1500字范文 > 游世 traveling the world英语短句 例句大全

游世 traveling the world英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-17 21:30:05


游世 traveling the world英语短句 例句大全

游世,traveling the world

1)traveling the world游世

1.He holds that the way of solving predicament of material desire and fate faced by individual life lies on the inner feelings oftraveling the world,constructing "perfect ethics world" and "perfect ethics country" which are in line with life existence.庄子始终热切地关注着现实当下的个体生命,他认为个体生命面对物欲与命运的双重困境,解决之道在于内心持有游世情怀,并在此基础上建构符合生命本性生存的"至德之世"和"建德之国"。


1.Round the world in Eighty Days.《环游世界八十天》

2.Tourist Experience in the Tourist World:A Study in the Perspective of Phenomenology;现象世界的旅游体验:旅游世界与生活世界

3.and I"ll be traveling a lot around the world.我会大量地周游世界。

4.I would like to take a trip around the world toward the end of this year.我想在今年底环游世界。

5.Drake sailed round the world.德雷克扬帆环游世界.

6.They"ve set off on a journey round the world.他们已经开始环游世界.

7.I have a dream of traveling around the world.我梦见我环游世界。

8.I was thinking about a trip round the world.我一直想环游世界。

9.I"m hoping to tour around the world.我正盼望环游世界。

10.He vainly hope to travel round the world on foot.他梦想步行周游世界。

11.The photographer roamed about, the world.那摄影家漫游世界。

12.I have traveled round the world by air.我曾经乘飞机环游世界。

13.The traveler roamed about the world.这位旅行家漫游世界。

14.Playful but Not Away--Playful Mind of the Artist In 1990 s;游而不离——浅析20世纪90年代艺术家的游世心态

15.I"d like to go on a world-wide cruise,我想坐一艘周游世界的游轮,

anisation mondiale du tourisme世界旅游组织(旅游组织)

17.They have travelled all over the world.他们已旅游过全世界。

18.someone who travels widely and often.经常作世界旅游的人。


EXPO visitors世博游客

3)game world游戏世界

1.To be concrete,at the beginning it was the discovery of mass media as a cultural world,then as a power world,then as a textual world,and finally agame world.具体来说,最初是对于大众传媒作为文化世界的发现;继而,是对于大众传媒作为权力世界的发现;然后,是对于大众传媒作为文本世界的发现;最后,是对于大众传媒作为游戏世界的发现,它意味着文化世界、权力世界、文本世界的消解,也意味着全新的传媒世界的即将莅临。

4)global tourism世界旅游

1.In the year ,theglobal tourism developed rapidly and was sustainably pushed by the advancement of international economy and the rapid growth of tourism in developing countries.,在世界经济持续增长和发展中国家旅游快速成长推动下,世界旅游继续保持了持续快速发展,国际旅游入境人数增长率预计达到6%,世界旅游总需求预计增长3。

2.In ,global tourism kept a sustainable development on the basis of rapid development in .,世界旅游在上年快速发展基础上保持了持续的增长,全球接待国际旅游者人数达到8。

5)Luyou"s Family History陆游家世

6)tourist world旅游世界

1.The author defines this environment astourist world and describes its structure further in the.它由一个个富有特色和专门意义的情境串联组合而成,这些情境则共同构成了一个有别于人们日常生活世界的另类行为环境:旅游世界。

2.This paper is devoted to conceptualize Tourist World to describe the phenomenon of tourism in the sense of pure theoretical base.用旅游世界来界定纷繁复杂的旅游现象,并认为旅游体验是这个世界最核心、同时也最具有衍生能力的成分。


