applications;曲利本蓝与硫酸奈替米星和硫酸依替米星相互作用的共振瑞利散射光谱及分析应用

3.In a weak acidic NaH_(2)PO_(4)-Na_(2)HPO_(4) buffer medium,cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide(CTAB) reacts with evans blue(EB) ortrypan blue(TB) to form an ion-association complex.在弱酸性NaH2PO4-Na2HPO4的缓冲介质中,十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)与依文思蓝(EB)、曲利本蓝(TB)染料反应,形成离子缔合物,溶液颜色褪色明显,最大褪色波长分别在610、602 nm,在此波长处,CTAB的浓度与褪色程度呈良好线性关系,由此建立测定十六烷基三甲基溴化铵的光度法。

4)F1 Crossbreds of Belgian Blue and Native cattle蓝本F1

5)course prototype课程蓝本

1.Developing onlinecourse prototypes is the first and also the most important stage in producing online courses with direct impact on the production process.网上课程蓝本制定是网上课程开发的首要步骤,直接影响着网上课程能否有效开发和顺利开展。

6)psychological archetype心理蓝本

1.Joyce himself is thepsychological archetype for his creation of the heroine Evelyn.将小说中的女主人公伊芙琳与作者乔伊斯进行对比分析,认为伊芙琳在很大程度上就是乔伊斯本人当时心理状态的体现,乔伊斯本人就是他创作伊芙琳时的心理蓝本。


曲利本蓝CAS:72-57-1分子式:C34H24N6Na4O14S4分子质量:960.83熔点:300℃中文名称:锥虫蓝;曲利本蓝;直接蓝3B英文名称:Trypan blue;2,7-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 3,3"-[[3,3"-dimethyl(1,1"-biphenyl)-4,4"-diyl]bis(azo)]bis(5-amino-4-hydroxy-, tetrasodium salt;amanil sky blue r;amidine blue 4b;azidinblau 3b;azidine blue 3b;azurro diretto 3b性状描述:蓝灰色粉状物,溶于水呈蓝色,微溶于溶纤纱,不溶于其他有机溶剂。遇浓硫酸为暗绿光蓝色,稀释后呈红光蓝色;遇浓硝酸呈棕光灰色溶液。其水溶液,遇10%硫酸为红色;遇氢氧化钠为红光紫色。生产方法:由3,3"-二甲基联苯胺用亚硝酸钠与盐酸重氮化后,在碱性介质中与H酸进行偶合,而后经盐析;过滤及干燥而得。 公斤/吨3,3"-二甲基联苯胺(100%) 100 H酸(100%) 345 亚硝酸钠(100%) 72 纯碱 380 盐酸(31%) 490 精盐 2700 元明粉 33用途:主要用于棉、麻、粘胶等纤维素纤维的染色,也可用于蚕丝、锦纶、粘/棉混仿纺的染色,还可用于纸张、皮革及生物染色。
