1500字范文 > 织物 Fabric英语短句 例句大全

织物 Fabric英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-18 19:04:07


织物 Fabric英语短句 例句大全



1.Modeling the regular pattern of crease recovery angle of fabrics;织物折皱回复规律与建模

2.Design and development of comfort woven fabric;舒适性机织物的设计开发

3.Testing technology progress of liquid transportability of fabrics;织物导湿性能测试技术进展


1.mignonette net机织网眼纱[织物]

2.yarn dyed cotton acrylic mixed upholstery fabric色织棉腈交织装饰织物

3.light weight fabric轻质织物,薄型织物

4.fabric shrinkage织物缩水率,织物收缩率

5.high pile fabric长毛绒织物,长绒头织物

6.corded velveteen灯芯绒[织物],条绒[织物]

7.elastic fabric of vegetable textile fibres植物纺织纤维弹力织物

8.lacquer coated fabric上漆织物,涂膜织物

9.fabric of typha fibre woven(excl. pile and chenille fabrics)机织真大麻织物(不包括绒头织物和绳绒织物)

10.woven fabric of horse hair (excl. pile and chenille fabrics)机织马毛织物(不包括绒头织物和绳绒织物)

11.fabric of dog hair, woven(excl. pile and chenille fabrics)机织狗毛织物(不包括绒头织物和绳绒织物)

12.fabric of otter hair, woven(excl. pile and chenille fabrics)机织水獭毛织物(不包括绒头织物和绳绒织物)

13.woven fabric of monkey hair (excl. pile and chenille fabrics)机织猴毛织物(不包括绒头织物和绳绒织物)

14.woven fabric of ramie (excl. pile and chenille fabrics)机织苎麻织物(不包括绒头织物和绳绒织物)

15.woven fabric of noil silk (excl. bolting cloth and pile and chenille fabrics)机织紬丝织物(不包括筛绢、绒头织物和绳绒织物)

16.A similar sturdy fabric made on a power loom.手工纺织呢纺织机织出的结实的织物

17.testing methods for bagging of woven and knitted fabrics机织织物及针织物包试验法

18.testing method for electrostatic propensity of woven and knitted fabrics机织织物及针织物的带电性能测定法



1.Influence of different detergents on the anti-bacterial result of thefabrics;不同洗涤剂对抗菌织物抗菌效果的影响

2.Experimental study on the capillary impregnation in plane of unidirectionalfabrics;液体在单向织物面内毛细浸润特性实验研究

3.Preparation of chitosans with different molecular weights and the anti-crease and anti-bacterial properties of thefabrics therefrom;不同分子质量壳聚糖的制备及其整理织物的抗折皱性和抗菌性


1.On Sound Insulation Property of Textile Electro-less Plating with Fe-Ni Alloy;化学镀铁镍合金织物的隔音性能的研究

2.Study on Flame Retardant and Antibacterial Properties of the Treated PET Textile;PET织物阻燃、抗菌后处理的机理及方法探讨

3.Development of far infrared polypropylene fiber andtextile;远红外丙纶纤维及织物的开发

4)woven fabric织物

1.A modeling approach to recovery properties ofwoven fabrics;织物折皱回复性能建模研究

2.Measure of Weaving Density for Woven Fabric based on Wavelets Transformation;基于小波变换的机织物经纬密度测量

3.Study on crease recovery properties ofwoven fabrics;织物折皱回复性能的研究


1.UV light protector emulsion fortextiles was prepared from triazine type UV light absorber and hindered amine type optical stabilizer.经此乳液整理后的棉织物紫外线防护效果达到AS/NZS4399标准的优秀级,日晒色牢度有一定的提高。

2.Application of Gas Chromatography /Mass Spectrometry Quantitative Identification for Prohibited Azo -Dyes on Textiles;织物上的染料 经Na2S2O4还原体系在中性缓冲基质处理后,可还原裂解为其最初合成时的胺类物质,通过 提取柱萃取、净化、浓缩,由气相色谱/质谱联用技术分析鉴定并对其作定量测定。

6)mixture fabric交织织物

1.This article provides an analysis of the advantageous performances of pure Richcel and Cotton-Richcelmixture fabrics through the introduction of tested data of their properties as thickness,deformation elasticity,fuzz and pill resistance,air permeability and moisture vapor transmission.介绍了纯丽赛织物和棉丽赛交织织物的厚度、褶皱弹性、起毛起球、透气性、透湿性等性能的测试数据,分析了丽赛织物的性能优势,认为其在内衣面料及床上用纺织品领域具有良好的发展前景。


