1500字范文 > 高中英语写作用上这些高级词汇 快速提分 作文得高分如虎添翼

高中英语写作用上这些高级词汇 快速提分 作文得高分如虎添翼

时间:2019-09-08 16:39:17


高中英语写作用上这些高级词汇 快速提分 作文得高分如虎添翼

我们的英语老师说,现在很多学生的作文通常是由众多Ilike ---, I don’t like ---, It’s interesting---, It’s boring--- 等类似的、单一的句子拼凑而成,缺少过渡词,文章不流畅,让作文审阅者倍感疲乏,学生的作文分数也大打折扣。











第一 first→to begin/start with ☆第三 third→last but not least

☆但是 but→however ☆选择 choice→alternative

☆课程 course→curriculum ☆影响 effect→influence

☆勤奋 hardworking→diligent ☆分发 hand out→distribute

☆替代 replace→substitute ☆应该 should→be supposed to

☆理解 understand→make sense of/figure out

☆使用 use→employ/make use of

☆第二 second→in addition/what"s more

☆总之 in a word→to sum up/in conclusion/in summary

☆机会 chance→opportunity ☆考虑 consider→take into account/consideration

☆充足 enough→adequate ☆最终 finally→eventually

☆帮助 help→assist ☆后果 result→consequence

☆拒绝 refuse→deny ☆缺点 shortcoming→drawback

☆可用 useful→available ☆艰难的 difficult→painstaking

☆求同存异 agree partly→agree with reserve/agree to disagree

☆种类繁多 all kinds of→a wide range of

☆反对 be against→object to

☆忙于 be busy in/with→be occupied in/with ☆几乎不 hardly→barely

☆重要 important→vital ☆不可能 impossible→out of the question

☆参加 join→participate ☆巨大 large→enormous

☆许多 many→a large quantity of ☆合适 proper→appropriate

☆小心谨慎 be careful→be cautious

☆渴望做 be eager to do→be dying to do/long to do

☆因为 because of→on account of

☆闻名 be famous for→have a reputation for

☆正在建设 being built→under construction

☆感到舒心 feel comfortable→feel at ease

☆美化学校 ☆故意 on purpose→deliberately/by design

☆成功做某事 succeed in doing sth.→make it

☆无法描述的美丽 too beautiful to describe→beauty beyond description

☆震区 the areas which are hit by the earthquake→the quake hit areas

☆一个表现好的孩子 a child who behaves in a proper way→a well behaved child

☆一个脾气坏的人 a man who easily loses his temper→an ill tempered man

☆节能的房子 a house which saves energy→an energy saving house

☆一位受到良好教育的妇女 a woman who has received good education→a welleducated woman

☆精心组织的活动 an activity that is organized well→a wellorganized activity

☆悲痛欲绝的母亲 the mother who is extremely upset→the heartbroken mother

☆一个爱好和平的人 a person who loves peace→a peaceloving Person

☆合作 team up→be cooperative

☆伤心 be sad→be cast down

☆感到着急 feel anxious→experience anxiety

☆在我看来 in my opinion→as far as I am concerned

☆置若罔闻 refuse to listen to→turn a deaf ear to

☆也;和 as well as→in addition to/apart from

☆厌烦 be bored with→be fed up with

☆发生 happen→occur/come about ☆提高 improve→promote

☆立即 immediately→in a flash

☆有趣 interesting→absorbing/striking/appealing

☆幸运 lucky→fortunate ☆有意义 meaningful→rewarding

☆明显 obvious→apparent ☆丰富 rich→abundant

☆与….不同 be different from→differ/vary from make our school beautiful→beautify our school ☆一件震惊世界的事情 an incident that shakes the world→a worldshaking incident

☆困难的difficult→challenging 有挑战性

☆至关重要的important →vital 至关重要的; essential 必不可少的; significant 有重要意义的; ☆美丽的beautiful→appealing动人的; attractive吸引人的; charming迷人的; fascinating 迷人的

☆参加join→take part in ☆ 使用use→make good use of ☆ 拜访visit→pay a visit to

☆very important 重要的→of great importance

☆very useful 有用的→of great use

☆very significant 至关重要的→of great significance

☆ very necessary 必要的→of great necessity

☆学习 learn →research研究;pick up偶然学到,顺便学到,轻松学到;master掌握

☆好老师a good teacher →a kind, patient and knowledgeable English teacher

☆当然地certainly→ obviously 明显地; undoubtedly 毫无疑问地; evidently显然地;

☆不开心的 sad→discouraged气馁的; depressed沮丧的; downhearted垂头丧气的;
