1500字范文 > 自然的自在性 The existence of nature in itself英语短句 例句大全

自然的自在性 The existence of nature in itself英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-29 19:01:46


自然的自在性 The existence of nature in itself英语短句 例句大全

自然的自在性,The existence of nature in itself

1)The existence of nature in itself自然的自在性

2)the preexistence of nature自然先在性

3)natural gender自然的性

4)nature itself自在自然

5)man"s natural existence人的自然存在

6)The Intrinsic Value of Nature自然的内在价值



2.Values of Nature: the Unification of External and Internal Values;自然的价值:外在价值和内在价值的统一

3.Studying the Rationality of the Natural Intrinsic Property from the Perspective of Axiology;从价值论的角度看自然内在价值的合理性

4.Natural Axiology:from Tool Value to Intrinsic Value从“工具价值”到“内在价值”:自然价值论进展

5.Here, the rich of value prep above of manpower resource.在这里,人力资源的价值高于自然资源。

6.On the Referent Value of Natural Calamity Materials to the Disaster Relief;论自然灾害资料在抗灾中的参考价值

7.An Exploration of the Service Value of the Presence of Natural Persons关于自然人存在服务价值问题的探讨

8.Natural Value is the generalization and abstract of nature materials" concrete value.自然价值是自然物具体价值的概括和抽象,是“自然物价值的一般”。

9.Intrinsic value(of money)(货币的)内在价值

10.Value Theory of Natural Resources and Its Application in the Environment Impact Assessment;自然资源价值论及其在环境影响评价中的应用

11.The Development of Value Theory: Naturalism Theory of Value;价值理论的新发展——自然主义价值观

12.Still, I rate at its full value the training we get in these walls.我仍然充分肯定在这墙内所受的训练的价值。

13.On Marxs Historical Inevitability and Inner Connection of Value;试论马克思的历史必然性与价值性的内在关联

14.The Extension of The Value and The Real Exaltation of The Value of nature;价值的泛化与自然价值的提升——对罗尔斯顿自然价值论的辨析

15.THEORETICAL THINKING ON THE VALUE OF NATURAL RESOURCES--The Absence of Natural Resources Values in the Theory on Labor Value;自然资源价值的理论思考——论劳动价值论中自然资源价值的缺失

16.Analysis of the Evolution of Natural Law--also Comments on Contemporary Value of Natural Law;自然法思想历史沿革的剖析——兼论自然法思想在当代的价值

17.(B) the diminution in value of those natural resources pending restoration;(2)这些自然资源恢复之前在价值上造成的损失;

18.On Cultivating Students Emotion, Attitude and the Opinion of Value in the Teaching of Science;情感态度价值观在自然科学教学中的培养


the preexistence of nature自然先在性

3)natural gender自然的性

4)nature itself自在自然

5)man"s natural existence人的自然存在

6)The Intrinsic Value of Nature自然的内在价值


存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)existentialist ethicscu陀012加yilun淞Ue存在主义伦理学(existeotialist ethics)见存在主丸
