1500字范文 > 维护职工权益 Protect workers rights and interests英语短句 例句大全

维护职工权益 Protect workers rights and interests英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-21 04:08:08


维护职工权益 Protect workers rights and interests英语短句 例句大全

维护职工权益,Protect workers rights and interests

1)Protect workers rights and interests维护职工权益


1.Research on Tactics of Safeguarding Staff s Rights & Profits by Trade Union in New Period;新时期工会维护职工权益的对策研究

2.Consideration of Promoting Development of an Enterprise and SafeguardingRights and Interests of Workers, Concept of Mutual Benefit and Double Win促进企业发展、维护职工权益,互利双赢的维权观

3.Fulfil Fundamental Responsibility of the Trade Unions and Safeguard the Legal Rights and Interests of the Staff and Workers;履行工会基本职责 维护职工合法权益

4.Some Reflections on Enterprise Trade Union s Protecting Women Employees Rights and Benefits;企业工会维护女职工权益的几点思考

5.Earnestly Grasp the Work of "Checking up on the Wages that be Skimped and Withheld" and Safeguard the Workers and Staff Members Legitimate Rights and Interests;认真抓好“清欠”工作 维护职工合法权益

6.Carry out Trade Union Law of the PRC and Safeguard the Workers Legitimate Rights and Interests;贯彻执行《工会法》 维护职工合法权益

7.Strengthening Representative Assembly of School Staff and Uphold Their Legitimate Rights and Interests;加强教代会建设 维护教职工合法权益

8.Public Goods, Government Responsibility and Safeguard Peasant workers Rights and Interests;公共产品、政府职责与维护农民工权益

9.Problems and countermeasures for protection of legal rights of employees after reform of management system of state-owned enterprises;国有企业改制后职工合法权益的维护

10.On a Brief Discussion of Protecting the Workers Legitimate Rights and Interests that is a Basic Duty of the Chinese Trade Unions;浅析维护职工合法权益是工会的基本职责

11.The Maintenance of the Lawful Rights and Interests of the Wide Peasant Workers is the Duty-bound Responsibility of the Trade Union;维护农民工的合法权益是工会义不容辞的职责

12.on Safeguarding Teaching and Administrative Staffs Lawful Rights and Interests in the Trade Union of the University in a New Era;新时期高校工会维护教职工合法权益的探讨

13.It is the unshakable responsibility for the Trade Union to preserve the legal rights and interests of the staff and workers groups in difficulties according to law.;工会依法维护困难职工群体合法权益责无旁贷

14.The Strategic Countermeasures of Safeguarding Workers Employment Rights and Interestsafter China s WTO Entry;“入世”后工会维护职工就业权益的战略对策

15.The staff and workers of a company organize a trade union in accordance with the law to carry out union activities and protect the lawful rights and interests of the staff and workers.公司职工依法组织工会,开展工会活动,维护职工的合法权益。

16.To Protect the Rights of the Labors Pragmatically and All-Outly;求真务实尽心竭力维护好职工合法权益

17.Discussion on the Construction of the Harmonious Society and Maintenance of the Wide Employee s Lawful Rights and Interests;和谐社会建设与维护职工合法权益探讨

18.Fulfilling Duty for Reception of Letters and Calls of Complaints From People,Safeguarding Legal Rights and Interests of both Enterprise and Employees in Conformity with Legal Provisions;履行信访职责 依法维护企业及员工合法权益


protecting legitimate rights and interests of the staff and workers职工合法权益维护

3)employee rights protection职工权益保护

1.Theemployee rights protection in China is weak.本文的目的是从公司社会责任方面探讨加强职工权益保护的有效途径。

4)protect the peasant-worker rights and interests农民工权益维护

5)workers rights and interests职工权益

6)rights and interests of staff and workers职工权益

1.Therights and interests of staff and workers are in the scope of adjustments of the Labor Law, therefore, the Corporation Law is not to cover it too much; the aspect of the related parties and their transaction is to be readjusted in the Corporation Law and while stock buy-back has more advantages than disadvantages, the Corporation Law is not to inflict too much limitatio.职工权益属于《劳动法》的调整范围,《公司法》不应过多涉及;关联方及交易问题应由《公司法》予以调整;股票回购利大于弊,《公司法》不必加以限制。


