1500字范文 > 测度研究 measurement research英语短句 例句大全

测度研究 measurement research英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-28 00:28:20


测度研究 measurement research英语短句 例句大全

测度研究,measurement research

1)measurement research测度研究


1.The Study of Real Estate Bubble Formation Causes and the Measurement of Its Speculation Degree;房地产泡沫成因及其投机度测度研究

2.The Measurement of Local Administrative Monopoly Degree in China中国地区性行政垄断程度的测度研究

3.The Research of Prediction Model in Detecting Glucose Solutions Concentration;葡萄糖溶液浓度检测的预测模型研究

4.An Approach to Improve Accuracy of Intrusion Detection Evaluation;入侵检测系统检测精度评估方法研究

5.Image Measurement Research Based Multi-scale Edge Detection;基于多尺度边缘检测的图像测量研究

6.Heat pain threshold measurement:repeatability and sensitivity热痛阈测定可信度和灵敏度的研究

7.Print Chroma Checks Spectrophotometer Research and Realization;印品色度检测分光光度计的研究实现

8.Researches on Reliability and Validity of Rorschach Suicide Constellation(S-CON);罗夏测验自杀指数的信度和效度研究

9.Reliability & Validity Study of College Specialized English;大学专业英语的测试信度与效度研究

10.Research on Harmony Estimation and Modeling of Residential Community Building System住区建造系统和谐度测度与模型研究

11.Study on Prediction of Block Zoning and Block Size in Quarry Blasting采石场爆破块度分区及块度预测研究

12.Research on the Effect of High Humidity on the Measuring of Surface α Activity高湿度对表面α活度测量影响的研究

13.Research on Assessment Method for "Green Degree" of Mechanical and Electronic Products机电产品“绿色度”的测度方法研究

14.Study on Measure for Steam Cylinder Shim Block of Positional Tolerance and Wire Profile Tolerance汽缸垫片位置度与线轮廓度测量研究

15.Study of metric system of public R&D institutes performance evaluation;公共科研机构绩效评价测度体系研究

16.Study of Temperature Measurement System for Measurement of Large Size Gage Rod大尺寸量杆测量中温度测量系统的研究

17.Research on Accuracy Loss Tracing and Prediction Model of Measurement System;测量系统精度损失溯源与预测模型研究

18.Research of Measure Method and Measure System on Capacitive Humidity Sensor;电容式湿度传感器测试方法与测试系统研究


calculate ways case research测度方法研究

3)knowledge management measurement research知识管理测度研究

4)spectrophotometric study分光光度测定研究

5)measurement study测量研究

putermeasurement study of craniofacial about She Nationality in Jiangxi;江西省畲族人体头面部微机测量研究


1.Observation Study of the Fire Wind Phenomena and Numerical Value Simulation;火风现象的观测研究和数值模拟


